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Everything posted by Yakamaru

  1. Need I remind you that staring at a cute puppy for more than 5 seconds is a crime? Jailed for staring at a cute puppy for 5.1 seconds.
  2. Ah yes, Apple. The company that hate the Norwegian consumer protection laws. I shit you not. Our laws protect companies from doing stupid shit, which Apple is notorious for. And they hate us for it. As for the products themselves: Yes, they suck. They are limited OS-wise, app-wise and spec-wise. And are way more costly. Where I have work practice we have nothing but problems with Apple products. Fuck Apple. Overpriced hardware for lack of specs.
  3. Quite frankly, I don't believe in either. You only live once. You've been given a unique gift: Life. Experience it to your fullest. I am far too busy enjoying life than I am worried about dying. I want to be young and carefree. Middleaged and somewhat rich. Old and having fun at other people's expense by pretending I have Alzheimers and/or are deaf.
  4. Ah yes, the sweet embrace of death. In a show for kids and their parents you don't really have to show it, though if done properly can teach valuable life lessons.
  5. I am not dissing Elite. I find the purchase pointless. It's kinda just Minecraft in space. A sandbox. And you get bored fast after a couple hours at most. Although flying around fucking people's day over in my Python is always fun.. <3
  6. No, I am not. It's a hobby, and a fun hobby at that. If you try to take away what I find fun I will take away your joy of living.
  7. Everything from Anime to TV series and movies, even store games. Some crap is REALLY hard to come by. There have been times where I've been scouring for months until finally stumbling over shit.
  8. Fanaticism in any way, shape or form is never ok. If you suffer from fanaticism, go seek professional help. Some people treat a fandom like it's some sort of religion. Whacky, I know. I'm a Furry too, and that shit's slowly getting infested with reality-denying lunatics. People are morons. Some can't seperate fiction(sometimes just delusions) from reality and end up mixing them. In an unhealthy and dangerous way, too.
  9. A lot of storage? Not really. Thinking about expanding, to be honest. A console is basically a butchered PC with limited, well, literally everything. In every way a PC is a better platform/system, even on a budget. As for Ryzen: Going to wait a year until the new AMD GPU's start kicking off. Going to make myself a real fucking AMD beast with Windows 7.
  10. ...Why would I be down in the dumps? Unless the dumps have some real interesting hardware there, you'll never see me there. Oh, are you talking about depression? Been there, didn't like it. Fuck that shit. It's too depressing.
  11. Ah, #PCMR. My favorite thing to say to trigger console peasants. Specs: NZXT Phantom Big Tower Black/Orange. Sabertooth 990FX Gaming. 16GB DDR RAM. AMD FX-8350 4GHz 8-core. Gigabyte AMD R9 390X 8GB Gaming. 550W PSU, Gold rating obviously. 1x Intel 250GB SSD for my OS 'n shit. 2x 2TB WD harddrive, Black Edition. 1x 3TB WD harddrive, Black Edition. 1x 4TB Seagate external HDD. 1x 2TB Seagate external HDD. 2x HP Compaq LA2405wg (primary and secondary) 1920x1200 on both. 1x Dell S2240L (tertiary) 1920x1080.
  12. Works for me.
  13. The same way I believe in fairy tales, fairy tales for grownups, leprechauns, unicorns, fairies, The Groke and Steve, actually. Steve is full of shit. For being a ghost he's got some truly fucking whacky ideas of "having a good time", eating Nutella out of a diaper in public being one of them. Although the idea of "taking a shit at the salad bar at San Marino's" sounds fun, there are way too many legal repercussions for that crap to even be viable.
  14. ...Take me to a tank museum and preferably drive/ride a tank and I'll be forever yours. Bonus points if it's a Leopard or Leopard 2. If it's a Tiger or a Tiger II.. Consider yourself already proposed to. Couch/bed dates are the best. Why go to some fancyass expensive as hell restaurant where the food barely work as an appetizer and you basically pay for expensive temporary cutlery when you instead can be at home, making whatever you want and however much you want? And can pick whatever movie/series you want? Cinemas are basically just expensive ways to listen to other people's kids interrupting the movie. They should introduce some sort of soundproof area for screaming kids(and sometimes interruptive adults) at cinemas. Would make it bearable at least.
