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Dulset Tarn

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Everything posted by Dulset Tarn

  1. Remember that one joke from Ponyville Confidential? "I want hard-hitting articles, none of those namby pamby stories like last year's editor." "But Namby Pamby was a great editor!" I love that the show finally used a name joke, breaking away from the ubiquitous cookie cutter horse puns.
  2. I hope this doesn't sound rude but... you've watched the show, right?
  3. No prob But in the same position, Twilight was able to simply teleport away before being drained. Unless Discord was just THAT stunned, he should have easily just been able to say "Nope" and turn Tirek into cheese or something.
  4. Almost certainly, but the season 4 finale calls it vaguely into question. If you ask me, Tirek stealing his power made no sense.
  5. Personally the only hateboxing I've seen is against anyone who doesn't think the show is as amazing as it used to be. Just saying that here is likely to attract rabid hate.
  6. That's kinda not even remotely true, which is entirely a strike against the show, not you. I mean, Twilight became a princess but has no idea what she's doing as one. Surely she'd need some guidance from her lifelong princess mentor, right??
  7. This might be presumptuous and I don't have anything to back it up, but personally I think the problem is that Celestia might be thought of by the writers as "Lauren Faust's character". She's mysterious and wise, the kind of character you don't want to mess up. Luna took a while to become a character, but Celestia's been a relatively big role since season 1. That's how I explain Cadence taking Celestia's role as Twilight's mentor and confidante. As someone who was added in with next to no established character, it's simply that much easier for McCarthy and the writers to work with Cadence than it is to give Celestia a role. It may be a simplistic theory, but I just know that if I were writing for the show, writing for Lauren's Celestia would be much more daunting than anyone else.
  8. I like the sentiment of the episode, it's not a bad episode, but I still found the solution really really dumb, and most of the attempts by the other ponies to help, while sensible, were just boring...
  9. I guess a more apt thread title would be "Does Twillight even like Pinkie?" Hmm, I had totally forgotten, but I actually had an idea years ago for an episode where Twilight gets sick, and Pinkie has to care for her. Wait, does Luna Eclipsed count? I'm still not really sure what the idea behind that episode's lesson was.
  10. Seriously, when they got the orders from the table of harmony and left to some unknown corner of the country, I was seriously wondering if Twilight even thought to tell Celestia what they were doing. The funny/sad part about all this is that despite Celestia's purpose being all but completely removed from the show, she still hasn't even gotten a single episode, which people have been eager to see since season 1!
  11. I assure you, it really won't. In RP especially, it's all about your pony's personality in the present that matters, and from my experience no one wants to hear a big story about how you got your cutie mark or whatever. The point of RP is to make stories with others, not tell them by yourself. For backstories, simplest is best. That's my rather strong opinion anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of people for whom this isn't true, but this is simply what my personal experience tells me.
  12. @@cuteycindyhoney Another interesting point is brought up. A narwhal's "horn" spirals along the length, as does a unicorn's. Do any other horns in nature have a spiral pattern?
  13. Isn't that the exception that proves the rule? The Poison Joke messed with their physiology. Her horn became limp precisely because that's not how it's supposed to be.
  14. "Here we have a pony who knows everything about everyone in town... how can we determine which is the real one?" "I know! Let's devise a test out of the thing she's worst at, and make it an elimination match, so we'll know the one that lasts longest is the real one!" Frickin' dumb...
  15. What if it's actually a giant tooth like narwhals??
  16. Wow, how has no one pointed this out yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yESDQWm8M7o 15 seconds in, take a look. I honestly thought it was pretty obvious the moment they showed up. A cutie mark shows what makes a pony different from their peers, unique and special. These are essentially anti-cutie marks, showing that these ponies are all the same, or rather, they're all marked as if they're the same.
  17. Celestia clashed horns with Chrysalis if I recall correctly.
  18. I don't understand why everyone thinks they need a big backstory. How about just being a regular dude? For any character, I think the present should matter far more than the past.
  19. I'm fairly certain Rarity never says anything like that.
  20. I think the Royal We is more about speaking for the country, and has nothing to do with gods. I'm no expert though.
  21. What about Feeling Pinkie Keen? But that's not true, she's had very personal interactions with Dash, Fluttershy, even quite a few minor characters. But when it comes to Twilight...
  22. I remembered that, but wasn't sure if it should be included. It was pretty clear that while they did learn something, Pinkie didn't really know anything about it...
  23. I mean really, think about it. Virtually every time they interact, Twilight just treats Pinkie as someone who stops by from time to time, and that she has to deal with despite never wanting to. They never do things together, not like friends anyway. They don't really do anything that friends do. Has Pinkie ever taught Twilight something about friendship? Have they ever shared a single friendly moment together? Heck, even when they're specifically talking about friendship, the interactions are generally strained and are hardly indicative of a good friendship (Griffon the Brush Off, A Friend in Deed, Pinkie Pride). If they didn't constantly say what good friends they are, I'd honestly have no idea that they're supposed to be close. I'm not even asking for really best friend stuff, but just anything that shows that Twilight thinks of Pinkie as an actual friend. I'm aware that Twilight certainly knows Pinkie is a kind, well-intentioned, and outgoing pony, but I don't recall ever once seeing them connect on a personal level like... well, actual friends.
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