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Everything posted by FancyPhoenix

  1. Oh dangit.. Yes, it is most definitely on, but I can't promise for how long XD My trip to Sweden few weeks back ate up a good portion of my "to spend" budget, but let's see how far this goes To be honest, I was kinda hoping Morager would pass on this one, simply because the guy seems to be made out of money XP I Jamza am bidding $55.
  2. Morager, you... I don't even know anymore XD It seems we're going on a bid-fight for this one I Jamza am bidding $40! It is so on!
  3. Well, whaddaya know ^^ Another painting! Yay! Even though it isn't pony-related, it does look beeeautiful! And it is by Detective Butler! So, I guess I'll be starting this off then. I Jamza am bidding $25,00 If I actually happen to win this auction, I should have the money on my Paypal account in a few days. When is the auction closing by the way?
  4. Holy wow! You're here! Really glad you finally decided to join the forums Well I guess there's not much else to it than WELCOME!!
  5. Exactly one year ago today, I started my journey into the magical land of Equestria and My Little Pony. I couldn't be happier of how things have turned out for me because of this. My life is significantly brighter, I have made a bunch of new friends, and last, but definitely not least, more or less because of MLP, I have found someone very special to love and cherish. Thank you My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! And happy Bronyversary to me!

    1. Plasmastorm X-15

      Plasmastorm X-15

      I wish i could say the same thing.

  6. Howowowoly buckadilly buck! I'm so NERVICITED!! I sure hope they're planning to start showing the episodes before 2014. I just can't wait! Not after this! EDIT: Also, what comes to Luna turning back into NMM, I don't see that happening. I'd bet that the scene from the video was of Twilight somehow "reliving" the memories of Celestia from the time Luna first turned evil. At least that what I hope...
  7. Was at an anime convention in Finland the past weekend and man was I disappointed... There was barely any pony-stuff there... Now, when I say "barely", I don't mean "not at all" (luckily ) Got these beauties from a vendor for 28€ He even gave me a slight discount 'cause of my Rainbow Dash t-shirt Unfortunately I was a bit late, and he was all out of Rarity's by the time I showed up. He said he sold the last one just a while ago (The wolf-Link was just awesome, so I had to get him too ) There was also a girl selling these stickers. At first I wasn't too excited, but they are kinda cute, even though they're drawn G1-style. (Now I can never again let my brother, who doesn't know about me being a brony, borrow my laptop -.-') This one wasn't exactly something I bought, but I'll just add it here for fun Me and my friend walked around wearing these (She had Fluttershy and I had this) She drew both this and her Fluttershy-sign.
  8. Well, that was fun ^^ Animecon X is over and I'm back home with a shitload of stuff that I'll never need + a completely ponified keychain :D Got more pony stuff on it than keys :P

  9. Animecon X in Kuopio, Finland. Meet me here if you're around ^^ (Brony-meetup tomorrow at 10!!)

  10. Well then, you should definitely try Doctor Who. I don't watch much sci-fi myself, but that series got me hooked, badly And my other recommendation, Game of Thrones, still stands for trying the fantasy-genre. Just be prepared for a lot of blood, gore and other mature stuff with that one. It's not TOO bad, though. Just enough to give you that "Ewww..." -feeling XD
  11. So I'll be TF2 trolling with Queen Chrysalis then, eh? Don't mind Chryssie, but considering I don't play TF2... Well, I have it, but I've played it only once and even then got kicked out of the server because I sucked too much -.-' If Chrysalis was at my place playing, then I wouldn't mind :3 We could always make up something else to do after she realizes how bad I really am at it XP
  12. You could try reading fanfiction if you're still up for more pony and not completely fed up with them for now I spend like 80% of my free time on fimfiction.net (okay, maybe that's a bit much, but still, they're good fun :3) To recommend a few, I'd say try "Project: Sunflower", "Memory Pending" or "Past Sins". If you want something to watch instead, what kind do you like? Anime? Sci-fi? Fantasy? Doctor Who is always good. So is Game of Thrones. It's really too wide of a spectrum to go recommending just anything Specify a bit what you're looking for?
  13. I don't think any of these terms would be unacceptable. Even if you ended up serving Blueblood of all the jerks in Equestria, I'm pretty sure you'd be allowed to meet other ponies. Besides, if Discord was reformable, I don't think Blueblood would be too much of a problem to befriend. you could help him change his attitude, who knows how cool he really is under all that posh? And why exactly would living without meeting the mane 6 be unacceptable? They're not the only ponies in Equestria. I'm sure I could make just as good friends in Las Pegasus (or Los, whatevs) As for any of the options that included serving Equestria or the ponies who live there, why not? I'd love to work with Fluttershy or even Pinkie The only thing that always rubs me the wrong way about going to Equestria is the question "Wll I be able to come back to Earth or at least visit?" I don't think I could leave my friends and family behind, even if it was to live in a place like Equestria.
  14. Prepare yourselves Swedish bronies! Jamza is coming for a visit!

