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Everything posted by WindyParadise

  1. Responding now, sorry for holding you all up.
  2. Gilda and King Sombra. Why you ask? Not enough character development and that they were 'swept under the rug' as it were after their episodes.
  3. I hope the Fandom decides against making a play about it then. lol
  4. "At ease soldier, but I do have a question for you. How would you like to go to the Crystal Empire and beyond on an important Diplomatic(?) mission?" Shining Armor raises his hoof up in a disciplined but friendly manner with a grin on his face as he already knows the answer. "I'm a bit tied for time as we need to leave today."
  5. "I understand, we will begin preparations for departure immediately. Thank you... your majesty." He gives a joking smile as he does an exaggerated bow before leaving the room. Now assigned a new mission he heads to the Barracks to find Runic Signal and Lordy Snow along with two extra guards. Hmm... Perhaps I should look at a Service Record to see who would be the best picks for a mission like this? He thinks to himself as his hoofs echo in the stone hallway.
  6. ["While being held at the castle, they began to develop a close friendship with some of their guards." "I see" said Shining Armor sternly, "what are the guards' names? I shall discipline them at once!] How dare they form friendships in Equestria? This blasphemy will be punished! So I'm guessing Signal and Snow are still guarding the changelings while the two other guards are in a barracks somewhere?
  7. You guys do know that totalitarianism and socalism are different from communism right? It looks more like forced total control(totalitarianism)over the ponies in that village. The strange/creepy smiles and the = cutie marks more or less confirmed it for me. Also Rainbow Dash (likely) forced into getting that Cutie Mark helps my case I think.
  8. I'm fine with hearing all of them a few times at first but when they are playing for more than an entire week I can't do it anymore. It doesn't help that I have to listen to it at work all the time.
  9. For my mother? It would be unexpected but not to surprising, sadly it hasn't happened yet. lol As for my dad? Well... He suggested that I watch carebears if I liked MLP since the two are "basically the same show". Though I think that's more out of ignorance I guess but I can't really see him getting into the show like a Brony would.
  10. It would depend on what kind of trouble-maker and where the situation is taking place. Places like Youtube and Facebook, it's best to ignore/report them after making sure their actually there to make a problem. If it's someone who is simply arrogant or overly sarcastic then it's best to simply live with who they are and to not try pushing them into changing overnight. However, in forums like this where new people join every day you just have try your best to help the Mods/Admins out and not become a problem yourself as you try to drive them out. Here's an interesting quote a friend of mine once showed me regarding trolls and 'gardens'(forums) of the internet. Start Quote-["Good online communities die primarily by refusing to defend themselves. Somewhere in the vastness of the Internet, it is happening even now. It was once a well-kept garden of intelligent discussion, where knowledgeable and interested folk came, attracted by the high quality of speech they saw ongoing. But into this garden comes a fool, and the level of discussion drops a little—or more than a little, if the fool is very prolific in their posting. (It is worse if the fool is just articulate enough that the former inhabitants of the garden feel obliged to respond, and correct misapprehensions—for then the fool dominates conversations.) So the garden is tainted now, and it is less fun to play in; the old inhabitants, already invested there, will stay, but they are that much less likely to attract new blood. Or if there are new members, their quality also has gone down. Then another fool joins, and the two fools begin talking to each other, and at that point some of the old members, those with the highest standards and the best opportunities elsewhere, leave... I am old enough to remember the USENET that is forgotten, though I was very young. Unlike the first Internet that died so long ago in the Eternal September, in these days there is always some way to delete unwanted content. We can thank spam for that—so egregious that no one defends it, so prolific that no one can just ignore it, there must be a banhammer somewhere. But when the fools begin their invasion, some communities think themselves too good to use their banhammer for—gasp!—censorship." From this this site: http://lesswrong.com/lw/c1/wellkept_gardens_die_by_pacifism/ ]-End Quote
  11. I think the equal sign episode will feature the CMC's since they wouldn't be affected by the = cutie mark. If anything they would be overjoyed by it. It would be interesting to see one of the opening episodes that feature our trio.
  12. So how would I find some Bronies to meet up with for a day near me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fawkes The Phoenix

      Fawkes The Phoenix

      It'd be wonderful if there actually were bronies where i live...

    3. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      there is... at least one I know of. She moved to Sydney 2 months ago.


