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Everything posted by CaptainDoubloon

  1. Just checked my fanfic on FIMfiction, 4 likes 4 dislikes and one comment accusing me of stereotypes. >.>

    1. MysticShine


      Don't let it get you down.

    2. iMac


      I have reading the story ^^ Congratulation!!

  2. That's so awesome looking, I love it!
  3. Back from work, I'm tired.

    1. iMac


      Rest ... please!

      (sorry for my english...)

    2. CaptainDoubloon
  4. Logging off for the night, I have to go to work tomorrow. Blech!

  5. Not sure if I should withdraw my story from fimfiction, the thought of it being on such a large site is making me nervous.

    1. MysticShine


      Don't let FIMFiction intimidate you. It's not that scary of a place; trust me, I used to spend all of my time over there before I came here. There are plenty of helpful things on that site that can help you with writing if you're not confident enough. I would recommend reading the lectures in the School For New Writers group. There's also a lot more constructive criticism you can get over there than you would here.

    2. CaptainDoubloon


      Thanks for the advice. I'll give the site a chance.

  6. I'm just waiting for him to show up somewhere, he tends to pop up in a lot of the shows and video games I play. lol!
  7. 1983 Female Blue I feel and look much younger than my age.
  8. My fanfic has been posted on FiM Fiction, already has one dislike. >.>

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder

      I haven't seen it yet, but don't let it get you down. :)

    3. CaptainDoubloon


      Thanks, I won't. I know not everyone will like what I write and I can respect that as long as someone doesn't go crazy with insults.

    4. iMac


      Now i'm going to read ^^ The title??

  9. Sure! Here's a picture: As for the name, please use Seeker Dragonheart.
  10. Hi sillyshy! Would you mind making me a siggy with my OC's picture? I'd love to have one.
  11. Yeah, I've been really shy about writing again but I'm glad I decided to post my story.
  12. Seeker's introduction chapter is finished, both parts can be found on my blog page.

  13. Thanks! I will. I'll be posting my story from now on my blog so it's not in two places. I can keep track of it better that way as well.
  14. I finished part 2. Part 2: Seeker could feel a warm liquid being gently poured into her mouth. It was slightly bitter, making Seeker realize it must have been a medicine of some kind. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was lying down next to a fireplace and had a blanket over her. “Feeling any better?” a voice gently said to Seeker. “I think so.” Seeker said quietly. A sharp noise made Seeker jump as Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash rushed into the library. “Twilight, dear. We saw you rushing off with the injured pony and we had to come see if there’s anything we can do to help.” Rarity explained glancing from Twilight to Seeker. Seeker’s eyes went wide and she suddenly became frightened. “Ah! Talking ponies!” she screamed and backed herself into a corner. She grabbed a bookmark with her hooves and held it in front of her like a weapon. “Back, back I say! I’ll let you have it.” Seeker said menacingly towards Pinkie Pie who had been walking closer to her. “You can’t let me have it, its Twilight’s!” Pinkie said, falling to the ground laughing. Pinkie’s laughter brought smiles to the other pony’s faces and soon the rest were laughing as well. Feeling defeated, Seeker set the bookmark back down. “Allow me to introduce everypony.” Twilight said stepping forward. “That’s Pinkie Pie. This is Applejack.” “Howdy.” Applejack said with a polite tip of her hat. “This is Rainbow Dash.” “What’s up?” Rainbow Dash said coolly. “This is Fluttershy.” “H-hello, it’s…it’s nice to meet you.” she whispered. “This is Rarity.” “Charmed to meet you.” “This cute little baby dragon is Spike and my name is Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?” “My name is Seeker. Seeker Dragonheart.” “Where did you come from? And why don’t you have a cutie mark?” Twilight wondered. Seeker rubbed the back of her head, feeling nervous. “Well,” she said. “This is kinda hard to explain but…I’m not actually a pony.” Seeker was met with blank stares. She could start to feel the tension in the room grow. “I’m actually a human that was turned into a pony.” More blank stares. Seeker was beginning to sweat. “What’s a human?” Pinkie asked, look at Twilight for an answer. Twilight shrugged. “Humans..you know. Get up in the morning and work 9-5…stand on two legs….” Seeker realized very quickly she was speaking to a failed audience. With a deep breath Seeker began to explain in depth about her past, about the gypsy she met, seeking out the spring, the transformation and waking up. “Oh my gosh…I forgot to check my leg.” Seeker yelped, stopping in the middle of her story. She glanced back at her right leg and saw it was as normal looking as the other one. Her mouth opened up in surprise. Seeker could feel tears automatically start to fill her eyes and she quickly looked away to try to hide them. “I-I’m sorry.” Seeker said, feeling slightly ashamed. “It’s been a rough day for me.” “Why don’t we step outside so you can get some fresh air?” Twilight offered. Seeker silently nodded and followed the others outside. “Welcome to Ponyville!” Twilight said happily. Seeker quickly forgot about her sorrows and glanced around, absorbing everything around her. Ponies were chatting among bright colored houses. Pegasus were clearing away some of the clouds to allow the sun to shine down. A group of fillies ran by Seeker laughing. Everything here felt so peaceful and happy. Seeker had never experienced anything like this before in her life. “We might not be as fancy-smancy as Canterlot, but we have good friends and we have good hearts.” Applejack said proudly. “And cake!” Pinkie Pie said, shoving a piece of cake in Seeker’s mouth. “Mmm! That’s good!” Seeker said, licking her lips. “But where will I stay? I have nowhere to go.” “Feel free to stay at my library with Spike and me. I insist.” Twilight said kindly. “I have so many questions about your world that I’m dying to know.” Those eyes, thought Seeker as she looked back at Twilight. “Alright, I accept.” Seeker said happily. Everyone cheered and for once in a long time Seeker felt at peace.
  15. If I could, I'd move back to California. That's home for me and I miss so many things there. But I know how expensive and crowded it's getting and I know several people who have moved out of california.
  16. Brownie, she's very calm and quiet and just kinda follows people around like a shadow. She hardly ever barks too.
  17. Me too! I actually have the ff9 soundtrack. One of my favorite tracks is from my favorite town, Treno.
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