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Everything posted by Monotone
Am I the only one who's hoping for a third World-War?
Monotone replied to AveryGamerDude's topic in General Discussion
It's one thing to just have a small ponder about what would happen in a post-war world. Then there's saying that would be 'cool', I'm not really understanding your train of thought right now. -
request can someone help me name my Batpony Oc?
Monotone replied to monsdkfndflksdnlksl's topic in Requestria
well what does she look like? -
"I didn't think you would care" Daydream said to break the sound of the wheels clanking against the metal tracks "I don't" Monotone replied, staring out if the window "what?" "I'm only going because it's odd of them to complain about this sort of thing" "...what do you mean?" "Well, as you can guess from them having to deal with me for 18 years, they've gotten use to me doing this sort of thing against her. Hell, even my parents find Vibratone annoying. Plus she almost never cries, let alone for a whole train journey. She just forgets about it and moves on" "Well don't you think you may have went a bit far this time?" "Oh trust me, I've done worse." "Like what?" "Let's save this for another time" Daydream stared out the window just as Monotone did, that crushing awkward silence again, that seemed to linger around Monotone like a bad stench. The train slowed, lurching all of the passengers forward. Monotone floated his suitcase from the over-head compartment and Daydream grabbed his only possession, his splayed and browned toothbrush. As they exited the train and made their way to the Canterlot station platform. "If half of the mares in Canterlot are pregnant by the end of this trip Daydream, I swear to Celestia's sweaty leg pit you are never coming with me anywhere again."
It's gotta be Birdemic. I watched that with my friends and I could hardly breathe just 10 minutes in, because it was just so freakin' funny to point out all of the countless flaws that riddled that abomination against film.
I would throw pies at the faces of innocent ponies in frustration of representing a new and useless element, then pleasure myself uncontrollably
My "Friends" Hilariously Bad Gary Sue OC
Monotone replied to Cyan Blue's topic in General Discussion
eh, I've seen worse... a lot worse- 21 replies
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"You boned the elements of harmony?! All six of 'em, in the span of one week? That's both impressive and disgusting." Monotone said, pacing on the rug in front of the couch DayDream sat on. "uh, yeah" Daydream wanted to be careful, he didn't want to seem proud or ashamed. Despite that, he was glad that Monotone was not as angry as the last time they saw eye to eye. "What next, Celestia and Luna? -Actually don't answer that. Anyway I forgive you, we both acted childish, blah blah blah." "Right, how's it going with Derpy?" "What? Oh uh, yeah. She told me to be all hush hush and just to play along, but I hold the title as Asexual too close. Also I don't care. So yeah we didn't get freaky or anything, as you can probably guess, and Ditzy seems to have calmed down. So you can probably try her again. She seems to get really upset when I mention your name , so she might miss you. emphasis on MIGHT." "Right, okay... what happened to your older sister anyway?" Monotone shuddered at the thought of her existence "She left, promptly." "Is she okay?" "I hope not" "You're a dick, did you know that?" "At least I didn't bang the protectors of Equestria in sexual frustration" ouch "So Daydream, what's next on the agenda for you?" Monotone raised an eyebrow, expecting something unsavoury.
Monotone paced through the tall grass of sweet apple acres. He managed to find his way there through the Everfree. It was quiet there at night. No farmer ponies, no earth ponies shouting at each other and bucking apple trees. Just what Monotone needed right now. Sure it was private land, but the Apple family house was about mile away from where he stood. He sat at the base of a tree in the middle of the western field. His knees were weak from his outburst, he didn't want to stand for much longer. He sat there for a while before he found a small shape, hovering above the everfree forest. He focused his eyes and saw it was grey with some golden hair protruding from it. Ditzy? He stood up and shouted, "Ditzy!?" The grey speck came closer. The mare landed in front of him. He noticed tear stains below her golden eyes. "Look, I'm sorry about Daydream and i came to apologise about-" Monotone dismissed her "Yeah yeah yeah, i get it". He sat back down at the roots of the Apple Tree. Small dark streaks darted between the leaves above them. "vampire fruit bats..." Derpy said, she looked above her, seeming amazed by the creatures "I've never seen them before..." "...are you going to just stand there?" Derpy's reaction was delayed "...oh, uh i'll just- uh" "you can join me if you want. Actually don't, you should get back to Dinky and Daydream" "oh, I have a couple minutes... and I'm not going back to Daydream tonight" "Ah, I see...." She lay her body on the ground beside Monotone. They both stared into the night sky, observing the stars an the bats that flew across the tree line. Derpy shivered slightly. "Ditzy? Are you okay?" "heh, yeah, just a bit chilly is all" "you can go home if you want, you should probably be getting back to Dinky right now shouldn't you?" "oh, uh.. yeah" She slowly raised to her feet "I'll see you later then" Monotone said,wishing a farewell "Actually, would you mind taking me home. I uh, get a bit nervous at this time of night" "Oh, sure" They were both at Ditzy's house, just outside the gate. "You sure you're going to be all right Ditzy? " "I wi-" She was inturupted by a rustling in the bush just a ways off. It was Daydream. They didn't see him, but they knew it was him. Fire works went off in her head, the most devious plan hatched in her head. It was diabolical, probably the evillest thing that any pony can do. "Monotone, I am very sorry about this" she whispered to him "About wha-" He was about to finish, but his speech was blocked by the mares lips ensnaring his. His eyes narrowed as she closed hers. After what seem like nine millennia she finally withdrew. Monotone stood there, speechless. As he stood in a frozen state Derpy quickly made her way indoors. After a few minutes he realised what just happened. "Ah, f**k..."
