Random Forum/Member junk;
Quitting out a PM without an explanation (just tell me what I did wrong at LEAST people)
Needless bashing based on stupid things like favorite pony or what your signature is
(More sad than anything) "I wonder if I have any discussions to talk to in PM's today!" *No one PM's you* (Also applies to the first thing I said)
Taking issues between 2+ members outside of a PM (which I do admit is quite tempting to do sometimes myself)
Attacking someone or something when the situation didn't even ask for it
Shipping can get REALLY annoying and vicious
Staff Stuff;
Sometimes, you guys really take your time with your punishments. I mean, I'm sure there is a great explanation and I understand you guys are busy, but it can be really annoying when someone is going on a rampage or the like and no mods show up, or when someone does something and the mods punish them like a week later, it is really confusing
"Certain" discussions involving a sexual preference which begins with "C" being a very scary threat and completely nondiscussable topic. I feel hiding these discussions and insta-banning members who are to open about it (though there have been exceptions to BOTH of these rules, as per usual) isn't doing anything but making the situation worse, especially when there have been multiple times I have seen threads crop up about it, the discussion goes smoothly for awhile, then a mod comes in and goes "OH NO WE CAN'T HAVE THIS SHIT SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN!!!"
You guys need to talk more to us. I only see, like, DashForever in the freaking RDFC from time to time, and he is the most lively of you bunch. The rest of you BARELY talk outside of your reports and explanations of why such and such thread is going under such and such water. I get it, you guys get busy, but just stop by your favorite FC from time to time and drop off an image or something, make yourselves known. We don't need the long, drawn out essays with the perfect spelling and grammar. We just want to know we aren't talking to a bunch of bots and there are actual people behind those screens, people who log on and actually do things OTHER than moderate