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Dusk Dream

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Everything posted by Dusk Dream

  1. YES! I have waited for this thread!
  2. Whoa, Trixie in my bed? First of all, i'd be in a massive wave of shock and overjoy. I would probably just stand there for a moment. I'd probably slowly wake her up and ask her how she managed to get into the human world. Also, i would probably say i'm a big fan of her. After that , i don't think i'd live anymore, my heart wouldn't be able to take such an amazing event. I mean, or i'd just never go outside again. I'd just spend so much time with her and figure out how to get others to get into the human world aswell so she wouldn't feel lonely.
  3. An Egyptian Mau, i already have a cat, three dogs, a rabbit and a chincilla. I once encountered a Mau in a hotel in Egypt (a wild one). And it ended up playing with my hand and i ran to the doctor's cabinet because my hand became shredded paper. But i'm a cat-lover, and that thing screams out "wild" animal. I love it! I mean, look at it, it looks like a baby tiger!
  4. Man, i have to remind myself if you don't follow this thread everyday, it gets VERY awkward. Anyways, time for another GIF, don't feel offended by it.
  5. Let me introduce to you... THE HUMAN TRIXIE ARMY! (now in suits!)
  6. I'm still here, lurking in the shadows, because I will win.
  7. Woohoo, my PC managed to open this thread again! Oh, after reading a page, it seems it got off-track even more! YOU MAKE KATY PERRY GO "OMG"!
  8. I think it's purely on what console you start off buying first. Let's sum a little list up, shall we? -The first console i had was SNES, that thing was awesome. -Then i upgraded to a Gamecube (Luigi's mansion/Super Mario Sunshine = still best games, hands down.) -A PS2 came after that (GTA was amazing when i discovered it) -The Nintendo Wii (The motion tracking was REALLY bad for me though) -And finally, the XBOX360 Elite. Now, in some occasions i'd love a PS3 (The last of Us exclusive/no charges to online-play). But like, really, they both have their good and bad sides. It purely depends on what you get first. If you get an XBOX, most likely you'll diss the PS3, and the other way around too. The point is : Get one of them/both, you can never get everything in life, even in stupid console wars this rule kicks in. The Wii U? Don't get me wrong, but i found the Wii very annoying with the motion tracking, Smash Bros was fun though. But i'd rather stick with the Kinect (although you need ALOT of room for it). I purely got the XBOX because "MOST" of the time they get games released earlier on their system. Also the look of the XBOX360 Elite made we go "wow, that thing must pack horsepower", because Elites were friggin' massive, it was like two Wii's stacked onto eachother! XBOX got a slap in the face when "The Last of Us" was PS3 exclusive, just like "Halo" slapped PS3 in the face some years back. Just get a GameBoy Colours/Advanced, nobody going to fight over that.
  9. Wow, this is some scary stuff right there! Actually, it's slightly nightmare fuel... But nothing beats the MLP mod for SCP: Containment Breach. NOTHING!
  10. I suppose it's not fun always to get beaten by Twilight, i mean, that's obviously why she resorted to the Alicorn amulet. But even then Twilight used a dirty trick to beat poor Trixie. Sure, she was evil, but she was under the amulet's influence. Trixie is forced to live in Twilight's shadows, i can imagine she feels sad on the inside that she'll probably never get some sort of "wow, nice magic!" or something like that. Poor Trixie... But i'm still supporting her, i'm sure if she trains and studies she could grow as powerful as Twilight. Or even stronger...
  11. You know it's time to save up for a new laptop when this one can't run COD 2...

  12. The one who drew me died from a heartattack, he just couldn't take his own creation...
  13. Wow, a piece of art, for sure that's better! Would you rather live in a city, or a cabin in the Woods?
  14. Needs a Far cry cross-over, then i'll be a happy brony. It Always cool to see stuff like that. Do you prefer day or night?
  15. Why don't you check out my Trixieism thread? There's a little Trixie in all of us. Do you think you'd have what it takes?
  16. My typing hand died,but the Biggest "Trixieism" thread yet has been made! http://mlpforums.com/topic/69298-the-complete-trixieism-thread/

    1. Rockymoo


      I'm Senator Rockymoo and I approve this message.

    2. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      And now all your work was for nothing, I'm sorry. :x

    3. Dusk Dream

      Dusk Dream

      Perhaps not all is in vain, i'm trying to restart the "old thread". But i need the OP's permission to do so.

  17. Making a complete thread about Trixieism, and why you should join, and the possible future of it. I'll leave the thread link in my signature, for easy findings. Give me a few minutes, i'm going to show those non-followers.
  18. Alicorn Trixie is best Alicorn. Contains some slight bloodstains, nothing serious though. . I'll stop now, all the pictures are insanely huge, and i'm honestly too lazy to size 'em down. EDIT : I believe Luna's amulet was stolen or rather "borrowed permamently", also, her only true enemy is no more, a new age starts, the age of TRIXIE!
  19. Quick reminder to all Trixie followers, and still-to-join followers...
  20. Service well done, i didn't hear from this event yet. Now i can write another page in my book titled "Machines with a mind of their own". Now to be able to explain why it would do that...
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