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Ragland Tiger

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Everything posted by Ragland Tiger

  1. Better keep your distance or I'll play a li'l tune on mah Gee-tarr!
  2. Personally, I don't even use the term "Mary Sue"; it's nebulous. If I find a character bothersome, it's due to something specific. It's just better to be clear and specific than use vague, cutesy fan terms. However, the best definition I could figure out for Mary Sue is this: Mary Sue is a reader reaction to characters or events that are perceived to interfere with the willing suspension of disbelief. That's just my best guess, though.
  3. "Judgment at Nuremberg" (1961) Ernst Janning Confesses his Guilt to the Tribunal Janning: I wish to testify about the Feldenstein case because it was the most significant trial of the period. It is important not only for the tribunal to understand it, but for the whole German people. But in order to understand it, one must understand the period in which it happened. There was a fever over the land, a fever of disgrace, of indignity, of hunger. We had a democracy, yes, but it was torn by elements within. Above all there was fear, fear of today, fear of tomorrow, fear of our neighbors, and fear of ourselves. Only when you understand that can you understand what Hitler meant to us, because he said to us: "Lift your heads. Be proud to be German. There are devils among us, communists, liberals, Jews, gypsies. Once these devils will be destroyed your misery will be destroyed." It was the old, old story of the sacrificial lamb. What about those of us who knew better, we who knew the words were lies and worse than lies? Why did we sit silent? Why did we take part? Because we loved our country. What difference does it make if a few political extremists lose their rights? What difference does it make if a few racial minorities lose their rights? It is only a passing phase. It is only a stage we are going through. It will be discarded sooner or later. Hitler himself will be discarded -- sooner or later. The country is in danger. We will march out of the shadows! We will go forward. FORWARD is the great password. And history tells how well we succeeded, Your Honor. We succeeded beyond out wildest dreams. The very elements of hate and power about Hitler that mesmerized Germany, mesmerized the world. We found ourselves with sudden powerful allies. Things that had been denied to us as a democracy were open to us now. The world said, "Go ahead. Take it. Take it! Take Sudetenland! Take the Rhineland! Re-militarize it! Take all of Austria! Take it!" And then, one day we looked around and found that we were in an even more terrible danger. The ritual begun in this courtroom swept over the land like a raging, roaring disease. What was going to be a "passing phase" had become the way of life. Your Honor, I was content to sit silent during this trial. I was content to tend my roses. I was even content to let counsel try to save my name, until I realized that in order to save it, he would have to raise the specter again. You have seen him do it. He has done it, here, in this courtroom. He has suggested that the Third Reich worked for the benefit of people. He has suggested that we sterilized men for the welfare of the country. He has suggested that perhaps the old Jew did sleep with the 16 year old girl after all. Once more, it is being done -- for love of country. It is not easy to tell the truth. But if there is to be any salvation for Germany, we who know our guilt must admit it -- whatever the pain and humiliation. I had reached my verdict on the Feldenstein case before I ever came into the courtroom. I would have found him guilty, whatever the evidence. It was not a trial at all. It was a sacrificial ritual in which Feldenstein, the Jew, was the helpless victim. Hans Rolfe: Your Honor, I must interrupt. The defendant is not aware of what he's saying. He's not aware of the implications! Janning: I am aware. I am aware! My counsel would have you believe we were not aware of the concentration camps. Not aware. Where were we? Where were we when Hitler began shrieking his hate in Reichstag? Where were we when our neighbors were being dragged out in the middle of the night to Dachau?! Where were we when every village in Germany has a railroad terminal where cattle cars were filled with children being carried out to their extermination! Where were we when they cried out in the night to us. Deaf, dumb, blind!! Hans Rolfe: Your Honor, I must protest! Janning: My counsel says we were not aware of the extermination of the millions. He would give you the excuse: We were only aware of the extermination of the hundreds. Does that make us any the less guilty? Maybe we didn't know the details. But if we didn't know, it was because we didn't want to know. Emil Hahn: Traitor! Traitor! Judge Haywood: Order! Order! Order! Put that man [Hahn] back in his seat and keep him there. Janning: I am going to tell them the truth. I am going to tell them the truth if the whole world conspires against it. I am going to tell them the truth about their Ministry of Justice. Werner Lammpe, an old man who cries into his Bible now, an old man who profited by the property expropriation of every man he sent to a concentration camp. Friedrich Hofstetter, the "good German" who knew how to take orders, who sent men before him to be sterilized like so many digits. Emil Hahn, the decayed, corrupt bigot, obsessed by the evil within himself. And Ernst Janning, worse than any of them because he knew what they were, and he went along with them. Ernst Janning: Who made his life excrement, because he walked with them. --Abby Mann
  4. I'm mostly thinking of people who could do great cartoon voices. In no particular order: Carol Burnett Viki Lawrence Tim Conway Angela Lansbury David Spade Mel Brooks Penny Marshall Gary Marshall Ben Stien Lily Tomlin Frank Oz David Ogden Stiers Joann Worley Casey Kasem Joan Rivers People I wish were still around to do it: Dawes Butler Jim Backus Harvey Korman June Foray Mel Blanc Eleanor Audley Bea Benederet Don Knotts Sterling Holloway Paul Frees Stan Freberg I could go on, but it's getting way too long.
