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Grumpy Enchantress

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Everything posted by Grumpy Enchantress

  1. Yeah, Rarity was never generous at all in the past, like whatsoever. The only generous moments she's ever had since the very first episode have felt forced and out of character to how she usually acts. Here was the absolute most forced, though, she just sung a song bragging about how generous she is even though she really isn't whatsoever. Lazy characterization but, I guess it's slightly better than forgetting about her so called element completely.
  2. "Useless pony that just happens to have both wings and a horn but that makes absolutely no difference to anything in the entire show whatsoever and she just got her wings to sell toys". (Just going by the show so far, I loved the idea of Alicorn Twilight and wanted it to happen since the speculation started during the premiere of Season 3 but, it's been so underused and now it's pissing me off that they made a big deal about it and seemingly forgot about it. Hopefully the rest of this season makes it actually fucking mean something.)
  3. Oh man, I hope the show doesn't jump the shark even more than it already has.
  4. There's no way she's going to have ANY role that would be written, there's just no chance of that at all after The Last Roundup drama so the coolness of the writing staff doesn't matter. The most we can even hope for is a background gag which would be up to the animators or storyboard artists. She was in the background of Magical Mystery Cure so there's a chance we'll get something more like that but, there's just no way of another speaking role or her being referred to by name or anything.
  5. This is the worst idea ever and it might ruin FiM completely, in my opinion.
  6. No, they just have her inspiration. She got her own supplies.
  7. Yay, the site's back up! ^-^

  8. I hope she becomes as big as Celestia one day then they can get married and it won't look awkward.
  9. How is that offensive then? Having a big family isn't a negative thing.
  10. No, not really. She's liked animals and has had a great connection with them and could very easily understand them but, in this one she's talking about talking to them in their "language".
  11. How could them putting her hair the wrong way be Flash's fault? It isn't.
  12. Don't you remember what Spike said? Most ponies only have a little magic for the special talents or something like that. Her magic here is part of her special talent of clothing stuff and fashion and stuff. You know?
  13. There's been a lot of weird endings this season, I think it's building to something in the finale or something!
  14. Because she's a vampire and could kill them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0jQ0SgFLKU
  15. They don't live together so it's WAY different. Sweetie Belle and Rarity are related and they have the same coat color. Coincidence? I think not. The complementary color for purple is yellow, not purple again. Also, I don't like to cause date, just conversation. But was it a bad decision? But Spike is way more of a slave or pet, in my opinion.
  16. Yes. The Derpy thing really doesn't make any sense when they still have those fucking two.
  17. Pretty much the best episode ever. Why didn't this air in October for a Halloween episode or something, though?
  18. So is Fluttershy Eliza Thornberry now? Since when can she actually talk to animals?
  19. Thanks. I noticed they have a Pinkie on there too so I'll probably get that.
  20. Spike has always been really useless in the show before, though.
  21. You'd think they would be different colors to keep the scenes with them more interesting looking since they live together and stuff, right? I also think it accidentally implies they're related when they aren't since he isn't even the same species. What do you guys think?
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