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Everything posted by Fleur-De-Lis

  1. Strange, although I do recall reading about such an issue, the one I read was from upgrading the motherboard, which makes sense if it thinks your suddenly using a completely different computer since that is the biggest of all things to replace. We should look up more details about that issue you mentioned though. My computer seems fine with sleep mode, though I have a particular quirk to deal with when i let it idle though. Such as when I leave Firefox running and I return from idle (monitor goes to sleep mode rather than the PC) the interface completely messes up and is unreadable until i close it and re-open it. Minimizing and hovering the mouse over the interface wouldn't fix it either. I updated my graphics driver (AMD) to the latest version as soon as I upgraded to windows 10. Though I still have not updated my motherboard drivers since all it has available are my audio (realtek HD audio) drivers, which seem to work fine anyways. However I do plan on installing that soon.
  2. Totally agreed, its why I didn't give the video any real thought until curiosity about title finally convinced me anyways kind of like that "Alright, what in blazes are you talking about?", but yes it is a real video with real reasons ... I admit the more I think about it the more obnoxious the thumbnail seems to be ... Sorry to bother, it was just a topic bothering me, thinking female and controversy it just kind of jumped into train of thought. I thank you for hearing me ramble though. P.S. the video was made by Gaijin Goomba. Basically it goes with a tone similar to that of game theories, i base that analogy off of the about me page, and compare it with the few game theory videos I have seen (primarily when compared to something like the videos Game Theory did on Rosalina's background) Anyways, Gamergate sounds like a complicated situation to me, but mostly just because I didn't know anything about it to begin with. Speaking of which, with the teeny tiny bit I learned about the gamersgate movement (and the i guess the almost completely unrelated video I shared.) It just leaves me thinking ... When did we have so many complicated sociopolitical issues? I wish times were simpler and happier.
  3. I made this topic, its pretty important to me, and I really hope it gets the attention and feedback. https://mlpforums.com/topic/135147-problems-with-windows-10/

    1. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I'm entirely unsurprised that Windows 10 has issues.

    2. Fleur-De-Lis


      I am. It ran smoother and faster than a fully updated Windows 7 SP1. It is only just today that I had any problem with it whatsoever.

    3. Untitled Goose Q

      Untitled Goose Q

      I long ago gave up any hope that anything produced by Microsoft would be free of issues.


      That said, given the trend of Windows having a good version followed by a bad, and then another good etc, Windows 10 should be good overall.

  4. I was enjoying Windows 10, really I was. Then suddenly I had a RANDOM DEVASTATING ISSUE, which I will describe here as well as give a solution. Which ironically you will not be able to read if you have the same problem I did. Long detailed story: Summary: if your taskbar suddenly stops working and will not be fixed even after waiting and restarting (especially several attempts) System restore from the Control Panel to the nearest checkpoint and hope it works. Discussion: for the sake of Windows 10 users on this forum, you should post the quirks and problems (especially big ones) and hopefully your solutions to dealing with them. I absolutely had to share the SERIOUS problem I had to deal with
  5. I saw this, and I knew ... I want to see that show now.
  6. I had no idea it was a thing. I get the feeling I heard about Gamersgate and controversy but I dont recall if that was in the same topic (i have like a 5% understanding) ... I want to introduce this topic, but I think the best way to bring it up is just to share the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxVv7pbqXvY Which by the way, I completely agree with. Who are we to tell women they cant look like that? Just why are the more buxom women so ostracized or condemned? On that topic, women with larger chests have their own set of problems! I think Buzzfeedyellow made a relatively informative video about it. Well ... I just started rambling, But I am empathetic about such problems ... yet too uncomfortable to really bring them up ... funny how that works right?
  7. Welcome to the Poniverse~♪ Pretty much the entire fandom would agree Princess Luna is super lovable I really should watch Gravity falls, and we should both watch Steven Universe! I hear great things about it all the time. Star vs the forces of evil, huh? I should look into that, it sounds like it deserves praise!
  8. I am not entirely sure what a progressive story is supposed to mean. But I am fairly certain Wildstar qualifies, and that game is definitely worth your time in playing. Lucky for you its going Free to Play! I give Wildstar an 8/10 or at least from my original experiences. Much has changed since I last played after all, but I can still picture it with all its glory. A shame the playerbase did not stick around as much as it should have, but free to play should change all that.
  9. You should look up start10 from Stardock, they make great software, So much so I am considering buying object desktop down the line. When money is not quite so tight! ... Money! why you no infinite
  10. There sure are plenty of troubling theories and problems surrounding Microsoft, more specifically around Windows 10, some of which might not be as baseless as we like! I cant help but think I should mention it ... but at the same time, I worry about troubling people over it. Warning some of this stuff may greatly concern you if you are sensitive to such issues, however please be advised that it may not even be a real issue (because it could be all baseless speculation), they could however, be important topics to at least be aware about. I am sincerely sorry if I have made anyone worry about it, or uncomfortable about this information, I am saddened if I have caused any trouble . But I felt that people have the need to know! I have thoughts of making a separate thread due to the nature of these sensitive issues.
  11. I got a 502 error earlier this morning. I wonder whats going on with that ... Also ... ooBrony Hello there~♪ You are having a great day I hope!
  12. I noticed that after I changed between the three different themes for the site, or more specifically, ever since I even tried using the "IP Board" theme, the entire site loads really slowly Has it been slow for anyone else? Is this just related to having changed the theme at all? Just wondering what was up with that. I added a poll for convenience sake.
  13. I love your Gravity falls avatar :D

