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  2. ¡Feliz Navidad, Feliz Hearth's Warming y Feliz Año Nuevo! En la temporada festiva en México comemos tamales y hacemos una bebida que se llama "champurrado", la cual se elabora con maíz, chocolate, piloncillo, canela y clavo (si alguien quiere la receta para prepararla con mucho gusto se las comparto ). ¡Me encanta prepararlo para mi familia y mis amigos! Incluso en estas fechas lo sigo preparando jeje, es que se antoja mucho con el frío.
  3. Story-wise I understand why the Twilight vs. Tirek fight was controversial (personally I absolutely loved it though and it is one of my favorite moments in the entire show), but on the technical aspect I just love how they pushed Flash animation to its limits with that fight. I rewatch it and I tell myself: "Woah, can't believe this is animated in Flash." Totally agree with this. I was also frustrated with this when I first watched because it felt like Discord's character development was just thrown through the window.
  4. lol! I have bpd too and I see so much of myself in her behavior. I’m not sure whether or not mine is genetic or from trauma since I was abandoned as a kid also, but also my dad seems to have the same issues as me but hasn’t been diagnosed so I’m not sure
  5. Today
  6. Bojo

    Jeric, from the bottom of my heart, I'm so sorry I never got to say goodbye and I'm so deeply sorry we didn't get to talk more after I left the forums; I always wanted to get to know you better since you always had such interesting points of view and conversations and you were also very, very kind and generous. I truly, truly hope your kids are doing well; they now have 2 angels looking over them. Thank you so much for being there when my best friend passed away and for the advice you gave me back then; I'll be sure to keep following it. I truly hope your family and friends are doing well, I pray for them and for you. Thank you for everything, I send you many hugs :hug_day:

  7. Aww, yeah I felt something similar since raccoons and possibly stoats(?) are illegal in Washington to own as pets, which I guess is understandable but still disappointing. As for alligators, have you heard how the baby ones sound? They're like little laser guns
  8. 517,711 I was hoping to see we had reached our goal after being away for 5 years... I want to believe it will happen one day!
  9. Flow, for the second time actually!
  10. Long before Gummy and maybe right about the start of Gen 3, I wanted a pet Aligator, because it was the closest thing I'd get to having my very own dinosaur. A few years later I was saddened by the news that my homestate had outlawed the possession of dangerous animals, quashing my gargantuan reptilian dreams.
  11. I made a blog post more or less talking about my goals for this year. Those being: - Get a new car (already did this actually after the blog post so there's one off the list) - Go to TrotCon, the pony convention down in Dayton - Meet some online friends I've been wanting to see IRL - Volunteer at local wildlife rehab facility (won't be possible until summer/fall due to my schedule currently)
  12. Hey friend! Good to see ya again! How's life? You certainly missed a lot here . . . But, since I was getting worried, I'm happy you're back!
  13. Sonic 3 spoilers


    The fact that we live in a timeline where Amy Rose can get a massive pop in the aftercredits is pretty sick


  14. @Illiad Easle Lnx1y was confused by the fact that Eironn didn’t knew what an island and sea were. She was taught about islands and seas when she was in primary school in the Overland. Of course Lnx1y didn’t want to be rude, so she explained to Eironn. "Well, an island is a piece of land surrounded by water. A sea is a large body of salt water." Lnx1y still looked at Eironn hoping that he now knows.
  15. I'm going to try bringing out my inner entrepreneur and run a (really small) business on my own ever since I got laid off a few weeks ago. It's with something that I enjoy doing anyways and I'm aiming for it to be sustainable. Definitely more pay than what I was doing before, honestly.
  16. Greetings, Prince of chaos and none sense! I noticed that you have accepted my friend request! Shall we celebrate our new friendship with a chocolate rain? :devious:

  17. "Thank you, Crypty! However, we kind of figured out that the answer was poison joke! Also, I will gladly accept this poison joke flower from you!" *As Shiny Silvermoon was about to touch the flower, something unexpected happened…* This :
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