  15. Is it weird to wish happy 4th of July for everyone in America, even though I'm not from there myself? Well, whatevs. Happy fourth everypony!

  16. I'm not going to lie, I think the guy who was arrested was a bit of an idiot, first for stopping to film the situation in the first place (COME ON! They're police! Why would you need to film that kind of a thing?), but also for having his dog with him, and last but not least for not shutting the windows of the car. Don't get me wrong, I do feel bad for the dog, and I think there would've been numerous ways to avoid this situation. BUT the dog WAS attacking the police officer. Yes, it was in defense of its master, but that doesn't change the fact that it was posing a threat to the police. Just think about it. A big dog like that suddenly jumps at you looking like it's going to bite, you have a weapon at hand, would you not use it? I don't like animal cruelty any more than the next person, but I don't think this is a case of that. The officer did what he had to, and also most likely what he is told to do in such a situation. I feel bad for the dog, and I think the officer could have handled this differently, but I seriously think the owner is at the biggest fault here. EDIT: Yes, the dog did seem to act curious, but notice how the shooting only happens after the dog jumps at the officer's hand? That was an attack, no question about it. This here I can agree with. There would have been many ways to diffuse the situation without the use of deadly force, but we need to remember that the police are only human too. And humans make mistakes. I have no doubt that the situation at hand was a stressful one and the officer simply made a human error under stress.
  17. My local general store sells pony-merch o.0 And yes, where I live it is as weird as this makes it sound...

  18. Oh.. Bu.. I did use the search and nothing showed up D: I guess I just did something wrong then... *ashamed* Well, can't always win I guess Thanks anyway ^^
  19. Just had an embarrassing moment that got me thinking. I was watching the season 3 finale "Magical Mystery Cure" and after a while I noticed my eyes tearing up. Like really bad. I just started crying and couldn't stop. About five minutes before the end my brother walks in and sees me watching MLP. He also sees me bawling my eyes out -.-' He asked me what's so sad, to which I answered "Nothing" and he laughed at me for crying over ponies. I seriously don't know why that episode makes me cry, but it's happened before too! Then I started thinking, and remembered that it's really not the first time an episode makes me cry. The same happens at the end of season 1 episode 2 when Twilight realizes the elements of harmony. Also the ending of season 2 opener and finale both make me cry. Every. Single. Time. Do you have similar experiences? Over which episodes? Or am I just weird..? EDIT: Also, now I have a headache... Dammit...
  20. until
    It's the Midsummer Celebration! Perfect time to hold the Summer Sun Celebration. At least I will
  21. Happy Summer Sun Celebration everypony!!! Today we party until the sunrise! :D