    1. mars


      Thank you very much! :)

  14. Sounds delicious! I should try that. Also, what do you mean they jacked their prices up? I recall a typical foot long always being $5 Though I am fairly certain the price for adding extra of anything has certainly gone up.
    1. catnet


      Celery is cutest OC ^~^ <3

    2. bluebell


      aaahh she kills me x) adorable adorable <33

  15. We welcome you to the forums. If you want to meet people, just try responding to one of ooBrony's many status updates! It will EXPLODE overnight (77+ notifications in half a night for me.) YOU WERE WARNED! *edit* Introduction threads are good too! We are glad you enjoy the series, hard not to am i right? Hahahaha
  16. I approve of everything on your profile, your avatar, and your nickname :D I also saw a user named Compa! yay for Hyperdimension Neptunia!! Also Fairy Fencer F came out on steam today. it is 50% off until the August 11th. Enjoy~♪

    1. Fleur-De-Lis


      Also I understand you may not respond to this status, I am ok with that. I Just wanted to say a few things that I hop were also read (which you say would be; but not necessarily responded to) :D

  17. You poor soul! the feels are real That is too sad! Olives are my favorite thing to put on sandwiches and pizza ... But feeling foolish you say? :okiedokielokie: NEVER! It is living life! Go crazy! Just make sure you don't go so crazy that sandwich would be your last! Hahahaha Me: Why yes Ma'am TRIPLE EVERYTHING! WAHAHAHAHAHA
  18. Whoa! Simmer down buddy. chill out, relax. We are all friends here. Lets try to keep things friendly and non-confrontational. We are simply trying to answer your concerns and spread the knowledge that we have learned through our own hands on experience with windows 10.
  19. If it isnt a certain someponies birthday! Happy birthday! I am sure its a great one :D

  20. I love that avatar you have! Though its a bit dark for my taste, I approve of pinkamena alicorn!

  21. I wouldn't be all too concerned about all the chemicals and GMO stuff. But its good to at least be conscious about such things! If you can get the land together, You can always try growing your own vegetables and use fertilizer and such. It is a good project to have and a good way to ease off grocery bills! Installing Steam is easy peasy! just register for an account, download steam, run it, let it update, and login! tada~♪ +1 of a steam platform. They often have great sales. Then there are humble bundles, great for donating to charity and getting many games at a bargain price! I would like to add you on Skype if you are willing! I think we will get along plenty well
  22. It is always wonderful to see new ponies! We welcome you to the forums~♪ I also greatly appreciate the effort you put into your introduction! Hahaha I am with you, I have a hard time choosing a favorite pony too! So the answer is always Everypony best pony! So your a vegetarian huh? I approve! The thought of eating meat is not always a happy one. I do not enjoy the thought of some people fishing or hunting for sport, or recreation, but should be for obtaining food! While minimizing the waste, But I have grown to understand that we are omnivores, and it is a part of the cycle of life, food chain, and nature. I rather enjoy meat, But I also love my salads and vegetables! How do you work out all of your nutritional needs though? Protein is one of the more prominent problems of a vegetarian. If you ever have an interest in adding me on steam for some PC games I am more than willing! I simply do not have enough active brony friends on Steam, and I would so love to chat and play more with other bronies. I also have a skype, though I am not particularly fond of the service.
  23. That is rough buddy. May the cheese be with you! Hahahaha ... I know those aren't the most appropriate emoticons but I rather love the ones of the princesses
  24. What region do you live in for cheese to be expensive? I always thought it was rather cheap or reasonably priced.
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