Monotone sat there. His sister blurting verbal diarrhoea into his ear, next to him on the table, He toyed with his food, swirling the small chunks of carrot, stabbing a couple pieces. As if picturing it was a particular pony. "So how is ponyville? The ponies seem nice! How many friends have you met? Have you met the Elements of Harmony? What colour balloons do you like? When did you hurt leg? What did i have for breakfast today?" The barrage of questions pelted Monotone's brain. He was going to do something drastic if she didn't shut up soon. Daydream could hardly chew his food from how much he was sniggering, even choking a couple times. Every time a fit of laughter escaped him whenever Vibratone made a comment even more stupid than the last. Monotone shot a hateful glance towards him every time he caught food in his throat, wishing it would take effect. Derpy slowly ate, she tried to keep her attention to her food. She didn't want to see the social chaos that was ensuing around the table. Every time her eye involuntarily made its way up from her food she saw how upset Monotone was. She began to feel sorry for him. Sure he wasn't the most pleasant pony, but he was one of the only ponies to not make fun of her... disability at the first sight of her. There was certainly a good pony under that carapace of hate. Her boyfriend didn't help, in fact she found it very rude. She just wished she could do something. "Monotone! Monotone. Monotone. Monotone. Monotone. Monotone." Vibratone continued to repeat his name and prod every time she did so. Daydream decided to join in "Monotone. Monotone. Monotone, Vibratone wants something. Monotone. Monotone." Derpy nuged him, signalling for him to stop, but he continued. The whites of Monotone's eye filled into a dark red, one of his blood vessels popping in his eye. Small blotches of red could be seen around his skin, the blood pressure was begging to overflow. His nose started dripping blood into his meal as his name was repeated over and over. "WHAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!!!!????" He shouted, thrusting his hooves down onto the table, chunks of the cooked meal flying across the room. Monotone's voice ripped through previously silent air for what seemed like miles. Vibratone slunk into her chair in a submissive position. "who's your favourite element of harmony?" She said, a pathetic smile creeping across her face. Daydream could no longer suppress it. He burst into a gufaw. Holding his stomach from the convulsions of his diaphram. hardly being able to gasp in air. Monotone slowly dragged his hooves from the table, not breaking eye contact with Vibratone. He slowly peddled backwards to the front door. The door swung open, he made his way through the frame and smashed the wooden entrance in front of him. The whole house shook from the force. Monotone could be seen making his way to the Everfree forest through the window. Blood still dripping from his muzzle.
Oh man, i forgot how much i loved this song
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Hmm, im not sure what to think... i don't hate it that's for sure, but I'm not fond of it either....
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Gah! Plz stahp! I can't take it! Your taste is too good!
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My goosebumps shot through the roof
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I can certainly agree with you there. I can't think of one time I've looked at the Youtube video and don't see in the comment section "Dis iz da best song ebar!", or "I'm eight years old and i like this song, meaning i have the best taste than any eight year old in existence". It gets in my nerves a lot of the time I usually hate Hip Hop and Rap, I would have said I hate all of Hip Hop and Rap, until I listened to that song. Taste approved *claps*
- 18 replies
That was one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, rivalling Bohemian Rhapsody(yeah, I just said that, bite me). Bravo, I approve your taste *claps*
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Are there any songs, games, artists etc. that you feel are highly underrated, and they don't get the attention they deserve? For me, I'd have to say Risk of Rain. It's a fantastic game. Bridging the gap between Binding of Isaac and Rogue Legacy in a fantastic mush of rogue-like, action plat-former, RPG goodness.
