Nice to meet'cha, Dusk Watch!
Hope you have a good time here on the forums.
You can private message me if you wanna talk or just need a bit of help.
And I like the animation too, we have that in common.
Being forced to fight hackers and exploiters and lagswitchers during online games.
Unfortunately, It completely ruins the game.. and hackers were rampant and in a lot of online games nowadays.
I don't really remember much funny stuff I've done,
But I remember alot of trolling on Counter Strike etc where you lock players into corners during Competitive matches which induces ALOT of rage lool.
Other people's anger makes me laugh.
Massive troll.
My favourite moment was when I finally completed Resident Evil 2.
It caused me so much grief when I was really young playing it on the PC.
It frightened me beyond belief and gave me nightmares to an extent haha
Luckily when I finally finished the game the nightmares ceased.
Welcome to the forums!
Hope ye' enjoy your stay here.
Rather nice introduction too.
If you need some assistance or wanna talk, you can shoot me a private message.