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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Azura

  1. I think I'll regret changing my name..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crispy


      We all make mistakes.

    3. Azura


      Now I'll regret it for the rest of my life.. *Cries*

    4. Nightfall


      Aw, Cloud, it's ok... I didn't see it and can't figure out how to see this name change history thing, so to me, you've always been Cloud Chaser.

  2. I've been thinking about changing my name for a long time.. Any suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      you should stay as Cloud Chaser!!!!!

    3. Azura


      As you might already know, I'm somepony who likes to make signatures.


      Since my username is Cloud Chaser, it would be only right to use Cloud Chaser related things.


      Artwork is lacking for her and her sister so I was thinking of changing my username to somepony who is more popular.

    4. Azura


      I could always change my name to something that isn't specific so I can create signatures for any pony in the show but..

  3. I thought someone else already took the username, Twilight Sparkle.

    1. Twilight Sparkle ✨

      Twilight Sparkle ✨

      That someone would be I. ^_^

    2. Azura


      I've got a surprise for you that I'm working on. :P

  4. I like what you did with the text on the banner! :D

    1. Jonke


      Check the timestamp, Jokuc. Obviously it was before the birthday banner went up.

    2. Jokuc



      I looked at recently added comments :P

  5. I have done completely nothing useful whatsoever today.

    1. Dusty Soul
    2. Azura


      I'm getting tired.. Good night everypony!

    3. Flicker Sweet

      Flicker Sweet

      where do you live?

      it says you posted this at 9:08AM where I live

  6. Anypony playing Borderlands II?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azura


      What's with this.. "I'm from the future, this is going to suck nark"?

    3. 000


      A new fad that got made up...about a few hours ago.

    4. Azura


      Hmmm.. Interesting..

  7. Why didn't anyone say Happy Birthday to me? :'(

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Samurshy


      Well I said happy birthday before you posted this status. So boom, logic out the window.


    3. The Razor Wing

      The Razor Wing

      Happy belated birthday

    4. Azura


      Thanks Razorwing! ^^

  8. Love the avatar! ^^

    1. Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Ohh Thank you so much! It's my second OC Multigear, my most active support character in my friends table top rpg ;3

  9. Your avatar makes me cry.. :'(

    1. Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      Dizzy Ditzy Doo!

      I'm sorry, I'll change it soon.

  10. Somepony just spilled water on my phone..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Samurshy


      Hey shit happens. I have had a ipod touch that never got a cracked screen, but I sold it on ebay, so I have no idea if it has had a cracked screen or not. But it did not crack in my possession. This is actually the first touch screen device that I owned that has gotten the spiderman edition. My friends have worse luck with that then I do.

    3. Azura


      I don't always drop my phone, but when I do the screen doesn't shatter.

    4. Flying Ace

      Flying Ace

      im afried to take my phone anywhere cuase i think im going to trip and break it lol

  11. The banner looks very original. :)

  12. School starts tomorrow. D:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Azura


      I'm not ready for school!

    3. Dice The Titanic Brony

      Dice The Titanic Brony

      Is anyone?

      Summer is too short and the semesters are too long.

      Dont worry. It isnt FOREEEEEEEEVEEERRRR lol

    4. TheBronyHeart


      my school starts a week from today... im actually excited

  13. Happy Birthday! ^^

    1. MrL0LZ


      Thank you. :)!

  14. The forums just went down.

    1. Mayuen


      Glad it didn't just happen for me then

    2. PonyEcho


      yeah happened to me aswell, but only for a moment

  15. I've finally reached my goal of 1,000 posts! :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azura


      I need to graduate and get a good job so I can donate money to this forum. <3

    3. Glaceon
    4. Thunderstorm
  16. I'm finally back home! <3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Azura


      Fair enough.

    3. Speedy Transition

      Speedy Transition

      Just because people on youtube say Homie, doesn't mean they are the only people who use the bloody word.

    4. Bronium


      But other people use it, I guess.

      I already wrote that. It seems I have personally wronged you though, since most people won't get worked up over a misunderstanding after the misunderstanding has been cleared up.

  17. Going off to catch a plane, see everypony soon! :D

  18. Happy Birthday Flitter!

  19. I have no idea what I am doing with my life..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zoop


      I know that feeling. \o/

    3. Azura


      @NinjaCPU Okay, I'll try.


      @Zoop How did it feel?

    4. Zoop


      Kinda meh!

  20. Is it me or have you not been online for the past 24 hours?

    1. MatrixChicken


      Looks like it's not just you. :o

    2. MatrixChicken


      Oh, I guess I'm wrong... It is you. :D

    3. Azura


      Then somepony isn't replying my message. D:

  21. I'm a marshmellow, what are you?

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. ~The Snowy Wolf~

      ~The Snowy Wolf~

      Let's see if I can bring everypony back to this. Muahahahahaha

    3. Speedy Transition
    4. ~The Snowy Wolf~

      ~The Snowy Wolf~

      No need to be so rude :(

  22. I'm off to bed, see everypony tomorrow first thing in the morning!

  23. I'll be going to bed now, can't wait to continue the roleplay tomorrow!

    1. Ember_star
    2. Azura


      Remember to participate in the roleplay whenever you can or else Bravo team might get replaced by other ponies.

  24. I thought Feld0 had a neck.

    1. Nightfall


      Hey, it was a commission. You can see the start of his neck right below his head.

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