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Everything posted by Yakamaru

  1. Ah yes, League. The game I've spent like 5,000-6,000 hours on. I'm currently in Gold V, but god do I fucking hate the community. Still. I'm on EUW, by the way.
  2. My current Avatar pretty much represents my reaction to a lot of stupid shit I come across in terms of what people write, and may even believe.
  3. Human species, not race. We are one species but have numerous races. Just sayin'. http://www.thefreedictionary.com/species http://www.thefreedictionary.com/race This is however, not a debate thread. It's a (potential) dating thread, for those who are Atheists/non-religious, without the issues a religion may impose upon you. For actual debates, hit the Debate Pit. I've been an Atheist ever since I was like, 6. I never understood the idea of worshiping a god that were never there let alone made his/her/its presence known to begin with. He/she/it either didn't gave a fuck, or didn't exist. I decided to go with both: Didn't give a shit because he/she/it didn't exist. I told my mom at around 12. She didn't really give a shit. Dad were supportive of it, telling me to find my own way. People were sad to see "family traditions" or some shit go with me. Quite frankly, I still have no idea of what "family traditions" they speak of, even after 20 years. At the age of 15 here in Norway you have confirmation. It's pretty much a coming of age thing, and it's 100% optional. For the past few decades you've had non-religious confirmation, and I decided to go with that, as I am not interested in having anything to do with religion, which is used to control the masses. On a scale of 0 to 10, where as 0 is totally religious and 10 is totally Atheist, I am a 9.9. It's logical to wanting evidence of there existing some supreme being out there, but it's illogical to throw out the potential of his/her/its existence on the basis that there's no evidence currently to support the claim. Going by what we know and have observed so far up over the years, there doesn't seem to exist any sort divine being. On-topic: I guess I am a little available now, in terms of online dating options? Not entirely sure yet.
  4. I can't say I care about the show. Quality looks decent, and so does the humor. But, eh. I can't be assed to watch it. Got too much shit to watch already.
  5. Bruh.. Need I say more? As for what I remember the most: The funny moments. The small inbetweens. Oh, and Michael Garibaldi, played by Jerry Doyle. And his shenanigans. Always fun to watch.
  6. Want mediocrity? Almost everything coming out from Hollywood for at the very least, the last decade, if not last two decades. Mediocre upon mediocre. A gold-wrapped turd is still a turd. Not all movies are at best mediocre. Some movies are genuinely a good watch. Brain dead movies that makes you want to just go and kill yourself in a movie studio with an RPG. While they are filming. With a note saying "Stop making shit movies". Star Wars Episode VII is one such mediocre-at-best movie. It was pretty much only Episode IV, just a re-brand with a woman and a black guy thrown in as MC's for those unique "non-stereotypes who are completely not stereotypical for their race and/or gender". ....And don't get me started on the garbage that is Twilight and/or 50 Shades..
  7. Hmm.. A god. Imagine the sheer amount of fun I could have!
  8. Playing a round of League of Legends after a year's hiatus. As Ezreal. My reaction times are nowhere near what they once were..
  9. Your cutiemark is an axolotl because you are farming them. Mom! My cutiemark is a gas cloud!
  10. Slightly annoyed. I fucking HATE waking up despite setting an alarm clock. There are days when I just don't want to go to work practice.
  11. There is in fact an easy way to find out: Say you are a Trump-supporter. Or against him. The sheer amount of political intolerance today coming from the Left is insane. With any luck you hit jackpot right away.
  12. This one is currently stuck in my head.
  13. No. Shoo, begone. I don't want you here. Haha, nah, just kidding with you, love. This thread is for those who are non-religious. You are more than welcome!
  14. 417,781. The murdering shall continue. P.S: Necro is not amused.
  15. Topic name says it all. Thread created for Atheists to meet, greet and mingle. Religious? I don't care, you're welcome, too. But this thread is mainly for Atheists, just keep that in mind. I'm not that interested myself, though I am considering finding a girl soon, seeing all the couples forming where ever I hang out.
  16. I masturbate until I die. I lie in bed a lot. I love sleeping, lying there like a lazy git. Or I just fire up up a bunch of series on my computer, waiting for the sickness to go away.
  17. Lawl. People on 4chan just want to be left alone to their shit. The only way you'd be able to get them to move would be through promises of Cheetos, soda, a good internet speed and the First Amendment. Seriously though. I'd turn the tribe into a powerful Democratic island nation over time. With free speech embedded at the core. A real powerhouse of a nation.
  18. Heh. Nah, I'd turn it into the most powerful shitposting island nation on the planet.
  19. What language do they speak? If they speak a language I know, then it could turn into a real fun adventure. .... I'd turn it into a cult. A fun cult. And further down the road, a religion. HATS OPTIONAL!
  20. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. For the nth time.
  21. I am a straight male.I do not find men attractive sexually nor romantically. I do however, appreciate men.
  22. Definitely Cola. Cola is the beverage of the gods!
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