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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Hovershy

  1. 346171 Hay hay yall Friendship Games was awesome
  2. I don't know why, but I think it's funny when people say pop. I find myself drinking it a lot more now that I'm in college.
  3. Congratulations :)

    1. Yellow Diamond

      Yellow Diamond

      Thank you! Let's Go Mets!

  4. I'm sorry that's happening, kids can be so mean. I like your attitude about it, it's best to ignore them and be the better person. That's what I always do. Don't stoop to their level and never resort to violence. If it gets too bad don't be afraid to tell a teacher or a guidance counselor. It's not snitching if your looking out for yourself. If you need advice I'm here for you as well.
  5. I have to pee, but my dorm's bathroom is so far away :/

  6. Hmmm I would say these are my most used emotes. I used to use the old : P twilight emote a lot but they changed it to but I don't really like it. Though I do really like this new Twily emote =>
  7. I'm a cancer and I think that's accurate. I like to think Fluttershy would be a cancer too.
  8. Pretty Haven't played sims since sims 2 but I like your world.
  9. New Twilight was so adorkable :P

  10. I like spiders, I've never been bitten by one, plus they are so cute! Wasps on the other hand... :okiedokielokie:
  11. Goodnight everyone :)

    1. Intenzifier


      Late goodnight, sleep well. :)

  12. Life goes by too fast

    1. Chara


      No kidding, honestly 2015 is the fastest year I have came across.

    2. long gone

      long gone

      Remember when the summer felt like it took forever?

    3. Hovershy


      I know right? It's crazy.


      Time started flying by when school started.

  13. Really? I think most people would say the first three gens are the best, at least I would anyway. Gen 2 is awesome because it's twice as long as all the other games. You should totally get back into pokemon, I really want to, but can't afford a 3Ds right now. If you haven't played gen 4, I'd recommend pokemon platinum because that is a great game too. Haven't played black or white but I heard those are good as well.
  14. Makes me sad seeing so many people permanently left/ got banned :(

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Hovershy


      No you won't. But that's not a bad thing.


      We're awesome... for the most part. :)

    3. long gone
    4. ~SadisticFluttershy~


      The movie isn't showing until 7 PM tomorrow.

  15. 45736 Oh crap I gotta go to class!
  16. Hay guys! Sorry it's been a while... Does anyone remember me? How's my favorite fan club doing?
  17. Sad to see you left :( The Flutters fan club won't be the same.

  18. When will new episodes start to air again? :/ It's been too long.

    1. Love//Hack


      I've heard in October unfortunately. Could be right. :/

    2. The Crimson Cross

      The Crimson Cross

      Are we still in season 5?

  19. I love Angry Grandpa. I really don't care if it's real or fake because it's funny regardless. If you like Angry Grandpa, check out McJuggernuggets and his psycho dad videos.
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