    4. WindyParadise


      Well I have met one, but he's more of a closet brony right now but he noticed I was one. Other than that I don't know of any super close to me. lol

  13. As soon as the seasons... change. :comeatus:
  14. I think that's more of a show-wide concern than specifically just Twilight. But I still hold my position that Season 5 will help us determine what direction the show(and Twilight) are heading toward.
  15. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if some Discord/Celestia hinted shipping is shown in Season 5. lol But maybe that's just me expecting something of an easter egg I guess.
  16. I thought the recent X-Com(Enemy Unknown/Within) game did pretty well at a console(PC?) port. Being primarily a turn-based game would help it out in that regard though.
  17. Wouldn't a spell like that drain their magical energy far more quickly than say a shield bubble around an entire empire(City-State Empire?)? We already know that an Alicorns magical abilities are not limitless and constantly maintaining such an advanced spell would be very taxing on the pony.
  18. I play many different games on the PC and some consoles. There is only two things I find annoying. 1. Consoles can't use Mods. 2. PC games require you to upgrade your computer as the years go by. Though I guess that is somewhat the same for consoles. lol
  19. Fluttershy smiles at Florafilla. "I'm sure the Bee Family would be willing to help you out there." After says things she yawns. "Well, I think I'll go get some sleep now. Is that alright with you Flora?" After saying this she begins to walk lazily to her assigned room.
  20. If a character would realistically know something from their implied off-screen life then I accept it. Twilight is scientist, history buff, and a favored student of Celestia herself. I would assume she would know how to get her hands on a lot of things. Either through her own personal skills, connections with the scientific community, or simply by asking Celestia. I think Brandon Sanderson does a good job of keeping his characters from being Mary Sue's. But that's another topic entirely. I think the reason you dislike Twilight so much is because you dislike change in shows/characters. At least, that's the impression I'm getting from you. She's learned how to be a leader, so she learns to hide her faults better. She's always been the main point of the series, the logo itself has the same colors as her body. So her being the 'mane' character isn't unexpected. Besides, I doubt twilight could do as well as Fluttershy or Rarity at their jobs. She's not superior in everything, just in what you would think she would be by Season 5 and even then she's still technically a student of Celestia.
  21. Anybody who follows a code of ethics or religion? We strive to improve ourselves and remove our faults so that our life and the lives of our children will be easier. We strive to be like these perfect beings that we can relate too. What skills are you referring too and we know Celestia(who Twilight strives to be like) isn't a flawless and infallible goddess.
  22. I thought we already had a dark-version of MLP in Cupcakes and Rainbow Factory? Besides, the implied things in the show provide enough darkness for those who notice them. Batman and MLP are very different shows and set in very different worlds.
  23. She's learning to be a leader/princess and indirectly to be Celestia(and Luna's?) successor over all of Equestria. How is this bad for her character development? We still see her struggle with problems, usually receiving or being assisted by her friends to complete a task like always. Like others on this thread, I find the hypocrisy concerning perfection in us very annoying. We say we strive for it and yet hate those who are closer than us to it. Be it fiction or reality. Celestia isn't shown as much outside her role as Teacher or Ruler, so we can't judge her own personality just as we shouldn't judge Twilight when she grows from a simple student to a friend and leader. Why do you think we follow leaders in the first place? We follow them because we believe they will know what to do in certain situations. While it may be common in the USA to distrust our government(which deserves it but that's not the point) that doesn't mean we should dislike any changes in them that would be for the better. About Discord and his 'submission', that wasn't at all similar to where he became friends with Fluttershy right? Not at all similar... He realized that if he didn't always do what he wanted, he could have friends and not be lonely, hated, and feared his whole life. He was tricked into seeing a chance to have a friend who would let him do what he wished with his powers. Said 'friend' betrayed him and he was retaught that lesson that he first learned when he became friends with Fluttershy. Ultimately it's an understandable event in his personal story and allows the plot to avoid having to do a weird mini-plot to get Twilight's key. Overall I'm expecting plenty of development on all the royalty and side characters in Season 5. Be this by political mayhem or simple Friendship Council journey's I won't care. The Development is somewhat required if they want a part of their fan-base to continue watching. While Twilight may have changed, it's no different that say a character from another good show or video game who grew and changed from what they started out as. Besides, in games we work towards making our character as powerful as can be so we can defeat anything. I would rather prefer Twilight to eventually become a Mary Sue than to never, ever have changed her personality in anyway from season 1. At least as a Mary Sue she would probably provide more entertainment that just another 'Friendship = Autowin with no real character development' show like Carebears or Dorra. TL:DR? Hasbro wants money, just like every other company.
  24. I don't think that 'Flanderized' quite fits but I'm not sure what else to call it.
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