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Status Updates posted by Odyssey

  1. You guys are trying to get rid of Path's zombie disease. I'm gonna embrace it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @PathfinderCS No, not at all. :blink:

      How about the disease causes your mustache to grow in fuller. Better? :mlp_lie:

    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      ....I will accept that.

      All is fawngiven~

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @PathfinderCS Thank You, Great Prince of the Forums! :-D

  2. Me: Alright, this time, I WILL sleep at 11:00pm

    Me, 7 hours later: I'll sleep eventually, I just got one more thing to do

  3. Paintstorm Studio is a lot of fun, please use it everyone

  4. I swear March is always that month for me where things just fall apart, lol. And we're only in the third day of the month.

    1. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Sorry to hear that..:(

      Hope things improve quickly:-D

    2. Odyssey


      They probably will, this time round it's an easy fix that I can get across. :)

    3. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      You can do it:-D

  5. Ever get that feeling where you get anxious about one thing, and you worry about it for hours before doing anything about it?

    1. Frostgage


      And then when you finally do something about it all the time that you wasted comes back to haunt you x_x it's not great


    1. CheeryFox


      What a great game!

    2. Odyssey


      Ikr? I had a lot of fun with this one

  7. GUYS







    1. Iris Flower

      Iris Flower

      As someone who lives near beautiful mountains, I second this!

    2. Dynamo Pad

      Dynamo Pad

      I just got done watching the livestream and it was amazing! The graphics looks breathtaking. Especially with how the locations and region look. The starters are actually pretty interesting, but I don't know who I want to choose. :mlp_blink:

      At any rate, I'm really looking forward to picking this game up! :D 

  8. The new Pokemon Direct is only 30 minutes away

    G E T   R E A D Y   L A D S

    1. SolarFlare13


      I'm watching it right now :) 

  9. Something has been on my mind lately, although it might be weird to ask. Then again... a lot of the stuff I say is kind of quirky.

    You know how memes became more and more reliant on shock humour nowadays then they ever were 10 years ago? What I'd like to know is... what makes edgy or dank memes funny to people? Now, I'm not offended by any of this stuff, I hardly get offended at all even. But every time I look at, say for example, a meme that mocks a really tragic event in history, I just cock my head and go "what's even the punchline supposed to be? That it's offensive?"

    I guess I dislike them more because I can never tell whether people are being genuine or not, not because the joke itself is offensive. There's this growing ironic culture these days, and it just makes it really hard to tell what people think about even anything. I'm looking at it in a black/white view, but people post things for different reasons that it all just blends in, and it makes it too hard to tell why some people post some really unusual things because of how much ironic culture (and the internet in general really) is growing every day. I also have a hard time relating to people in general, so that might count to why I don't like them much. All these memes around relationships, looks, drugs, etc. just don't click with me because, well, I'm honestly an innocent person, so much that you can say any subtle joke around me and I'd be like "Huh?" lol

    I guess that's why I like outdated memes more than new ones, because they are innocent. A lot of it then was just bad puns and wordplay, and I love puns good and bad. Plus the overuse of the Impact font is more endearing to me than anything that's always written as "when you [insert edgy/dank meme here]." But of course not many people like old memes cause, well, they're old of course.

    ...That was more wordy than what I thought. But this is yet another Odyssey problem where I just think a lot about stuff. :mlp_nom:

    1. Iris Flower

      Iris Flower

      To me, "meme culture" doesn't even exist. If you like or dislike a joke/meme whether it's "shocking" or not then good for you. However, people seem to have some sort of ego when it comes to that. Like if someone doesn't get a joke and needs some explaining, the egotistical side of meme groups will automatically demean the person by calling them 4chan slang like "normie". A good example of "meme elitism" is a youtuber called EmpLemon. He sent waves of his fans to another youtuber to hate on them just for explaining the jokes behind famous memes. EmpLemon tried extremely hard to make that other youtuber look bad just because he felt threatened by "normies". You can look all this up! 

      To be perfectly honest, I personally feel memes are the bottom of the barrel when it comes to comedy as a whole. I do enjoy them but I don't take any sort of elite pride when I understand them. 

    2. JonasDarkmane


      Because some people are into dark humor. Not everybody is into the same joke, just like not everybody is into the same meme. Taste does matter when it comes to enjoyment. 

      You should follow RespectfulMemes on twitter 


    3. Odyssey


      i know this is a week old, but

      @Iris Flower Exactly, there's so many memes these days that I simply don't get, and when I want an explanation some people reply back with said joke back at me, as if they're saying this is a comeback for not understanding. Although, if someone thinks I'm too normie because of it, then I'd totally embrace that cause I sometimes worry if I come off as too weird, lol.

      I'm familiar with EmpLemon for his Youtube Poops (i like other ytps better haha). I'm probably not surprised that he would do something like this though, and for what purpose? Not everyone's going to understand something immediately. More and more people are using the Internet these days but it doesn't make things any easier to understand.

