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Everything posted by AmarisNsane

  1. Here we have an adorable picture of Dashie as a young filly!
  2. Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I have been on a classic movie streak since last week or so. ♥
  3. Precious artwork of the mane 6 as fillies (and of course, tiny Spike)!
  4. So I've stumbled upon this and found it positively adorable. I thought I'd drop it in here!
  5. Precious artwork of AJ with her little sister.
  6. ^ Ahh, this is amazing! Love it! ^ Agreed! We must have more!
  7. Time for more art of not only best pony but best sister!
  8. This piece of art has made my life! Have some Rainbowdyne and Friskaloo! ♥
  9. Oh! Are we trying to get the post count up? YES! Let's do this then! To start off, here's a piece of Dashie art that I've found adorable!
  10. Alright, I'll admit to this! This song has been pretty stuck in my head as of late, especially as it's been played in some recent dreams that I've been having for whatever reason.
  11. Haha! I had to share this. Have to love this artist's work. Poor Dashie!
  12. ^ Oh, this is a toughie! Rarity actually has my favorite singing voice of the mane 6! I would have to go with Generosity and Rules of Rarity though! Though I do adore Art of the Dress as well. Ahh, I can't choose! Here's a Raricop instead. She looks nice in unform! ♥
  13. One of my personal favorite designs for (human) Dash!
  14. Well, I had a pretty big, drawn out discussion on the topic of D&D with my partner.
  15. ^ Haha! He's just feeling jealous because he can't pull off pink quite as well as Pinkie can! Pinkie delivering sweet, sweet justice!
  16. Pinkie is just too precious for this world!
  17. Hrm... perhaps because you love a mare in uniform?
  18. ^ Dashie is so adorable with her mane up!
  19. I've personally found this to be adorable and thought I'd share!
  20. @@Sparklefan1234, Ahhh! I positively adore the pictures and thanks so much for sharing them! They've all most certainly put a smile on my face! I'm sorry for being a tad late to the party so to speak. It's been growing more difficult to come around! Nothing goes unseen though, and I've been loving everything that you've posted! ♥ An adorble picture of a stargazing Twilight.
  21. As I had been watching Legend of Korra with someone for a bit, I immediately thought of this art to share! Here we have AJ dressed as Korra and Rarity dressed as Asami! ♥
  22. Wow, it's been becoming more difficult to come around lately! But here, have Dashie art!
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