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Everything posted by FirestormCAN

  1. One Diploma of Computer Science to go! Only took six years to bake it.

  2. The skies are angry again... Vancouver's pegasai must having a very bad day.

  3. Fuck football. It's all a fucking farce.

  4. 'ey, look at that, we've actually got a Super Bowl this year.

  5. The Backyard Sports games were very near and dear to my heart back in the day. I'd play 'em every single day when I had the chance. But then Atari happened and it all went downhill. Now Hockey and Baseball 2005 were enjoyable and competent for the most part. But Football 2006 showed that they just didn't care anymore. It resembles Madden far too much, and it really doesn't add much to the series. And it's sad, 'cause it had some unique modes that could've worked had they taken the time to flesh it out. But nope, gotta release games every year, gotta do what the big guys do. It was the last game I ever played in the series before I moved on... and boy do I not regret that decision one bit. Baseball 2007 looked like a trainwreck, and so did the next few titles. Blugh.
  6. These guys ring a bell to anyone? Seriously, I love these guys, they made so many wonderful adventure games. Despite the fact that the years have caught up with them, they've got a certain charm that I just can't help but smile at. The Backyard Sports games were the ones I went back to the most, 'cause it was like I actually was playing a cartoon, rather than just watching them on TV. If you haven't experienced HE's greatness, the adventure and arcade games are on Steam now for cheap! Give 'em a go, and if you have any, bring your kids along for the ride too.
  7. I'm with the folks here who say Flash needs some character development before this ship can really sail. As much as I like the guy, he's just... there. Doesn't really contribute much to the plot of either movie. I hope this gets addressed in EQG 3, then I can accept the idea that these two should get together.
  8. *cough* Sonic *cough* In all seriousness, there are some changes I appreciate (letting anyone write to Celestia/the journal rather than just Twilight), some I was skeptical about but have come to enjoy (Twilicorn), and some I wish they could've done better (introducing Shining Armor and Cadence so hastily) Not once have I disliked an idea to the point that it hurts my experience. I'm open to seeing Hasbro and DHX try new ideas, provided it doesn't get too extreme. That being said, I'm still on the fence about Rainbow Power. Really, could they make their hair look anymore ridiculous? XP
  9. How'd these two not make the list? I mean come on, how can you not love these faces? Or these? Or these? Or heck, how could you go wrong with these? Shame on you people. XP
  10. Those of you trying to get all the Final Smash trophies in All-Star, you might want to watch out for this dick move:
  11. Eeeeeesh. I am dreading the day I take on Classic Mode at 9.0. I've just beaten it with Pac-Man at 7.5 after two tries, but man oh man it's only gonna get worse from there. I'm gonna need to find my most reliable fighter soon...
  12. So something I've noticed in the five days of playing the new Smash: it's got a huge fetish for sending people into the topmost killzone. You've got items like the beetle and the boss galaga that can drag you all the way up if you don't wiggle fast enough, and then Master Hands "processed cheese platforms" that are hard to avoid and can get you killed EVEN THOUGH YOU JUST KILLED THE BASTARD AND RELEASED THE GODDAMN SWARM LEAVING YOU WITH ONE STOCK--sorry, I really hate the fact that those don't disappear when a hand is taken out. I like a good camera KO myself, but I swear this game is obsessed with doing that.
  13. Let it be known that I hate stealth sections with a bloody passion. Damn you Forsaken Fortress!

  14. We do Wii U! Watch out Smashers and Kart Racers; I'll be going after you very soon...

  15. We got ourselves our Xmas Wii U ahead of the rush and got both Smash Bros games to boot. I've been giving the 3DS version a go and so far so good. I've gotten Falco and Ness so far and managed 2 out of 3 on Smash Run. I've reg'd both games on Club Nintendo and the soundtrack order's been placed. Now to wait over 3 months... sigh. My brother and I should be giving the Wii U version a go tonight once everything's charged.
  16. Whoever came up with Powerline networking is a god amongst engineers.

  17. SNES Rainbow Road is back? HOW COULD I NOT MISS THAT? It's given me a lot of hell in MK7, I can't wait to get knocked around even more in HD! Still, the new courses are looking mightyy fine. Can't wait for more on DLC pack 2.
  18. I am so STOKED to play Smash Bros, but what I'm waiting for outside the Wii U one is Nintendo's 3rd-person shooter Splatoon. It's a perfect idea! It's a light-hearted shooter kids should be playing instead of just jumping right into a bloody game like CoD or Battlefield. What's the choice gonna be, parents? A game rated E10+ (as worst) or M? Hmmmmm? Here's the latest trailer showing the single-player campaign:
  19. Well keep in mind that the 3DS and Wii U are completely different systems so of course, compromises had to be made in order to get it running on Nintendo's newest handheld. But that doesn't mean you should write off the 3DS version just because the Wii U version's got a lot more to offer. The 3DS can still hold its own when you can take it anywhere and enjoy the new game mechanics, even if you don't plan on getting the Wii U version. Still, I'm getting a copy for my 3DS as well as getting a Wii U for Smash this holiday.
  20. I'm hyperventilating over here, that Smash Bros. Direct was fantastic. Here it is for those who missed it: Stage builder? HELL YES. My brother and I liked Brawl's first attempt, but Wii U's taking steps further with that touch screen. Why can't the holidays come sooner?!
  21. *whistle* Talk about a HUGE improvement over the first movie. Just finished watching the Cinemaquestria TV stream, and I was very impressed with Rainbow Rocks. Story's a lot better, the Mane 6 are just as enjoyable to watch, the villains are fantastic, soundtrack was phenomenal and Sunset Shimmer... well, I'll just say she got a much-needed boost from this movie and she's now one of my favorites. If they went with the spinoff show or another movie, I wouldn't mind it at all. DHX and Hasbro definitely took a lot more care with this movie than the first one, and I'm happy to say that I'm looking forward to what they do with this IP in the future.
  22. Here's an example of how NOT to do voices in games: ...yeah. Voices work for some games, but aren't all that necessary. If you want to have spoken dialogue, that's fine. Just make sure you have a voice director who actually knows what they're doing with the talent at hand.
  23. I know people have a specific dislike for Peach and Daisy, but I don't have that much of a hatred of them. Namely 'cause of this series of fan comics that this fellow made a long while back. But there's one character from the Mario universe that drove me nuts the first time I played against him and still does to this day: motherflippin' Bouldergeist. Tentacoolio from Skyward Sword it my most hated boss out of all time, but this big douche takes a very close second. He was purposely designed to make my life miserable. Yeah, I know, once you get the pattern down he's pathetically easy, but I've had a lot of bad luck with those boos. He's ruined my runs half of the time. Rrrrrrr...
  24. You folks might want to be careful fighting in the Living Room... these blocks aren't for play.
  25. You know, I'd be very much on board for this idea, be it in the show, the books, or the comic. I mean, I loved the Cake Twins when they first arrived, and I get a warm feeling every time they're on screen. What's to say they can't have one for the royal couple? They'd be doing these two a favor, seeing as those two were just dropped on us in the Season 2 finale. Also, who wouldn't want to see Twilight become an aunt? And best of all, Hasbro could market this easily for the little ones. It's the best of both worlds, really.
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