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Tenor Clef

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Everything posted by Tenor Clef

  1. In this thread we post things we describe as "Bad News Bears". I'll start: Mexican food Showing off in a car Large sodas on long car trips
  2. I'm 6'1 and 170 pounds It's all that soda, man. Making me fat haha
  3. I read this. It made me "daww" so good
  4. What's the chick in the videos name? Does anypony know? Because I already called fox news and left a comment and I plan on calling both of them >
  5. I kinda feel like show discussion isn't the best place for your situation then lol
  6. it must be money because fluttershy is supposedly. Terrible flyer and she went to school with rainbow dash, right?
  7. I have one that says "don't dream it, be it". A reference to rocky horror picture show.
  8. I'm a filly and what is this
  9. It's probably a tie between Repo: The Genetic Opera and Sweeny Todd
  10. I'm just saying when I look at a pony thread and see gore it makes me want to explore the other parts of /b/. It just takes the pony mood away
  11. tru dat, /b/rother. It wasn't a negative thing, I was just noticing some of the same lingo
  12. It's a dark, dark place. The pony threads are cool until someone spams gore
  13. I'm going to one this Friday and don't know what to expect
  14. I kinda have this weird feeling that 4chan is amongst us with threads' titles containing "what do?" and "discuss." either that or mlp forums has many internets.
  15. I decided to cut out the middle man and just buy the toys without the happy meal. For 1.50 you get to choose what pony you get. No one even gave me any greif
  16. Love and toleration and a voicing of my opinion that everyone is entitled to have their own opinions and the opinions should be recognized as such and not taken too seriously. Yo dawg, I heard you like opinions. My Little Pony Friendship is METAL
  17. I always make sure to add ponies in all my assignments. One teacher got it but was all "My daughter watches this. Why?" so I told him >=(
  18. Where's fluffy? Crash and the boys Sex bob-omb Yours?
  19. American Ukrainian Polish Because American is a place haha
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