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Everything posted by HereComesTom

  1. Seems like it'd be a pretty nifty thing if it were indeed a G-5 intro. The world we love is still there and can still be explored, and the characters we love are still there and could be revisited.
  2. Unfortunately, Celeste doesn't seem to be on my island tonight. I'll keep my gate open anyway. The dodo code is GKN21 The meteor times according to meteonook are (all in USA Eastern time): 9:29pm 10:19pm, 10:27pm, 10:43pm, 10:53pm 11:23pm, 11:27pm, 11:28pm, 11:32pm, 11:33pm 12:07am, 12:23am, 12:59am 1:02am, 1:25am, 1:46am 2:00am 3:08am, 3:11am, 3:31am There's a bunch of stuff laid out in the ground near my airport that I was planning to give to a coworker of mine who also owns ACNH; I can probably replace any of it if any of you feel a need to take it.
  3. ---------- I'm writing this days after the last meteor shower; I have another (light) meteor shower tomorrow (on the 13th) and two more on the 15th and 16th. I suspect Celeste will be on my island for at least one of those; I'll keep you all posted.
  4. The gate is open! KJ6XF is the dodo code; I don't know yet whether Celeste is here, and I have dinner to attend to :/ You'll have to look around for her! Also, I have a small turnip price spike; 176 bells per turnip. EDIT: Celeste is here, and on the northern hill!
  5. @Will Guide @KirbyFluttershy @Harii Moxxiie @Envy @Cash_In @Eren Jaeger I'm writing this at 9:46am my time, and the meteors won't start until 7pm, but there'll be a heavy meteor shower this evening on my island! And a pretty good chance Celeste will be here, too, though it's not 100% guaranteed. I figured I should let you all know early-on!
  6. I have to say that I had a very strange and slightly disturbing experience, but at least I got to be the hero of the story this time!

    Here's what happened:  my brother got a request out of the blue from someone on Facebook, a girl with a pretty and nerdy photo, asking to start a relationship with him.  No one he'd ever met or heard of before, but he is more or less in the market for a girlfriend, so he was interested.

    If this sounds suspicious to you, I'll spoil the ending and say you're spot-on.  The ending isn't really the interesting part of the story, anyway:  how I got there is the interesting part!

    My brother told me about all this over dinner (it was just this afternoon that he was first contacted), so I got out my phone and looked up "hangouts app" on google, and about the third or fourth suggestion was "hangouts app scam". 

    Huh.  Why am I not surprised?

    So I tapped "hangouts app scam" on Google and, lo and behold: THE very first page that Google listed was a Federal Trade Commission web page, warning people about scams where someone starts a relationship, keeps it going for a while, and then asks for money.  The FTC's page also suggested I do a "reverse image search" on the person's image to see if they just downloaded a photo of a pretty girl off the internet and then used that photo to pretend to be her.

    Well, my brother was busy after dinner (not with anything having to do with her, either, thank goodness), so I took it upon myself to learn about this would-be suitor.  It'll come as no surprise to you that the photo came from Twitter from someone with a completely different name...advertising the kinds of images that I wouldn't talk about on THIS site.

    Again:  why am I not surprised by any of this?

    It gets more interesting:  I had a school friend on facebook who I noticed was also friends with her.  I decided to warn him about her and let him know what happened to my brother---and it turns out she had talked with my school friend, earlier this very afternoon, with the exact same request:  start a relationship---just out of the blue, start a relationship!

    So...she's either a two-timing lowlife, or a scam artist.  ...Or conceivably both:  it's not like those are mutually exclusive categories!

    ...It's just a little disturbing that things like this can happen to those who're close to me.  But there is a lesson to be learned from it all:  vigilance, using your head, and reading relevant government notices about scams can save your bacon, as well as the bacon of your kith and kin!

    1. Rikifive


      Hmm interesting indeed. I've heard of these things, but that never happened to me. :P 

      Stuff like this happening on Facebook is not a surprise.

  7. Well, I finally fixed my Wii yesterday---the reason I couldn't play my Virtual Console games was, for some reason, a bad disk drive that I bought on ebay.  When I bought another that was actually good, things finally worked! 

    And I can even play Wii disc games and gamecube games on it again!

    I decided to celebrate by playing some Super Mario Galaxy!  And I have to say:  I don't think any Super Mario title has come close to the gameplay creativity that SMG had to offer; just adding a point-and-click interface to the system opened up HUGE possibilities for new control and new capabilities!

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      SMG is still my favourite Mario game. :ph3ar: It’s funny that you’ve got yours working again when we just got ours out last night for New Years! :laugh:

  8. Merry Christmas from the States!

    1. Tom Gallagher

      Tom Gallagher

      Merry Christmas! :oneheckofahat:

    2. Splashee


      Merry Christmas:fluttercutehat:

    3. Rikifive


      Merry Christmas! :raritycutehat:

