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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by KokuraiNoSenshi

  1. So... Laptop cord is busted... Idk why... So I'm gonna be on mobile till I can get a replacement... Sorry everyone...

    1. Kamii


      It's okie by me.

    2. Big_Macincheese


      Hey that's ok, I use my phone on here because unfortunately I can't get internet where I live;( but as long as I'm here I'm happy :)

  2. Yeah, totally a pre-school show, what with Tartarus which is basically hell, multiple forms of evil villains, one of which was (as far as I can tell) killed off, romance, messages on heavy subjects like religion, adult references to video games, movies, TV, deep characters, thoughtful stories, 4th wall humor... See where I am going with this?
  3. Woah woah, relax, you don't need to be so worried, you're more than welcome in this group. We accept everypony, even the ones who don't like Flutters. We don't say no to anyone, we would love to have you around! I'm not sure we have that image here yet, but even if we did it's great to see a good looking picture showing up again. Welcome to the Fan Club, glad to have you here! ^Think I'm going to use this as a welcome to the FC pic from now on lol...
  4. I think the larger areas, like Manehatten and Canterlot Castle, have their own police-like force. However smaller places, like Appleloosa and Ponyille, might have only one or two if any police force units. Depends on the size of the place, much like in real life where the police force might be bigger or smaller depending on how numerous the populace is
  5. Oddly enough, while I'm not a big 3DS person, there are 3 I am looking forward too; 1. Pokemon Omega Ruby 2. Monster Hunter 3. Fossil Fighter The first one I am excited to play cause I have always loved Pokemon, the second is to play with a friend, and the third is part of a series I think is a hugely underrated gem
  6. If you love something, let it free. If it comes back for you, it is yours. They never do say how much it hurts to do that first part...

    1. Show previous comments  41 more
    2. 碇 シンジン
    3. KokuraiNoSenshi
    4. lelouch.


      disregarding the details, the original comment was a work of art. and KokuraiNoenshi, and ooBrony, everyone gets rejected. even my friend ricardo who had giant muscles, exellent football skill and a humorous talkative nature. dont let it get to you.

  7. Earth Ponies, Unicorns, Pegasi, and any other races you want working together to bring in the royal spuds for the Canterlot feast?
  8. I'm finally a pony!!! Took awhile lol

  9. ...*Puts gun to head* BYE NOW *Blam
  10. That sounds awesome! Except for the uh nightmare part... Potato lady...?
  11. Lol poor Wal-Mart, that is the true neckbeard paradise
  12. That's awesome on a whole new level. Ever since I got into this show I have been checking out the VA's other works, but I never knew this! Thanks for the share dude
  13. KokuraiNoSenshi

    movies/tv Fairy Tail

    It is a freaking AWESOME anime! I really need to get back into it, I took a break somewhere in the hundreds and have not gotten back to it lol... Going to be a PAIN to find my place again
  14. Oh big time, I wish I could put up stuff about it... I mean I'm not as closet brony as some people but for some of my friends who I worry how they will receive me I zip my lip, and my family has no clue that I'm a brony... Me too!!! I want to put up some Vinyl wallpapers on my gaming gear and phone but I get like, terrified someone will see it
  15. First Degree Black Belt for Tae Kwon Do, at your service. Quit after cause life was getting hectic and I needed a break, but I want to get into it again, if not the same something else
  16. Oh god lol, that must have been fun Bet he loved that nickname. Where did you work?
  17. It's ok lol, no harm done. I just figured I'd let you know that not all of them are creepy fetish suiters, just like not all bronies are neckbeards. I would add fedora into that but, honestly, I kinda like them, so, yeah
  18. Always creepy when admins and mods be stalking my profile lol... *Waits for the sudden wave of them to appear*

    1. Deae Rising Shine~

      Deae Rising Shine~

      XD I know that feel XD

    2. Koukatsu


      I want to be a mod in name only, just to stalk the crap out of you. ;D

    3. Mrbrunoh1
  19. Luna, without a shadow (ha, puns...) of a doubt! We don't have this emoticon for no reason now, do we? :comeatus: :comeatus: :comeatus:
  20. This is actually quite reasonable as, like you said, the original design of Flutters was an Earth Pony with a Flower Cutie Mark, though that would have been too much of a copy-cat (much like AJ is) as well as took away pretty much everything that made her character so good in terms of the pegasus deal
  21. Scare you? Nah furries are such a friendly bunch, I have tons of friends from that fandom. It is much like bronies, people have these stereotypes and it creates this sort of bridge. Crossing the bridge is the hard part. Don't worry, he isn't one of those kinds of furries anyways
  22. Really sorry everyone, been so busy with drama lately, have not had time to post here... Ugh... Wanted to pop in and share the love a bit, showing off best ponies and best ship, looking at you Vick Flutters and Luna! This thing is doing a really good job keeping my sanity in check lol...
  23. *Pops in here for a minute* My friend who is a furry has made me a deal; I get dragged to one of his furcons (which honestly furries are quite the friendly bunch, might actually be really fun) and he takes me to one of the brony cons. While I'm not sure how 100% serious he was he doesn't have a choice now lol. Ok busy times with drama again, bye bye *pops out*
  24. It's fine, things happen and people get busy, no harm done. I have not seen the issue since but if it comes up I will make sure to let you all know, whether it be through a topic or something. Thanks for (eventually) getting back to me on this
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