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Princess Derpy

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Everything posted by Princess Derpy

  1. Known for having a little filly smelling her tail
  2. I'll just do a new one: Name: Berry Punch Species:Earth Gender: Female Rank:Newcomer Highlight Episode: The Crystal Empire Part 2 Why you think this is the best Pony: Well, i never really cared for her until i saw her along side with all of the crystal ponies, where she did NOT belong, but she is pretty adorable!
  3. OOPS!!! I'm so so so sorry antismurf9001 and SBB64!!! I just scrolled too fast and i apologize!!! i won't do it again ever!!!!! I pinkie pie promise!!!!!!
  4. That's awesome!!! Yeah, did you do this from scratch? It really is insanely accurate! If you did do it from scratch AMAZING JOB!!! if not, it's still really really awesome!
  5. They have a mini bubble bath set at walmart, too. I want it really badly!!!!! Like Really really really badly, i want all of the sets, i mean!!!!! But they forgot Rainbow Dash. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png
  6. Name:Vinyl Scratch/ DJ PON-3 Species: Unicorn Gender:Female Rank: Newcomer Highlight Episode: A Canterlot Wedding Part 2 Why She's the Best Pony: She is an insanely AWESOME dj pony!! Also, I LOVE the youtube video: Epic Wub Time: Musicians Of Ponyville
  7. Derpy Hooves, Fluttershy, Spike and Rainbow Dash team up to rescue Twi, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack from Discord, Trixie, and Chrysalis, who have also teamed up. But, when spike gets allured by Rarity it turns out to be Chrysalis, so derpy, Flutters, and Dashie have to save him, too. And after Spike is rescued, they continue their trek to save the others. But Chrysalis continues to use trickery on the others by disguising herself as a muffin vendor who sells poisonous muffins that have no effect on Derpy , a wonderbolt who attempts to trap and harm Rainbow Dash , and finally a zookeeper who "accidentally" traps Flutters in with hungry tigers, but they all escape with minor injuries. Then just when they were about to give up they found the cave that the others were trapped in, but realized that they would have to fight Discord and Trixie. Flutters and Dashie take on Discord and Derpy and Spike take on trixie. Discord gets taken out by Dashie's incredible speed and Flutters' stare down. Trixie is defeated because of Derpy's ability to confuse ponies easily and spike attempts to knock out Trixie, but fails so Dashie has to knock her out. They save Twi, Rarity, Pinkie, and AJ and when everything seems perfect, they get back to Ponyville, just to find it destroyed. Then the poison in the muffins kick in and Derpy passes out, Rainbow dash's wounds had gotten infected and she had become VERY light headed, and the sight of this had caused Flutters to faint. Then, the changelings swoop down from the sky and attack the others, and manage to knock out all of them except Twi. she uses a spell to return the others to normal health and they take down the changelings. Just then, Twi remembered that Celestia told her to guard ponyville from the attacks that the villians were planning. In a panic, she looked all around her to find not a single building still standing, when Twi and her friends get transported to Celestia's. And she tells Twi that she had failed And that her and her friends were banished to the moon. Then she realizes that Spike wasn't with her and that he was killed by changelings. Then, in a scream Twi wakes up from her nightmare, and realized that it didn't happen at all. But then shrieks when she finds out she murdered him and many others in ponyville during her nightmare and is then truly banished to the moon by Celestia. It's kinda just a rough draft, sorry I haven't come up with and dialogue yet.
  8. Known For being drunk and needing to go home during the episode: the Crystal Empire Part 2
  9. agreed. Scootaloo was creepy. She was like an acrobatic toddler pony with a dinosaur bike. I think a remember that show too well.
  10. Personally, I love Fluttershy and Derpy, but for this particular topic it would be, this pony right here: Wouldn't you agree everypony??????
  11. Maybe a taco, honestly I am obsessed with mexican food for some reason. That or a paintbrush or a colored pencil, i LOVE to draw and paint.
  12. Well, this "holiday" is supposed to be about being grateful for what you have, but now it revolves around food, so as long as your family knows you appreciate them, than yes this holiday is pretty overrated.
  13. The poster above me is know for being an AWESOME dj that wubs wubs!
  14. Pegasus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 3 of my favorites are pegasi: Fluttershy, Derpy Hooves, And RD. 2nd of all, The pegasi control the weather, flying is AT LEAST 20% COOLER THAN WALKING, And imagine living, walking, and sleeping on clouds!!!!!!!! Plus, weather is very intriguing to me.
  15. Is fluttershy as adorable as she seems? And Pinkie as CRAZY as she seems?
  16. 1.Fluttershy (She's SO adorable! What's not to love?) 2.Pinkie Pie (Hilarious and energetic) 3.Rainbow Dash (SHE"S AWESOME and an amazing athlete) 4.Twilight Sparkle (She's smart AND voiced by tara strong) 5.Rarity (She's simply divine!) 6.AJ (Not too into the country/ cowboy/ cowgirl stuff)
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