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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. Wings for Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity and horns for Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.
  2. Personally, I don't think she is and think she's still really funny and awesome but, I her lots of people say she is so what do you think?
  3. PinkieXCheese is the only canon shipping and it was clearly implied in the episode that they love each other.
  4. They can still sell the toys and kids will know of them through reruns. Hasbro has actually tried this type of thing in the past when they killed Optimus Prime in the original Transformers animated movie from 1986 and they were actually planning on killing all of the main characters and replacing them with new ones in the next season. That was also Hasbro so I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of all of the Mane 6 and replaced them. They probably couldn't kill them so maybe they'd all become princesses and be too busy to do normal stuff. They can still sell the original toys, though but now they have 6 more they can sell a lot of in addition.
  5. How do you know he wouldn't? He's friends with Daniel Ingram and was going to do a recurring voice on that awful Star Wars Detours show. (Yes, Star Wars is a bigger franchise but this was just going to be a lame Seth Green show.)
  6. They were, every episode was great and the characters were portrayed perfectly. Season 3 ruined it and Season 4 is a little better but has a lot of damage to try and fix that they still haven't been able too. Don't get me started on Equestria Girls...
  7. I'd still watch the show but there's no way I'd ever associate as a Brony ever again.
  8. Shawn talked about this game on the Mega64 podcast and said not to get it.
  9. Doesn't it seem like the show is building to a new mane 6? In all of the key episodes they've taught other ponies about their elements. Do you think it's possible that they're all going to be replaced in Season 5? (Possibly because all the other Mane 6 are princesses and too busy for the elements and regular episodes of the show as implied with the background ponies in all the key episodes.) So far the replacements would be Cocoa Pommel, Spitfire, and Cheese Sandwich. If you do buy the theory, any thoughts on who the other 3 might be?
  10. Why don't people count find a pet? It was a duo but she sung a lot. Why's it have to be a solo?
  11. When did she say this? They were always portrayed pretty much like goddesses in the first season and it's a much better direction than the lame "everyone can be an alicorn" shit of the newer seasons. She even expressed disappointment in Cadence being an alicorn and Twilight becoming one. I don't see why a fanfic which obviously doesn't need to be canon to the show can't do something that was obviously implied from the beginning. They were always the two most powerful ponies who rule over everyone and are responsible for the sun and moon raising, how does this not sound like they're goddesses? Plus this:
  12. I knew this would happen. I wish I could say I told you so but, I don't remember if I posted it on this site or not. If any of you are on EqF though, I definitely told you so.
  13. I don't feel guilty about anything I want to see but, most would tell me I should be ashamed for wanted a Spike abuse episode. So, that.
  14. Absolutely not! I'm so fucking tired of him at this point and if he was in the last episode it would pretty much write off the whole show as overly-pandering uninteresting shit that they ruined in the third season. Putting Discord in it would be the absolute worst thing they could do in my opinion. I want him to just go away forever and just die or something. (And loved him in the first episode.)
  15. Here's Pinkie's duckface for anyone that missed it. http://derpicdn.net/img/view/2014/1/11/521251__safe_pinkie+pie_applejack_screencap_hub+logo_duckface_spoiler-colon-s04e09_selfie.png
  16. Don't worry, it should be on Derpibooru within the next 5 minutes or so.
  17. BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!! Pinkie Pie was so funny in this one, it was great!!!!! Anyone else notice her duckface when they were going down the waterfall?
  18. Pinkie Pie isn't fat because she's a cartoon character and can eat whatever she wants. Snips is obviously overweight, though.
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