  5. 8/10 cool and soulful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVErpWLDQo
  6. Total Score: 95% Pitch discrimination: 92.8% Musical memory: 92.5% Contour discrimination: 95.2% Attention: 92.5% Musical/visual abstraction: 94.3% No surprises here, since I am a hobbyist musician, and I enjoy listening to and playing music. I'm not sure about what it says about my musical abilities.
  7. Overall, I think it was a good dub. The actresses did a good job at capturing the essence of the characters. My only complaint is that they cut lines and gags that I felt were part of the episode's charm.
  8. Don't worry, we're nice people here! Make yourself at home, and welcome!
  9. Art Rage has a very clean and easy to use interface (for me); it means I spend less time futsing with software and more time getting things done.
  10. I use Art Rage for tracing and coloring. Depending on what I'm doing, I use Photo Shop or Manga Studio for compositing. Otherwise, all my drawings start out as pencil on paper.
  11. I'm not sure about where this is supposed to go, but it was way too cool to not post here. "HOLEY SMOKES! This is just about the partiest thing I've ever seen!" - Andrew WK Edit: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are best headbangers!
  12. Fluffy Mixer writes: "I'm honestly not happy with this. The original idea was a short story that answers some of the common/popular questions. But the file grew so large it kept crashing and eventually I lost most of it. So then I basically restarted it, but in small files/pieces. That went fine up until the exporting problems. Losing a little framerate and saturation was seriously the best scenario there. Then came Youtube. I've uploaded this at least 20 times. I've honestly lost track. I've spent the last month just re-editing and re-uploading. Every time it would either not process or get warnings or something. So I had to keep taking things out. First I took out the music. Then some of the scenes. Small fillers, sounds, etc. After deleting over a minute, it finally uploaded. This disgusting smashed together montage using scenes from the semi-okay video that it once was. And I say "semi-okay" because I can only do so much by myself, with what little sounds I can find, or record with my crappy 360 headset, and not having a single friend or contact that can, or even wants to, voice act or help me. So combining everything, I honestly didn't want to upload this. But I somehow spent over two months on it and it would be kind of stupid for me to just delete all that spent time. And to pile on to all of that, this was supposed to be a reward for all of those who donate to me. So to rephrase my earlier statement, I'm beyond unhappy with this. I can only hope that I can make up for it later." Are you kidding? I <3 Fluffle Puff!
  13. One of my favorite anime mashed up with my favorite little baby-faced candy-colored equines. Does it get any better than this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hif15r-Boyo#
  14. Source: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-350313210 source: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-310259715 Source: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-Brushie-286825594
  15. Source: http://nimaru.deviantart.com/art/Fluttershy-and-Heavy-Mustaches-and-Eyebrows-326446348
  16. Here are some things that might help: http://www.thegeekprofessor.com/ponies/how-i-learned-to-draw-my-little-pony-art/ Otherwise known as Nimaru on Deviant art. Go and check out his comics. They're great! http://www.dragoart.com/tuts/8102/1/1/how-to-draw-my-little-pony,-friendship-is-magic-style.htm This website has tutorials for individual characters as well. http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/pony-drawing-guides.html A whole lotta links to other tutorials. http://mlpforums.com/topic/56189-pony-artist-resources/
  17. I was browsing EQD the other day when I came across a link to this. A lot of the commentators on this comic said that this should have been the ending of Spike At Your Service. I love comics that express the love and affection Twilight and Spike have for each other. I thought one of the sweetest scenes from the show was from Owl's Well That Ends Wel, just after Twilight rescues Spike from an angry dragon. But, much as I like this strip and similar ones that I have seen, it would not have worked as an ending to Spike At Your Service; it would have come across as heavy handed in the episode. What do you guys think?
  18. Ah, the memories! This was the very first PMV I saw when I first discovered My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic . This should have been an official promo for the show; It's that good! [if you want to disable annotations, click on the fifth icon from the lower right corner of the screen.]
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