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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by ~Rogue~

  1. "You can't have a nightmare if you never dream"

  2. Back in 2013 I was originally going to post my dream stuff here but I ended up posting it all in a blog. Now that I have been gone for a year or two, I should probably just post it here. I've horrible Nightmares and night terrors. I usually remember them because its a crappy reoccuring one where I'm running down the stairs and I can't get out of my front door. I get this feeling that someone is slowly walking up behind me, but I'm too scared to look. They keep pressing their hands against my shoulder and face and it really gets to me even after I wake up. For some reason something happens which has never before. This pony just opens the door I''m trying to get out of, then basically blows away the nightmare. You know like when you blow air into a cloud of smoke and it just fades away. The whole house sort of fades away and I'm just sitting in space. I wake up shortly after. I didn't WILD or anything because I wanted to write it down so badly. This pony was my hero, destroyer of nightmares. I've been trying to incorporate her into all my lucid dreams, sometimes it works, sometimes I just get too excited and wake up. The next dream with her I sort of had started off as a nightmare. I remember being in space and hurdling towards some red-ish molten planet, then orbiting it. I have a bit of astrophobia, so I get dreams where i can't change directions and stuff in space pretty often. Suddenly i'm in a room that's in the center of the planet. I wasn't sure how I realized it, but in dreams you know stuff for no reason. I'm sitting in the corner and there are about a dozen shadowy figures. Every time I'd think of them they'd turn and face me like they could read my mind. Suddenly, my dream pony bursts through the wall. There is no sound but everything goes zero gravity. She just pushes her hoof out and it makes a shock wave that just makes the shadows dissipate, which I think came from DIablo (PC Game) or something. She looked so heroic and brave. Last I remember I'm in a space station thing with a grassy field. Her first words are like gibberish, and I have no idea what she said. ' "You're dreaming, stay with it" I suddenly become Lucid and she smiles. I can't even describe it. I'm standing in front of this little orange pony that saves me from nightmares. I hug her tight and lift her off the ground. She felt sort of warm, proof my dreams are cheesy. Lasted about 15ish seconds before gravity became heavy and I dropped her. I have some questions, but I forgot most of them, so I just ask anything I could think of. I ask what she was, but when she was half way through answering I faded away and woke up. I tried to do WILD to get back into lucid dreaming but I was too excited. Mirrors are one of those things that just don't combo well with dreams. Pretty much every dream involving a mirror turned into a nightmare. All you need to remember is that its all a dream and that nothing can actually hurt you. I tend to think of some cartoon characters when I need to stray away from nightmares, they usually just appear and remind me that none of this is actually real. Triggering Lucid dreams is pretty inconsistent, but when you start doing it more, it becomes more common. Practice looking at your hands every so often in real life, and you may do it as a reflex in a dream. When you notice an oddity, you'll realize your lucidity. I eventually named her Haven, mostly because she was like a Safe Haven from my nightmares. I've used the username RogueHaven for awhile now, that's the reason why. I think mid-april I had another dream. I was sitting on a blue water lily pad, one with tables and chairs and an outdoor cafe. I become lucid and sort of 'call' Haven, being the cheesy man I am I sort of shout her name and lift my arm up into the air. She rises from the water and floats next to me, replying with a simple anti-climactic "Yes?" I ask "How long?" meaning how long I have in the dream "A minute" I ask her the few questions I can remember. "What are you" I ask "I think I'm a nightmare." Her voice sounds telekinetic, like shes not actually speaking, but I can hear her. I got a bit scared because I thought it would involuntarily turn into a nightmare, but nothing sort of happened. She just stared at me. "Aren't you just part of my mind, why aren't you like the other Nightmare?" I ask. She just smiles "I was a nightmare, I just want to protect you, squishy." I remember a clanging/static noise before I work up. I had a dream straight after, but it was unrelated. In November 2014 I had another. It started in the shower in one of the houses I had when I was 8. It had a huge window in the front with no curtains, so at night it terrified me. I do a reality check and look at my hands and notice 7 fingers. I regain my lucidity and Haven sort of appears in front of me, no flash or anything. "Hey, do you ever sleep?" "I slept a good while, but seeing you is always my dream. Dreams are unpredictable. Don't you worry, I would never let you hurt me" She was alot smaller in this dream, and she moved sort of like the Ghosts in Thir13en. A bit unsettling but not scary. Don't want to give an example, the actual scene is really gorey. She came closer and put her arms over my shoulders, like a hug. Then it suddenly ended I haven't had any other dreams of her since. I haven't really had any other dreams of her either. I'll most likely put some artwork of her in my profile if you want some. I can't do art like I used to before, so I haven't done stuff recently. Will most likely request stuff later though. Thanks to Lockerobster for the pencil sketches If you have any questions, go ahead and quote me or message me personally. I'll try to answer questions and give advice as best as I can.
  3. My Chrome is still screwing up the Forums, can't see notifications, can't find my content, etc.

