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Everything posted by Toastypk

  1. So who faces who first in every section if there's four per section? The first two and the second two? How will that work? I noticed you haven't done any graphics at the moment btw, are you intending wanting to do that? I've been itching to give it a shot. I've done graphics for board events before.
  2. Ok this is the second time I accidentally clicked to join a team, when I was browsing team captains and badges. Maybe there should be a confirmation message. It auto declined though.
  3. Well Pinkie did say herself in All Bottled Up that she's better at cheerleading.
  4. The first list on this thread is the characters you can trade first, for one of your standing characters. If you choose not to, the second list becomes an option.
  5. I didn't know he was in high demand. Well he fits there anyway! With Starswirl and Twi. Hmm... Ok so I looked at the lists, now you said the second drafting was cancelled, and that involves the farm list. So does that mean the farm list is void now? Cause I was looking at the lists to see who would be a real good match for Sunburst and Twinkleshine, something unicorn... and I realized: Stellar Flare is in there! She would be perfect,. and she's already related to the team captain. "Moooommm, why are you getting involved in my thing here?" "You have to make sure you succeed, so you need to follow these instructions. You can't win a contest without a solid strategy." So Stellar Flare in place of Crackle... ...unless the farm team list is invalid now. EDIT: I've been told the farm team availability is coming soon, so I will decline this one.
  6. If we do the all at once thing, I'll go ahead and take Stygian for Baltimare and exchange Crackle.
  7. I RPed once on another board years ago, but I had trepidation at first. I eventually got into it, but in general it seems like a big bar to cross, and one that sometimes makes me feel awkward or uncertain. I do like the events thing though. It's sort of like the difference between an online board RP and a video game RPG. In a video game RPG, everything is already laid out, the setting, the story, you take the actions and do the fights and things in it, there's some framework, I like that. Additionally, it's the coming up with a story thing that gets me... who is supposed to do it? The person whose RP it is? Anyone? I know it's freeform but I sometimes wonder about framework. (the RP I was in was a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon thing, I was a Swampert, but the plot happenings seemed to depend around the person whose RP it was, and eventually posts just stopped happening in that thread.) The other thing that's kept me from putting my hooves in the RP section is that I'm really not the most creative guy when it comes to pony OC making. All I have is the yellow pony that I decided to desgined myself as. No backstory, though I'd love to go the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon route and once have been a human, but I don't know how that would work well to get with the show. I have no pony name, it's just me. And I don't even give myself a cutie mark, this reflects my real-life general feeling of unfullfillment in my personal life, and more importantly, professional. I've always felt like a blank flank at heart. I even considred buying that shirt with that CMC cape logo on it. (if I had a mark though it would probably be voice acting one cause I love doing that) Oh, I almost forgot: the fear of feeling like I'm going to say or do something that's wrong or improper. It's bad enough I'm like that for real, but I guess with RPing too.
  8. I've been cast out... again. It's no use, is it? It doesn't matter what I do... no matter what lengths and dark powers I'm willing to stoop to, I must not be worthy enough for anything. Rejection once was bad enough, but happening twice makes me believe this is the lot in life I'm destined to shoulder. ...I guess it's apparent now, I really don't belong anywhere. Nonsense, Stygian. You cannot deem your worth based on who is selected for this... "contest", for all we know what it is. And It may not be apparent to you right away, but you do belong with us, contest or not. ...As a worthy ally and a friend. No contest can dictate that to you. [OPTIONAL: Fitting music track, FF4, Suspicion] More important, however, I can't help but have a dread feeling about this beast who has displaced you... I sense some quite sinister air about him, it has me feeling quite uneasy. You have forsaken the darkness, you would do well to stay away from them... lest it somehow ensnare you again.
  9. Ok I promise I'm not making a big deal out of this but this gif is perfect for this. (comic thing to come)
  10. Ok I just realized this is my 4th post in a row, but this made me laugh and it's cute.
  11. I sear, I don't know what team to join. I wanted to join Hollow Shades and try to get Tempest on the same team as Stygian, but with that rock as captain, I'm really not sure what to do Not to mention so many other favorites, I can't choose. I might join Hollow Shades anyway cause I'm so partial to that dude though.