      @JonasDarkmane True that. My sense of humour might not be for others, but I enjoy it anyway. I don't understand dark jokes and memes (at least, most of them, there's some dark stuff i crack up at), but I can see why it might be for others. It's pretty popular these days for a reason, I think.

      And that Twitter, oh my gosh. I just clicked the follow button, so I'll definitely be in for a nice surprise every time I log back onto Twitter. Thanks for sharing :D

  10. Doomsday hasn't happened!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Frostgage



    3. Odyssey


      Users... RISE UP

    4. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      what do you think im doing, Rise is literally in my name ;:P

  11. Thank you all so much for all of the birthday wishes!!! I read every one of them and it makes me really happy knowing that you guys are always kind and awesome to others. Thanks again!!! :mlp_please:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Usager


      Happy birthday :D

    3. Arc Flash

      Arc Flash

      Happy Birthday:balloon::pinkie:

    4. Rikifive


      I hope you're having a good one! :D 

  12. I want to branch out of DeviantArt, I am uncomfortable with some of the people there these days. I'm deciding between Tumblr and Twitter. Tumblr's no longer popular but it is great for posting art. Twitter is used by a lot of people but I don't like that community much. Which one should I choose? 

    1. Usager


      tumblr got a weird something censoring things that arent even nsfw... id say go twitter and tag a lot 

    2. CheeryFox


      Tumblr is a good choice and so is Twitter. What about Pinterest?

  13. Happy birthday, Jeric!!! :mlp_please:

  14. Eye lasers make everything cooler

    1. CypherHoof


      wouldn't they make things hotter?


    2. Sparklefan1234


      Wouldn't they- Aww! @CypherHoof already made that joke. ^_^

    3. CypherHoof


      Bonus points if you know where I found that image :D

  15. I have been quoting Spongebob lines all day. Send help

    1. LeafFerret


      You been watching the Super Bowl?

    2. Odyssey


      No, but I love the ads

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Have a Squidward line to break the repetition. 



  16. I feel like looking at cute things, send golden retriever images

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Odyssey


      Is this duo fate? Is the babby deer and the golden doggo made to be the best of friends?


    3. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      In this case from what I read...maybe so... ;)

    4. PoisonClaw


      How about an entire video of them?


  17. I have been interested in starting art commissions recently, but there's something that I want to know before anything else, other artists feel free to give opinions

    Is it naive to start commissions because it's nice to see others happy and it's fun to make art for others? I know this is obviously yes, but a lot of artists my age these days start up commissions mostly for financial reasons. Stuff like being broke, or setting up Patreon walls, or starting NSFW art cause it sells better, or whatever. I'm not exactly rich either, but my mind is more set on making others happy than the money.

    1. CheeryFox


      Don't worry about that nonsense stuff. Do what makes you happy. 


    1. LeafFerret


      The game that we got back in 2007 and 2008. :D

    2. SolarFlare13


      Ahh yeah...this theme brings back memories :yay:

      I was the FIRST one to reach that route / island :3 (all my friends were up to the elite four and were still completing their pokedex XD) 

      ...a couple of months earlier, when we were on the school play-ground, we all chose our starters. Most of my friends picked Chimchar and Piplup. I was the ONLY one to pick Turtwig. I did a Torterra ONLY run just to prove to my friends that I could. (I had a couple of HM slaves with me just in case my Torterra got taken out) :muffins:

      Hearing this theme gave me a feeling of self accomplishment. :laugh: that I managed to beat ALL my friends with a starter that none of them picked :sneer:

      ...and that's WHY Turtwig will ALWAYS be my favourite starter no matter what :3

      It had the following: 

      - Razor Leaf

      - Crunch

      - Earthquake 

      - Leaf Storm

      ...and it was Lv. 72 at the time :mlp_icwudt:

      *Sighs* 4th gen. I still can't decide which one is my fave gen: Gen 3 or 4? :muffins: they're BOTH my favourite gens :catface: BOTH had REALLY good music, they had some really hard fights and I loved how you could rematch trainers :3 

  19. I just don't respect people who can't let go of other people that left years ago.

    1. JonasDarkmane


      I would be mindful when you start a sentence with "I don't respect people...". 

      I probably do not understand the context attached to this, but in general, I get what you mean. But what can you really do? Respecting them or not does not really change their behavior or some strong feelings they may have towards someone or something. 

    2. Odyssey


      I didn't want to get too deep into who I am thinking of, but I understand. I'll keep that in mind next time

      Not really, it doesn't, it's just something that's been on my mind for days. I guess the right word is just I don't particularly like them much either.

  20. Your avatar is perfect

  21. Everyone's New Year just started and here I am probably 18 hours ahead of all of you :mlp_icwudt:

    1. Frostgage


      You 'Strayan time travelers

    2. LeafFerret


      Happy new year to you too, fellow compatriot. Here’s hoping 2019 goes well for both of us. ^_^

  22. Even after 5 years, your avatar is cute and should never change :mlp_ooh:

    1. Jokuc


      I'm not sure if I had this avatar for 5 years but should I change it I will probably be forgotten completely, lol

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