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Yeah, I'd say that Anna is pretty damn good looking OC. A very mellow colour scheme works quite well. So do not fret, your OC is extremely pretty.
- 10 replies
Monotone hid under his covers, his eyes frozen open as he prepared for what was to come.He heard his bedroom door slowly creak open and the soft plods of another ponies feet walk beside him. His covers flew off to reveal Daydream's face. "Hey, you should be out of bed by now, you okay?" Daydream said, confused by the unicorn's strange behaviour. He found this odd as Monotone would almost ritualistically get up at 6:00, no matter what, it was 10:32 as soon as Daydream began to form concern. Monotone's eyes shot towards Daydream's direction. They moved in a way they probably shouldn't. "She's coming..." 'i think Monotone's lost it' Daydream thought to himself. "Uh... who's coming?" Monotone stared into blank space for a minute, then snapped up in a seated position. "I need to prepare!". He leaped out of bed and made his way downstairs. Daydream casually sauntered down the steps to find Monotone hammering planks of wood on the windows. The pegasus was beginning to become worried, but didn't not to become worried about. The fact that Monotone's lost his figurative marbles, or that somepony would cause him to lose his figurative marbles. He needed to know who this pony was. "Monotone, who is coming?" Daydream demanded an answer, "...my sister". A knock of the front door rang through the front room. It echoed in Monotones head as eyes sunk into his skull. Daydream was afraid that maybe he wasn't the only one with a tragic past. They both stood there, frozen. Staring at the door in fright. Daydream didn't what he had to be afraid of, but if it got Monotone in this state it was worth being scared of. Another knock. Sweat dripped down their coats. Monotone almost creating a pool around his feet. More knocking. They couldn't move. Still not breaking eye contact with the door. The door latch shook, it lifted up and the door gave way. Monotone's eyes narrowed, his breathing becoming shaky, he couldn't believe this day had come again. Daydream stood there in anticipation, wondering what could make monotone so terrified. There she stood, a substantially tall unicorn with a pastel pink coat and a curly ,yet neat, purple mane. A smile across her face that reflected sunlight into the dark room. She probably looked like the happiest pony in all of equestria, even rivalling Pinkie Pie. "Monotone! Sorry I had to barge in, I couldn't wait to see your widdle chubby cheeks again." She ran over and hugged Monotone, lifting him a couple feet off of the ground. He didn't fight back, he was still caught in his shocked stupor. It looked as if the pink unicorn was holding a plank of wood. Daydream stifled a laugh he couldn't hold in any longer. He burst into a fit of chuckling, joyful tears flowing down his face. "oh! you must be his friend" She dropped monotone, he fell to the floor, still as stiff as a pole of metal. He almost made a sound similar to that of wood bouncing off of hard tiles. She held out a hoof "my name's Vibratone!" "My names- my names... Daydream" The pegasus had to take breaks to laugh even more. Daydream grabbed her hoof and shook it.
So, I Am The Only One Who Listens To Big Data, Or...?
Monotone replied to M.DerpyJane's topic in Media Discussion
I can certainly agree with you there. I listened to some of their other stuff, and yeah, I think I'm going to be listening to them for a little while now, heh. -
So, I Am The Only One Who Listens To Big Data, Or...?
Monotone replied to M.DerpyJane's topic in Media Discussion
Well I listened to the song you linked, and I gotta say, not bad. I love discovering new bands -
Male and I've got these freaking flesh sacks and a meat tube dangling between my legs. -Getting caught in awkward positions in my underwear. -Hurting when struck. -Going erect at the least convenient moments. -Looking all gross, saggy and veiny. -Spewing bodily fluids whilst I sleep on occasion. It also doesn't help I'm Asexual, which renders them useless. Apart from allowing me to be able to pee standing up. Seriously, pee-pees are not fun to have. Aside from that I'm cool with being male, I'm not too pressurized by the social requirements of being this particular gender. (also, sorry I'm a bit graphic in my descriptions, but it's the truth)
request Looking for some one to give life to my OC
Monotone replied to BurningEmber's topic in Requestria
I'm not the best artist, but i would love to offer. I'm afraid my computer memory was wiped recently, so all i have available is my OC profile picture http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/monotone-r6717 Also i have improved after making my OC profile, so i can try and send a drawing your way to better show off my skill. If you so require. -
Love, baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more Why do coins and bills have a face, yet not have a butt?
- 3,830 replies
Kill the User Above with the item to your left.
Monotone replied to NightGuard's topic in Forum Games
I'm afraid that S.D. will have to be drowned in a bowl of hot pasta