  4. "You can't have a Nightmare if you never Dream"

  5. C-Can we read the Communist Manifesto together S-Starlight Glimmer-chan?

    1. Ice Fox

      Ice Fox

      Of course we can, since we are equal. >:P

  6. Hell is empty, and all the Devils are in my head...

  7. Great Grandpa just passed away at the amazing age of 106. Need some music to cheer me up so I don't act like crap at school.

    1. catnet


      I don't know if this is your type, but it's always helped someone very close to me to get through their darkest times, and I hope this may help you too- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d96kIUdtdh8

    2. ~Rogue~


      This made me smile, I love he piano. Thank you

    3. Ice Fox

      Ice Fox

      *hugs* At least he lived to a ripe old age.

  8. This is my review of Death Grips' newest album: "Jenny Death". These songs, and this review contains Explicit material, as well as my own opinion. Track 1: I Break Mirrors with my Face in the United States The first song, "I Break Mirrors with my face in the United States", is a really up-tempo and fast song, Which isn't very common in Death Grips' songs. A lot of songs have fast sections, but this song is fast all the way through which you don't see a lot of. its a real head-banger and 'Fuck You' songs that gives off a lot of attitude and really prepares you for the album Track 2: Inanimate Sensation Being a Death Grips fan, I listened to this song a lot before the release, since it came out on their Youtube channel, and hearing this song again gave me a sense of familiarity before the rest of the album. Knowing that two good songs in a row sort of made me assume the rest were gonna be good, showing the awesome placement of songs made by the band to build hype. The album version also added new parts added as well, so it mildly surprised me. For the song itself, its weird, but surprisingly grows on you. Its very unique, and has that amazing Death Grips sound Track 3: Turned Off This song starts off with a killer sounding guitar, which is also pretty rare for Death Grips, most of the time its used to be part of the blaring noise, but the solo here is really awesome. It then jumps ahead into a massive fast beat, which slightly slows down afterwards. These beats sound really awesome put together, and most bands would change the tempo to always match, which would sacrifice a good portion of the song, but Death Grips really experiment with changing the tempo, and the output is really awesome. This is the definition of experimental Track 4: Why a Bitch Gotta Lie This song starts off with your average Death Grips weirdness, but slowly transitions into a somewhat aggressive beat. The surround sound is pretty cool too, and people are comparing the robot voices to Daft Punk, which is sorta silly for a one-time song. The Guitar is pretty fucking cool. Nothing too great about it though but it is a solid, great song that deserves a good place in this album Track 5: Pss Pss This song made me laugh the first few times I heard, mostly because it pokes at other rap songs and has some funny lyrics. "Have a sad cum baby", "my shits been retarded since beginning of time", and "I piss on your face like i'm pss pss pss" are funny and memorable. The airhorn is unexpected, but still comical. The breakdown is pretty Psychedelic too. Track 6: The Powers That B "What The Fuck Happened" Being the main song titled after the two-part album, you know it has to be good. Nice solid chords, sounds, and vocals, and the drums are really cool here. This is basically the average death grips song done right in every single way. Although it lacks the little extra each other song introduced, its a nice change to see Death Grips do what they're famous for. Track 7: Beyond Alive Yet Another unique song with more instramentals then expected. Awesome guitar and drums that are actually audible. Awesome breakdown and outro. Track 8: Centuries of Damn The chords sound really awesome, and go well with the drums. It feels like you just got a ton off your chest when they both combine, and then you go zero gravity when Stefan comes in with his signature vocals. The lyrics are pretty deep too. Never thought Id hear an awesome song like this on a Death Grips album. Track 9: On GP Another one of the songs that came out boefore the album. If I could give an award to this song, I would. This song is my favorite on the whole album. The Guitar and Drums are just so amazing together, and just listening to this song over and over again makes it better, not worse. Then an organ comes in and just beings you to tears with these chords. I must of listened to this over and over a few times, just to get to the psychedelic part that is extremely unique. If this song was without vocals, I wouldn't think it was death grips, but I would still love it. The lyrics are pretty saddening too. 11/10 If I could Track 10: Death Grips 2.0 The song takes the sense of closure that On GP gives, and completely destroys it. If you thought you had questions going into Jenny Death, you now have even more questions. The reason "Death Grips 2.0" was included is so that things feel incomplete, and that if you were looking for closure, you're not finding it here. An odd ending for the final Death Grips album Is it? I guess we will have to wait... --- Thanks for reading my review! If you want me to give my opinions of a certain recent track or album, send me a message and I'll give it a consider! -Rogue
  9. This is pretty recent, only happening when I returned. How dare you! You expect me to switch to the dark side! Never!
  10. Using Windows 7 Ultimate, Chrome is Up to Date, and I only have AdBlock, Click to Call, and Avast!
  11. Anybody else listen to Jenny Death, or Death Grips in general? Sounds pretty bomb.