  12. I just had a peculiar dream last night. I don't know the context, but of all ponies, Mistmane was in it. And we hugged at one point. This is strange to me because Mistmane is my least favorite of the Pillars, and not neccesarily because of anything with her. It's because the trading one's youth for becoming old thing is something that skeeves me out. Not to mention that the thought of getting old and oldness in gerneral is a giant OCD factor for me, which is why I had a little difficulty watching that one Garnies Gone Wild episode. Dreams don't typically have meanings, but it seems almost like this one does in some way.
  13. Dj just got one? Perfect gif to use
  14. There goes my idea of having Tempest on the team to have a team with two (three if you count the comics) reformed bad guys.
  15. You guys, you guys, what It's ok Styg, the rock won't get you
  16. It didn't even occur to me that the oyhers could be in there! In that case, I wonder if they'll throw in Stygian too...
  17. One of the episodes coming at some point involves Rockhoof trying to live in modern society. There is very likely going to be instances of him talking about life in the Mighty Helm. And what better time to bring a particular character from the comics into the show: Steela Oresdotter, captain of the Mighty Helm! She's really underrated, having only appeared in the comics, but she's tough and no nonsense badass. I would love to see her in a flashback scene. Has thate ever even happened? A comic character appearing in the show? I don't believe it has. Is there some legal issue with doing that? They have a real good opportunity to include her. I want to know her voice!
  18. That was real cute! Btw, if it hasn't been mentioned, apparently the Sweetie Belle side plot was inspired by a show crew accidentally writing Sugar Belle instead of Sweetie Belle in some fashion.
  19. Keep in mind there's episodes that aren't as good as anothers, and some I'm not going to be itching to be in a rush to see again, but I do like them all to at least some degree.
  20. That one did have some tension on the relationship of the three of them, and that was pretty deep and concerning, especially when you see how pissed they are at one another. But then that makes you wonder how it gets fixed.
  21. This is something I've wondered for some time. Through general osmosis on this board reading of threads, as well as the episode ratings, I glean people's attitudes toward episodes. Sometimes, some people don't like particular episodes and go into detail why things are OOC or don't make sense or why the episode was bad or didn't like how a character acted or performed or something, But to me, I've never really felt like I would give any episode less than a 3 out of 5. Nothing has ever really gotten below a "good" to me. For sure, there's weaker episodes and stronger episodes, and some episodes have issues, and there's legit criticisms that episodes have. But even those weaker episodes, I've enjoyed watching. Although I do draw various notions and observations from the episodes, I'm not one of those big analysing pony watcher types who gets way too into it. I love the character interactions, humor, cuteness, and many things, even if the episode isn't particularly wonderful. The one I would say I like the least would be What About Discord, cause it just seemed to not go much of anywhere and the entire episode being about trying to mimic that one night, but even that episode I didn't dislike. I feel like an episode would have to leave a bad taste in my mouth for it to be a 2 or less, but that doesn't seem to happen. I was wondering about this thread with Fake it till you make it, and I was going to start the thread when that aired and talk about why I wasn't bothered, when others were, but now that I saw Non Compete Clause, liked it, and then read that people REALLY hate this episode, I feel really peculiar and that really compelled me to have to start this thread. I mean, AJ and RD are two of my favorites of the mane 6, I had the plushes of the with me as I'm watching it, and the episode, while not neccesarily superb, I liked. I'm wondering if there's going to be an episode I really don't like or not. Is that bad? Is that good? Somebody make an episode where the mane 6 are staring at a wall for 30 minutes, that could be one I dislike.
  22. I just watched it, pretty fun. Love the students' interactions, and I love the relationship that AJ and RD have, that hasn't been touched on since the start of the show. Though when I look at the reviews, it's... pretty lopsided. o_O I mean, I like everyone's interactions, the teamworking happening on the side instead of direct, the seapony scene, and I adore AJ and RD a bunch. Though it seems people didn't like it. I guess I'm incapable of truely disliking any episode... unless you have one where the mane 6 are staring at a wall for 30 minutes I guess?
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