  9. Does anyone here know a lot about the Nintendo Wii---like, how to fix one? I just tried to replace my Wii's disk drive. The first time I switched it on after replacing it, I couldn't even feed it any discs---it wouldn't make a sound or take the discs in when I tried to put one in. But I was at least able to play my Virtual Console titles. The second time I switched it on, I heard the disk drive make a noise, so I tried inserting a disc. The disc entered the drive just fine, but then I got this weird-looking error message: "An error has occurred. Press the Eject Button and remove the disc, then turn the Wii console off and refer to the Wii Operations Manual for help troubleshooting." Problem is: the Eject Button wouldn't do anything---at least, not until I switched my Wii off: THEN it would give me back the disc! Even worse: I suddenly can't play any of my Virtual Console titles: when I select one, I just get a black screen---my Wii isn't even talking to my Wiimote, and I can't get the Wii out of this state until and unless I hold the power button down for 5 seconds! Anyone know what I can do?
  10. I'm opening my island for meteors; they're starting real soon. Dodo code: 82SYW EDIT: Celeste is here! At her usual hangout in the northern hills, no less. Times are in USA Eastern: 7:36pm, 7:41pm, 7:47pm 8:29pm, 8:31pm, 8:39pm, 8:41pm 10:03pm, 10:07pm, 10:43pm 11:36pm 12:23am, 12:47am 1:03am, 1:14am, 1:58am
  11. Unfortunately, it's a small price spike for me this week :/ might not even get to be over 200 bells per turnip! Still, I'll open my island for stargazers this evening. Especially if I find Celeste!
  12. I have a small meteor shower on my island tomorrow in the evening (Celeste may or may not show up), and I'm also going to get some kind of turnip price spike in the afternoon. I don't know whether it'll be a high turnip price spike or not. Even if it is high, it might be in the 500s, or it might be in the 200s---either one counts as a high spike. And it may not be a high spike at all; it could be in the 100s! @A French Derpy full of Salt I hope you get this in time to react to it, but I can't make any promises about how high it'll be! I'll keep you guys posted!
  13. I might actually tell them that they were a show---the way I'd phrase it would be "Sometimes a work of fiction isn't just a work of fiction: sometimes, it's a window into another world. We've had a window into yours for a long time." I'm not sure they'd freak out if it were presented to them that way; after all, they did get sucked into one of Spike's comic books once! Once I was talking with them, I'd probably clear up the show's chronology with them, ask about a few worldbuilding elements like "How do you get food for cats if they're obligate carnivores and you're herbivores?" I'd also introduce guns to their world so they have another line of defense the next time a threat comes along (guns would be useless against plenty of threats, but not all of them), and maybe see if I could trade aluminum from Earth for Equestrian gold bits---that seems like a lucrative side-gig, and since smelting aluminum requires electricity, so since they don't have electricity, aluminum could be as rare in Equestria as gold is on Earth---or even rarer! (Once upon a time in real life, aluminum was far more valuable than gold! No joke!) ...I could also introduce electricity while I'm at it! Not sure they need it with all the magic they have, but still!
  14. Nice! Isn't this music used again in the New Super Mario Bros for Nintendo DS card minigames? I'm also trying to recognize the main riff from SMS in this, and I can't quite place its melody here...
  15. The lack on insulation in the sunroom...and winter is coming...!
  16. Have you ever thought of exploiting the magic portal to Equestria to make money? I mean, aluminum used to be really rare and precious on Earth before humans found a way to use electricity to get aluminum out of bauxite ore, so it'd stand to reason that aluminum is common in your world and rare in Equestria, since they don't use electricity. And it seems like gold is a lot more common in Equestria than it is in human worlds, so if you sold aluminum in Equestria for gold, took the gold to your world, bought more aluminum... You see where this is going...!
  17. I must be remembering the notes wrong...just like I always do with One-Winged Angel...
  18. Nice! Was this the theme that played in areas that were bonus stages with huge white puffy clouds on the horizon? I remember the theme going much higher-pitched than this sounded.
  19. I have meteors on my island on the 16th and the 21st. I figure at least one of those is probably going to have Celeste, since she'll only appear once per week, and each of those two dates are in separate weeks. If you need some more star fragments, just say so---I have quite a few in my storage...too many, in fact: 448 regular star fragments (good grief---why am I even hording this many...??) 8 Sagittarius star fragments 2 Scorpius star fragments 9 Libra star fragments 22 Leo star fragments 20 Large star fragments 9 Gemini star fragments 5 Cancer star fragments 6 Aries star fragments 5 Taurus star fragments 6 Virgo star fragments And checking my nookphone, I've made at least one Taurus Bathtub, at least one Gemini Closet, at least one Cancer Table, at least one Leo Sculpture, at least one Virgo Harp, at least one Libra Scale, at least one Scorpio Lamp, and at least one Sagittarius Arrow. ....Shoot, whatever the Aries recipe was, I guess I missed it. Oh well; it's only a few months away, and this time I'll be much better equipped to nab the recipe!
  20. I've been partial to Hark the Herald Angels Sing, myself: It's also hard to beat Wizards in Winter from Trans-Siberian Orchestra! (I bet more than one poster was wondering how long it'd be before they come up, given how much Christmas music they do...!)
  21. @KirbyFluttershy the error I saw on my Switch in the morning was "maybe your network is unstable". And it happened once before when John tried to come to my island, just as he was about to arrive. But that surprises me; I've had people on my island before, and it didn't give me this error... Sorry about that; I was just turning in to sleep when I was posting that second update, so I didn't see it until the morning :/ @A French Derpy full of Salt I wish I'd seen your post hours ago; I'd have taken you up on your offer!
  22. There isn't, and just when someone was flying in, it glitched. I'll reopen in a minute. EDIT: dodo code is C145F
  23. Celeste is on my island! For once, she's not in her usual hangout: last I saw her, she was on the beach just east of my airport. My dodo code is C343G new dodo code is: C145F I have a few meteors as well; the timings are all in USA Eastern time: 7:41pm, 7:45pm, 7:50pm 8:48pm, 8:50pm 10:01pm, 10:12pm, 10:16pm, 10:52pm 11:45pm 12:32am, 12:56am 1:12am, 1:23am
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