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Everything posted by Pentakill

  1. I enjoy watching them. They have good animation and amazing storylines. My list of favorites are in order below. Castle In The Sky Spirited Away Kiki's Delivery Service Howl's Moving Castle Ponyo The Secret World Of Arrietty Pom Poko Grave Of The Fireflies The Cat Returns Whisper Of The Heart All of the studio Ghibli movies are amazing. This is just my opinion of what the top ten are. I still like the other ones. Thank you for taking the time to read my reply and I hope to read a lot of good replies myself in the future.
  2. Sorry it took so long. I couldn't get to a computer. Today's card is below along with my entry Gurren Lagann, Yu Gi Oh
  3. I am so sorry if this already exists. I just needed to know what your guys's opinions were. Wait a second. Is, is that right. Above, in the text it says your guys's. Spell check isn't saying it's wrong. Anyways I love love love love horror games. They are so fun. My favorite is The Grudge it is amazing. Actually wait, scratch that last statement I actually can't decide my favorite between The Grudge and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Both games are just so amazing. Below is my list of favorites. The Grudge/Amnesia (still can't decide) Penumbra: Overture Penumbra: Black Plague Erie Anna Lucius Condemned Slender Cry Of Fear Nosferatu I really like the quality of the animation and graphics in these games. They all deserve five star ratings and a boat load of players. I don't know, that's just my opinion. Anyways as you know (the people out of you who read my other posts when i said this) I am going to be a gamer on Youtube hopefully soon. So you will be able to watch me play all the games on that list and other good games like Happy Wheels, Minecraft, Ao Oni and others. I am Pnaramaturtle5 on Youtube, look forward to it. Anyways, thanks for yet again taking out of you time to read my posts and I will try my hardest to return the favor to each and every one of you. I will try at least. I mean that's a lot of people on these forums. WARNING: Kinda Scary, Watch At OWN RISK!
  4. Ok so here's how it works. You can easily find card creators for just about any card game out there online. You just search it on Google. So here's the way were going to do it. Everyday, the first time I sign on the forums I will post the name of a character from something, whether it be MLP or another show. Then I will post the name of a card game out of the ones I play myself (I play all of the card games on the bottom of my signature). Then it is up to you to create a card of that character on that card game. For the sake of the first round (no pun intended) I will choose sometheng easy. Oh and just for fun I too will make the cards. Feel free to get imaginative with the cards abilities too. Have fun. Pinkie Pie, Magic The Gathering And here is my entry for today's card. Thank you, whoever did for trying out my forums game. I hope I will see a whole lot of cool cards.
  5. Yeya! Mordecai is totally better than Rigby though. Pops and Benson both really annoy me. Benson is your classic i hate everyone boss character at a job setting and pops is just pops. Although Pops did do that pretty sick poetry rapping thing in that one episode. Check it out below. Man that was so embarassing of pops to walk up like that. he doesn't even know what's going on. Oh yeah and sorry I couldn't find a good video of the actual rap battle so I used this part of the show instead. If I ever find a good video of it I will post it and put it on my profile for you all to see. Until then thank you all for taking the time to read my reply and I will post more and read more replies and topic myself.
  6. I apologize if someone already did this, but I want to know what everypony's favorite pony music is. My personal favorite is and probably will always be The Living Tombstone. Check the music video below My second favorite for the time being is Flutter Rex. Listen below. The rest of the list after them in my top ten is below in order. Following them is my favorite song by them. Bronyfied(as seen above in the video with The Living Tombstone), Brony Metal Medley Vinyl Scratch, Skream Me Some More Jackleapp, One Trick Pony Wooden Toaster, Rainbow Factory Mic The Microphone, One Trick Pony Baloon Party, Stormwolf General Mumble, She's A Pony Octavia, Octavia's Overture Yes, yes i know that Jackleapp and Mic The Microphone both have the same song as their listing. It's because they did the song together and together it is their best piece. The Living Tombstone also makes a remix of it. Hmm, let's see. Already awesome song, remixed by The Living Tombstone. That's enough to get anypony's heart racing 20% faster. Anyways thanks for taking out of your very precious time to read my topic and hopefully reply to it. I hope to hear some good opinions from everypony, and again thank you.
  7. I play a lot of games. There are two that I'm hooked on at this time, Amnesia and The Grudge. They're just so addicting. Below you will see a spoiler. In that spoiler there are trailer or opening videos for both of these games. WARNING! This is important. Both of these games are Jump Scare Horror Games. If you are somepony who gets scared easily, DO NOT WATCH THESE VIDEOS!!! I can not express this enough. Enjoy.