    1. Leavinh


      Jenny Death might actually be my favorite release of theirs.

    2. ~Rogue~


      Definatley, alot of people are saying its the best yet, and I can sorta agree with them.

  12. Oi, nice Stocking there. I too can't stop eating sweets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  13. Hey, posting for a few reasons. First off, most of my posts, comments, and status updates have an 'Action Failed' pop-up box whenever I use them. I use Google Chrome, and it has a few issues in terms of compatibility, so I wouldn't be suprised if it is on my end. Just wanted to confirm if it is me or not. I am also having issues with my notification box. I can't seem to refresh my notification area (i.e. Get rid of the number of new notifications.) which shouldn't be a big problem, but due to my weird number OCD I simply hate it. Any ways to fix it? This may be my browsers fault also, so I'm not really sure...
  14. Yo, Count me in! I can play Team Fortress 2 and Garry's Mods, I may be alittle late for the sooner though. I assume we are playing average TF2, but what games are we playing in GMod? Is there a Steam group I can join too?
  15. Hey, Wondering if you could do my Persona, Serenity the Griffon! Ignore the Eye-Shadow, and the eyes need to be a deeper shade of Blue, the Beak and Talons were meant to be more orange! Thanks, -Rogue
  16. Hey, Wondering if you could do my Persona, Serenity the Griffon! Ignore the Eye-Shadow, and the eyes need to be a deeper shade of Blue, the Beak and Talons were meant to be more orange! Thanks, -Rogue
  17. Hey, Wondering if you could do my Persona, Serenity the Griffon! Ignore the Eye-Shadow, and the eyes need to be a deeper shade of Blue, the Beak and Talons were meant to be more orange! Thanks, -Rogue
  18. Hey, Wondering if you could do my Persona, Serenity the Griffon! Ignore the Eye-Shadow, and the eyes need to be a deeper shade of Blue, the Beak and Talons were meant to be more orange! Thanks, -Rogue
  19. ~Rogue~

    Q.O.T.D #45

    "An eye for an eye and the world goes blind" -Mahatma Gandhi
  20. Had to deal with family issues, Back after 2 years of Truancy. Glad to make a new start!

  21. I've been gone for 2 years now. Been way to long, and after dealing with some family issues, I'm glad to be back!

  22. I've been gone for 2 years now. Been way to long, and after dealing with some family issues, I'm glad to be back!

  23. Glad to be back, was on a bit if a hiatus. Hopefully I can stay here longer.

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