  15. Being around people usually bore the everliving crap out of me. Actual conversations are rare. Just normal banter/crap you forget after 3-5 minutes. Being around people in general drains my energy. The more people the faster it drains. At some point I just gotta GTFO there. Normally I'm the most asocial git you'll ever come across. Let me warm up to you a little and I can talk about the dumbest pointless crap for hours. I have two sides: My asocial side because I have a strong dislike for people in general. Being around people drain my energy, especially in crowds. A general distrust of people, social anxiety and Asperger's is never a good mix. My bsocial side because I like talking with people, even if it's just making randomass dumb noises over Discord for hours. I very rarely use VC over Discord, so consider yourself a little honored if I go out of my comfort zone to speak with you directly. There are not many people I actually like and even less people I really like. If you are on either of these lists, consider yourself lucky.
  16. I am single. A girlfriend would be awesome to have, but I can live as easily on my own.
  17. ...Ideal date..? Crap. I'm a total romantic nut, but normal dates bore the everliving crap out of me. So, I guess you and me sitting/lying comfy on the couch snuggling, watching a Studio Ghibli movie or something. Or an Anime. Or an Anime movie. Or a series, like Babylon 5 or some shit. Zero costs, lots of private snuggly snug fun time, enjoy each others' company, but most of all, I get to stare at your cute face while you're close to me.
  18. Lifetime sub for Star Trek Online <-- Turned into a fucking Korean grinder. Fuck the $200 I spent on it Fallout 4 <-- Meh as fuck story. Not worth the $60 I spent on it. At all. At most worth $25-30 Alien Breed 2: Alien Assault <-- No. Just no Elite:Dangerous <-- Minecraft in space. Only play it when you are bored out of your skull and want a sandbox to play in. Shooting some dumb NPC's Universe at War: Earth Assault <-- Meh at best Stellar Impact <-- Decent and interesting concept and mechanics. Dead community though RAW - Realms of Ancient War <-- Magic game with no summoner classes. What the fuck? Boring as hell gameplay World of Warcraft and its expansions <-- Monthly sub + having to pay for expansions as well? Fuck no. I spent over $200 on this fucking game, including subs, whom my cousin and friends got me into. They quit after a month. Every. Fucking. Time. Marksman Hunter is still fun as hell though Counter-Strike: Global Offensive <-- "Cyka Blyat, Rush B". "Nidi nahui, American fuck". "Kurwa". "Autosniper noob" <-- Still best weapon. Eat SG 553 2.0, you trash! Planetary Annihilation <-- What a waste of money that could otherwise go to a couple plates with delicous DEAD ANIMALS. In hot sauce. And with salad.
  19. I wish I were professional at presenting my arguments. I wish I were professional at drawing. I wish I were professional at writing. I wish I were professional at multitasking.
  20. Soda = Generic definition of any sugar drinks, such as Pepsi, Fanta, etc. Pop = Slang for soda. Coke = WHYY??? Coke is a specific brand. it's called "Coke", which makes no sense. It's Coca-Cola Company, not Coca-Coke Company. Get your shit straight, America. If you call sodas for "Coke" you are the cause of a baby sloth dying. Fuck you. Now that I think about it.. Fuck sloths, too. From an evolution perspective, this retarded species shouldn't even be alive in the first place. They are so slow they sometimes think they THEMSELVES are a branch, grab themselves, and fall to their own death. If there is such a thing as a God, he's got a good sense of humor.
  21. Number 1 on the list over things I hate doing, by far, is waking up EARLY. Seriously. If you make me wake up early, fuck you. I'll fuck you over with a rake. That's on fire. Drenched in acid. Number 2 is cleaning. It's far behind number 1, but still one of the most hated things on the planet. I want a maid robot, like they have in To Heart 2. They are damn cute. <3
  22. Nothing. You're dead. End of story. There are no actual evidence in any way, shape or form about an afterlife of some sort. But you can always dream about it.
  23. I am lazy. I will work EFFICIENTLY, not hard. I hate wasting energy for minimal output. Hard word does not necessarily mean your energy is being put to good use. Working efficiently is not the same as working hard, as hard work does not always pay off, in some cases it's even counterproductive as hell. Working efficiently however, does pay off. Work smart. By working smart, you work efficiently. By working efficiently you get more shit done in less time.
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