  8. These are hilarious Sorry about the last Youtube video there. It didn't want to work. So those are funny. Also below there is a video that isn't real. I mean the video is real but the commercials aren't. I think someone said they were made as a final project for college by a guy so enjoy. Again I am sorry about the inconvenience of the video in the spoiler. I can assure you that it is well worth your time to take the links and check out the other two videos that didn't work. Thank you all for reading my reply and I will read many of yours in the future.
  9. my list is below. Amnesia The Grudge Minecraft Midnight Club GTA Vice City Skyrim Dungeons And Dragons Daggerdale A Kingdom For Keflings A World Of Keflings Uncharted 3 And that's it. I don't know if you would count Minecraft as an "open world game". I guess you would. Anyways below you can see a pic of Amnesia. Also as I said I am going to become a gamer like Pewdiepie, Tobuscus, Nova, and all the other really cool dudes out there. Later on check me out, I am Pnaramaturtle5. I am going to play a lot of Amnesia, The Grudge, and so many others so look forward to it. Now this character is the main thing trying to kill you in Amnesia. It goes by many names. For instance, Pewdiepie calls it The Bro. Whereas I call it The Captain. Thank you all for reading my reply to this topic. I hope to read a lot of good ones from you and I hope to make a lot more friends on this forums.
  10. I have played some freaky games man. I'm actually in the process of becoming a gamer on youtube. So check me out later. I'm Pnaramaturtle5. Anyways, back on topic. I would have to say the scariest game I have ever played is The Grudge. That is messed up dude. See a pic below. Thank you once again for taking out of your time to read my reply, and I hope to read some good replies other people have posted.
  11. I really like the God Of War series and the [Prototype] series but my favorite game of all time is Infamous 2. The first game left a lot to be desired but the second one is off the hook. We are talking amazing graphics, top notch story line (not notch the game designer)(anyone who doesn't know who i'm talking about should look him up), and a cool main character. You play as Cole, a delivery guy who got genetically altered. You now have electricity flowing through your body. You can shift and control the flow of energy and use the electricity to defeat foes, save people, live day to day, and hunt down the guy responsible. Also making choices in the game alters the storyline. For instance if you do good things you become a hero, but if you do bad things you become an enemy of society. Making these choices also affects your powers. When you're a good guy your powers are blue and more controlled. When you're a bad guy your powers are red and wild with power. Below I have supplied some screenshots of game play from Infamous 2. I hope you think it is cool as well.
  12. I watch a ton of anime and I have seen a great deal of amazing openings but i like this one That my friends was the opening for Deadmans Wonderland, of course you already knew that cause it says it at the top of the video. I like that one because it's heavy and sort of demands attention. This next one however, I like because of its simplicity. Sorry I had to put the full version on there instead of the actual opening. That's because the original opening, as anyone who has watched Elfen Lied knows is inappropriate and can not be posted here thank you. I like the one below because it is kinda cool how they did this. The fact that someone made an anime opening for MLP made me want to jump up and down. Then on top of that, they actually did a good job. I really like this opening. Now without further adieu I give you the opening of my favorite anime. The people who have read my other posts about this already know but here is the opening for Mushi Shi. That's all I got for this reply. Thanks for taking the time to read it. Oh and sorry that my computer was stupid and the last two spoilers aren't as convenient.
  13. I like a lot of stuff but Mushi Shi takes the cake. I also like Doctor Who and all of its spin offs like Toarchwood. I enjoy shows about racing and cars too such as Top Gear. There is just too many shows in my list to name them all so I'll stop there. If you look below you will see three "spoilers" in each there is a picture of the shows listed above.
  14. The best movie i've ever seen would have to be Castle In The Sky. It is just an amazing movie. Of course all of Hayao Miyazaki's films are amazing.
  15. There you go, those are my favorite album covers. I think they are pretty cool. I listen to all the artists shown in this reply and it is good music.
  16. My favorite anime shows as follows Mushi Shi Bleach Soul Eater D. Gray Man Witchblade And my favorite manga stories are as follows Bleach D. Gray Man Anima+ Soul Eater Naruto Thank you all for taking the time to read my lists of anime and manga.
  17. Well i'm working on my favorite book series in the world, Deltora Quest. This is my sixth time reading the series. It keeps going in a tri-part series. There are 8 Deltora Quest, 4 Deltora Dragons, and 4 Deltora Shadowlands.
  18. Pentakill


    I'm new here. I hope I can make a lot of friends. I heard this is a lot of fun, so I thought I would give it a try.
  19. YYYEEESSS! Mordecai and Rigby! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (does a spin). aw yea. Pops annoys me though. And Muscle Man is a bully. But over all the characters are really good.
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