  22. Yeah, so I have this friend who isn't a brony, but who doesn't really care about me being one (which is a shocker considering pretty much all my non-brony friends give me constant hell about it) We've had a few conversations about the show and the fandom with him, and I've explained why I like the show so much, but he hadn't shown any interest in actually watching it. Today we were chatting about random stuff during a car-ride, and our topic eventually shifted from music in general to brony-music. He admitted that some of the songs I'd shown him weren't actually half bad. So I jokingly asked him if he would come over to my place later to watch an episode. His answer made me choke on my soda. He said "Not today". After getting some air in my lungs I asked if he would actually agree to come over some other day to watch MLP, and he said "Okay"(!) So, I of-course started immediately planning when that could be and most importantly WHICH OF THE 65 EPISODES TO SHOW HIM?? And so, I need suggestions. A bit about this friend of mine. He's 19 like me. He likes sports, music and video games (mostly sports and driving games though) He's not a big fan of cutesy-fluffy-magic-fantasy stuff like me, so the episode that hits home for him will most likely not be the same one as my favourite. He's pretty open minded though, and I think he knows what he's getting into XD so if you have any suggestions for me, I'd appreciate it a whole lot. I already thought of a few episodes that might be good for him. I was thinking either Sonic Rainboom or Wonderbolt Academy. Lesson Zero is of-course too on the list just because it's the one everyone tells to show first. Basically, I have ONE EPISODE to show him that MLP might be something he could enjoy. That one episode needs to be something to make him agree to watch more, and then more, and then some more Thanks in advance!
  23. Wikipedia claims (or at least did claim) that the DVD release date is sometime in August, so luckily we won't (hopefully) have to wait too long for it. Not gonna pay more than $1000 to go to US to watch a movie -.- Oh, and I also remember reading that it'll be on Hub sometime this fall. I'm sure there'll be a livestream ^.^
  24. 1.) How old are you? - I am currently 19 years old 2.) What is your level of educational attainment? - I've just graduated from what would most likely be comparable to the American high-school 3.) What groups or cultural identities other than Brony do you self-identify with? - I'm a fan of lots of things, including anime, Japanese culture, furries, the Dr. Who TV-series, etc. However, I don't identify myself as part of any of their fanbases in the same way as I consider myself a brony. 4.) What attracted you to MLP and brony culture? - I first heard of MLP and bronies through my schoolmates who openly hated on the show and the fandom. I too didn't think very highly of it, until I saw some pony-art a friend of mine posted online. That got me interested, and in a moment of extreme boredomness last summer, I decided to give it a go, at this point fully knowing that I'd get hooked the moment I'd lay my eyes on it 5.) Do you consider MLP-related activities to be your primary hobby? - Yes. I do have other hobbies too, like playing music and reading books, but MLP is the most time consuming hobby I have at the moment, so I guess you could say it's my "primary" hobby. 6.) What percentage of your leisure activities would you estimate are related to MLP? - Around 80% I'd say. Pretty much all free time I have is spent reading pony-fanfiction, writing it myself, listening to pony-music, browsing the pony-forums, etc. I spend some time with my friends doing other activities too, so it's not like I'm completely ponified... Yet 7.) What portion of your friends also consider themselves bronies? - I have six friends who I've actually met, who have watched the show. I'm not sure if all of them are into the fandom as much as I am, but they like the show and it was through MLP I actually made friends with them I also have a couple friends who I've only talked with through the internet who are bronies. 8.) If you have non-brony friends, are you ‘out’ as a brony to them? If so, has this affected your relationship with them in any way? - I used to be really closed up about my bronyism to my friends, but when one of them found out, it was like the start of a tidal wave. Now pretty much all my friends know I'm a brony, or at least I think they do. They don't give me too much hate about it, at least one of them is completely okay with it, he just doesn't want to get involved himself. I've always been a bit of an odd-ball in my group of friends, so nothing's really changed My parents and one of my siblings also know and are okay with it. I haven't told my other three siblings yet, but I'm sure they wouldn't give me too much hell about it either. 9.) Do you feel that bronies as a group are put upon or stigmatized on the internet? (Or society as a whole?) - Yes. I think the social standards we have about boys and girls are too strongly embedded for bronies to be 100% accepted, and I feel it shows in the media. So far I've yet to see a news-report or documentary, commercial or Youtube/other free media, that's not made by bronies, that doesn't make the innuendo that bronies are some kind of an odd group of socially awkward or disturbed people. I think lots of this bad reputation (not all, though) is because of bronies themselves. Unfortunately we bronies are the main reason we are looked down upon. Even though not all bronies are those strange, disturbed, or even straight out crazy people, there are those in every group, and somehow the reporters and interviewers always seem to find the odd ones out. Also, I don't know why, but bronies have a tendency to go crazy when interviewed about bronyism o.0 No dirty secret is left hidden when someone asks you questions... So yeah, there is definitely a stigma on bronies, but the again, we are a bit odd, aren't we?
  25. FancyPhoenix

    technology iOS 7

    I'm actually really looking forward to this Apple's been needing a big upgrade for a long time. I'm hoping this'll have something awesome in it. This and the new Mac Pro (which looked awesome btw, just dreading what the price-tag will look like) could be just the thing Apple needs to get back on track.
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