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Everything posted by Philocleon

  1. Oh god, Fluttershy is so adorable there! She's thinking, "I didn't expect this kind of a shoot with Photo Finish." There is one thing I wonder about. In the SSCS6000 why is she blushing when RD rips her blanket off her in the opening?
  2. I think that quite a few people are reading a little too much into something so small. I mean, c'mon! It's just a cartoon!
  3. I think that what LD had was a winning at all costs attitude. Even Rainbow Dash, a pony who strives to be her best, knows that the ends don't justify the means. She saw what LD was doing and I think that's one of the reasons why she turned in her badge before LD got the boot.
  4. I like the job Nicole Oliver does as Princess Celestia. Her voice is gentle and soothing. The way she presides over Equestria is that of a benevolent ruler. She rules with a firm but gentle hoof, trusting enough in the ponies to look after each other and treat each other with love and respect but also intervenes personally only when the situation really calls for it. I think she's sort of like a mother figure for a lot of the ponies of Equestria and as such I think she kind of regards the ponies as like her own children. She truly loves and cares for them very deeply and is willing to do anything to protect them from harm and evil if necessary.
  5. That picture of Twilight is great! She's totally got that hot, sexy librarian thing going on for her.
  6. Man, that would've been handy about a week ago. I already got Dashie at full price. Now if they could slash city hall on half that'd be sweet.
  7. There is one thing I don't get. Why do some people refer to a pony butt as a plot? I'm just failing to grasp that.
  8. I believe Hoity Toity is also a fashion designer. At the end of Suited For Success he said he'd like to feature Rarity's dresses in his shop.
  9. I like Derpy. She's well meaning and a bit of a klutz and that is basically what makes her so cute. I mean we all have our moments where we try and do something and accidentally stumble for no particular reason, right?
  10. I think Rarity is quite the attractive pony. I think she can be sexy. I mean the way Tabitha St.Germain does her transatlantic accent is just absolutely fabulous, darling.
  11. To me Full Spectrum put it best. I think that what Luna does is take a good nap to recharge.
  12. Her special talent is kindness and her kindness is the kind that can absolutely melt your heart. I mean if you can't look at her without feeling a little something tugging on your heart then there is something really wrong.
  13. Rarity complainy? Ooohhh boy, this video totally shows her complaining. A totally classic Rarity moment. She literally gives them an earful. One of Tabitha St.Germain's finer moments. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l0BetkpviPY
  14. Fluttershy is totally adorable and sweet as heck. I'm telling you, if you watch too much of her you'll need a trip to the dentist for a root canal pronto.
  15. I got one cool glitch in my favor. Even though I no longer have any ponies there it!'s still producing bowling balls, a tier two item. Another glitch, at least for Ponyville is that Derpy appears without her cardboard box. She just stands still until you tap her. Odd, but she still rewards you nonetheless.
  16. Fluttershy is absolutely adorable. Andrea Libman does a fantastic job in portraying her. She just seems so timid and fragile that you just want to give her a big, comforting, reassuring hug to let her know everything is alright. And I think she would very much appreciate that.
  17. My GL I'd is Philocleon, same as here. Heck, that's my screen name for wherever I go around the internets. Like to keep things consistent, easy to remember. I'm also on Facebook.
  18. I think Rainbow Dash can come off as crabby. I mean she does have her moments. I mean she did show how crabby she can be in Dragonshy where she had to put up with Fluttershy's fear of dragons. I mean in that episode she was so terrified of them that her wings suffered from some sort of fear paralysis which resulted in her unable to fly. And AJ had to drag her a good way up the mountain. AJ demonstrated a lot of patience in doing so whereas I don't think RD would have that kind of patience.
  19. Hey y'all. I 'm Philocleon. I'm not a brony but I consider myself to be a casual observer. Of course I am willing to learn more and I figure this is a good spot. I heard the all spark forums are good but I 'm not big on transformers. Anyway, you're probably wondering how did I get into the show? Well I initially kind of found out about it on deviantart. When I heard there was a new MLP series I got intrigued. I basically started watching it on the hub sometime in the middle of the year, somewhere around April or so. I've also viewed a few observations on YouTube by people like Bronycurious and a few others who provided some fascinating insights. Anyway, I'm looking forward to my time here and hope to enjoy myself. And here's one thing I noticed which is a bit annoying. Do you really need a 100 character/word minimum to post? Because I find that to be a bit silly and ridiculous. Anyway, I look forward to meeting you all and I'll see you around the forums.
  20. Would it make any difference if the shops were producing the second item with three ponies? And is there anyone I can add who'd care to donate hearts and gems?
  21. Sounds like I got my work cut out for me. I mean Soarin costs 220 gems and town hall about 360 gems. And I don't get why Uncle Orange lives in Ponyville while Aunt Orange lives in Canterlot. Also, what else was on sale besides Emerald Gem (Sassaflash)?
  22. What I'd like to see out of Rarity is more of her giving of herself. To give materially, like making dresses is relatively easy whereas giving of yourself is much more difficult.
  23. Greetings everypony. I'm at level 70 and I'm looking for a good way to get magic shards. Any ideas? Also, I plan on battling changelings for gems, leaving the ones that you beat with magic shards for later, when I have a reliable source of magic shards. Is that a good idea?
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