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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. No, I don't know who that is but, if he lied on Twitter it's just as bad. The thing about Twitter is you don't need to respond to every Tweet and therefore don't need to lie to cover something up but, she does it anyway. If you're in an interview and are quickly put on the spot of responding, it's way different, though if something like that happened with him.
  2. Yeah, I think he'll probably end up marrying Twilight Sparkle which would be awful. Twilight's meant for Celestia not this random guy with no personality.
  3. Yeah but, she's not great. Also, in Putting Your Hoof Down she was mean to everypony and stuff but, she wasn't as sadistic and evil as she was when she was Flutterbitch and that was so hot.
  4. Also, Meghan McCarthy is kind of a liar. She lied about Alicorn Twilight and stuff and said that she didn't know what Equestria Girls was and stuff like that.
  5. Fluttershy. She was so badass and hot and stuff. I really liked her and wanted her to stay that way forever since she was way more interesting.
  6. I just said maybe could kill them. Even if she didn't she should still beat them up, though and maybe the CMC could kill her or something and the lesson would be not to kill bullies. It wouldn't be as big of a deal because it'd be her first (and only) appearance.
  7. But it'd be okay for that episode because they could make it a PSA about bullying and the network would agree that it's a good lesson and worth a little bit of cartoon violence.
  8. I've still never seen a good version of One Bad Apple or the character of Babs Seed, though. She should have stayed a bully and actually beat up the CMC and stuff and the CMC should have maybe even been killed off by her in that episode. None of this "it's okay for her to bully you because she's bullied too" crap, though.
  9. I didn't want a Season 4 at all after how awful Season 3 was to be honest. But now that we're getting it I don't want any episodes written by Megan McCarthy (even though I know there will be), any episodes with Discord (even though I know there will be), or any terrible episodes (even though I can assume there will be from the last two factors.)
  10. I love Pinkie Pie but, I'd still like to see her marry Dashie or Spike because it'd still be really hot. Besides I can just imagine I am the character she marries.
  11. "HEY YOU FUCKING SHIT HEAD, STOP FUCKING MAKING SHITTY FOOD AND MAKE GOOD FOOD!!! I mean if you want to, it's just an option." -Gordon Ramsay

    1. Lightning Bliss

      Lightning Bliss

      Oh deep breathes there filly *gives you a cupcake* *squee* :) lol

    2. Grumpy Enchantress
    3. Brony Time

      Brony Time

      HA hells kitchen fan

  12. ^The status above is a status that is above my status which is below but, the status above this one doesn't exist at the time of me writing this. What will it be?

  13. CMC? More like WPC as in Worst Pony Crusaders! XD

  14. Princess Tuna

    1. Fubz


      Princess Celestuna

    2. Brony Time

      Brony Time


  15. If I became Pinkie Pie, I'd stay her forever and have fun with all my new friends and throw parties for them and stuff. Also, I'd ask Rainbow Dash to marry me.
  16. My cutie mark is telling me to kill the children and drink their blood. ._.

  17. I haven't been here long enough to know (I only posted in one thread so far) but, I'd say it's at least good to have somewhere to go to get any arguments out since it's probably hard to prevent them entirely on a big forum like this. I dunno, though.
  18. If you were a pony cannibal, which pony would you eat? I have to go with Pinkie myself even though I love her, she looks so sweet and tasty.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grumpy Enchantress

      Grumpy Enchantress

      Pinkie Pie has pie right in her name, though. :P

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      I would eat both in a big tasty stew. :3

    4. Grumpy Enchantress
  19. Raise this barn, raise this barn 1-2-3-4 or some shit.

  20. The whole thing. From beginning to end, it was the worst movie I've ever seen in my life. The jokes were unfunny and cring-worthy, the plot was awful, the character designs were so ugly, and the whole concept was insulting to our intelligence and terrible.
  21. She also wrote the worst episode of all time, Spike at Your Service. Full of awful characterizations, unfunny jokes, an inconsistent premise, and the single most cliche plot ever.
  22. Didn't see this thread when I created mine so I'll just paste my opinion from there to here. Personally, I was surprised to see that Meghan McCarthy actually wrote my favorite and least favorite episodes in the whole show. The older things she did were great but the newer stuff (including Equestria Girls) has just been awful so even though it might be cheating I think I have to vote her as the best and worst.
  23. Me and Pinkie Pie just got married or something. :P

  24. But you made a thread about it. Why are you getting mad at me for expressing my own opinions on a topic you made a thread about?
  25. It's fine if you don't like it but, I personally do. I also kind of like Pinkie Pie and Spike, I can't decide if I like that or her with Rainbow more but, Spike has Rarity so I'll go with Pinkie and Rainbow. That's just my opinion, though; you're allowed to disagree.
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