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Sig Hoovestrong

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Everything posted by Sig Hoovestrong

  1. Here more contributions from myself to the Trixi Fan club.
  2. Nice one! And i just started myself vector in illustrator. Any adivce you could give if i would do shadeing in that program. Am quit new to the program. Of course might not even be doing this in illustrator for all i know. But still advice would be welcome. And again, neat pictures.
  3. 596 brohoofs on 635 posts, I feel loved.

  4. Well at this far it seems, like the problems is gone. I headent head problem with Avast blocking in while.
  5. Welll here new drawing. I just came up with her. And her name is Love Strok
  6. You know what guys, we should post pictures of what we di with fruits beside eating them. Like for me, as an exmple just bake some more apple muffiens. ^-^ Applejack picture by http://ambris.deviantart.com/
  7. Neat, it really have some attitude in it. Me likes. And aslo as @@SpaceOnion said looking at picture of show, is good way to go about learning more. And also looking on what some other artis have made also good source of knowledge. And also keeping few thing in mind while drawing like how tall a charecther is by counting how any head they are of the head they have. That old trick that many artis use to get perportions right. But for complex poses some time's just have to wing it. And go with what you feel it looks like.
  8. I would totely love land my voice for any projects, however don't know what i would be good at, soo am just going make some samples of my voice saying various lines of dialogue. And late people say what i might fit best as. And here something i might say if where canterlot guard. https://soundcloud.com/sig-hoovestrong/sig-hoves-voice-acting-demosample-001
  9. I live in little country town named Tidaholm mostly know for making match's. Here in sweden. Is nice place to live. And also there allot of people here named Ragers around here, that love's there old cars, and old amrican pop culter.
  10. Not sure, am the one here with second language begin english. So don't know all name of foods. We need either american or brit answer that question i feel.
  11. Never break up with anypony, so wouldent know that feeling, but head few sorrow in my life. And think one thing made me most sad, is when my brother died. He was real scum bag, but still where my brother, i never cry that much in a long time. What where your scariest moment in real life, not what seen in movies real in stores, but what you have exprinest in first hand?
  12. Thank you, and really hope some have good answer how to fix this issue, it's been bugging me for longest time now. Like how would one feel if buy like DVD and than can't play it. Well i can tell is frustrating
  13. Any one here know of good fix for my TSSTcorp CDDVDW SH-S223C ATA Device, (MY DvD player). It seem it don't want to start up my DVD's our any other cd's at all. Well some time do it, but is on randome. I heard there where some fult in production of it, with it's softwear. But that abut all i know. If any one could help with this issue. I would appreciate it. Cause would really like to be able watch my DVD's on my computer. (P.S not sure as thing like this is posted in right place, but if you mod's don't like it, you can just move it. To where ever you feel where fit's in this kind of question)
  14. By the way any other commonly known fruits i should add to list, that might have missed?
  15. Why is the orginal Unreal music so good?

  16. Just want to say, you bunch of awesome looking pone's! http://prntscr.com/59y0p0

  17. Am little bit hangry, what do?

  18. Indeed, myself for exmple have love for allot of other franchises. Here to name a few, warhammer 40k, fallout, warcraft and team fortress 2. But MLP is one feel strongest for, at this moment of my life.
  19. Seems there people want to pay, but for reasons can't cause they don't have credit cards. Are there any alternative way they could contribute? The thing comes to me mind is they can spread the new, for example people on twitter could retweet. And share this in any other social media site. Of course with discretion. We don't want overspam the internet.
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