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Dulset Tarn

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Everything posted by Dulset Tarn

  1. I honestly have a hard time believing Twilight and Pinkie were ever friends.
  2. Actually that's a good point too. It's pretty likely that the sun and moon themselves are completely different from our world/magic worlds. I find it unlikely that the moon in Equestria is a gigantic rock 200000 miles away, or that the sun is a ball of nuclear fusion 93000000 miles away. The ability to control them in Equestria could be totally incomparable to anything in another world.
  3. You could say it's as powerful as it is necessary. Sure no one in Harry Potter could manipulate the sun, but in that world the sun does its own thing. Meanwhile if no one were there to do it in Equestria, the whole place would be screwed.
  4. Just rehashing Show Stoppers would have at least been better than this.
  5. I'd give a 4/10 so far, but only because even after reading that I feel like I still don't actually know the character at all. More info about her personality would be a great improvement.
  6. Come on guys, ponies will put up the most elaborate decorations and feasts for Celestia just showing up. Do you really think they'd let her ignore her own birthday? As some have said, maybe just no one knows what day it is, but I can't think of why that would be.
  7. This is an incredible episode meant to show without a doubt that no matter what other ponies may think, and even when she has every reason to, Pinkie Pie never succumbs to jealousy or bitterness or hatred. And that's why Pinkie Pride is an abomination.
  8. I think it's just that McCarthy has a serious crystal fetish.
  9. My least favorite part of the first movie is when Pinkie "guesses" the entire conflict just so Twilight doesn't have to explain it herself. In a movie chock full of problems being handwaved out of existence and the story making no attempt to be coherent or make sense, I actually finally started feeling engaged once Twilight started worrying with Spike about how to show her friends how important her mission was. Spike suggests telling them that she's a pony princess, but Twilight knows that they'll think she's crazy if she tries. Still, neither of them can think of a way around it, since they need Twilight to win the Formal before the portal closes, and the Formal has been delayed. It seems like the first and only point in the whole movie where the writers might have to actually think about what the best course of action is, and do something clever to get around the dilemma. But then Pinkie explains everything, defusing the revelation entirely and completely bypassing the conflict. The writers actually saw an opportunity for something that would require thought, and elected to ignore it and instead deliver a slap in the faces of everyone in the audience who expected a real story. I'll admit, there aren't any scenes in the second movie that I actually hate, I was more bored than bothered by it. If I had to pick then, it would be all the scenes where the Rainbooms fight. Not because it's out of character or childishly stupid or anything (which it is), but just because... well, let me put it this way. We see them fighting a bit in the beginning of the film, and by that point the entire audience already knows what's going to happen.The fighting is going to continue over the course of the movie, and in the end they'll need to make up and that will fuel the resolution. Now if it were a good movie, the conflict would actually crescendo over the course of the movie, new elements would be added into the fighting, and the resolution would be driven by them actually coming to understand each other. Heck, maybe making up would happen gradually, one pair after another, rather than all at once. But even from the very beginning, we know none of that will happen. We know very well that the fights will be exactly the same every time with nothing new added. We know that right at the climax of the movie, they'll all be fighting just as always, and then they'll suddenly make up by simply choosing not to be terrible friends. Nothing will actually change about their conflict, they'll only decide not to fight anymore. So seeing it all play out from the beginning, every scene where they bicker is simply a reminder of what we all already know about this mindless story arc. That's why it's my least favorite.
  10. This actually is something that ever since the first movie I found to be a glaring problem. Twilight forms a close bond with the mane 5 after several trials and revelations in the Everfree Forest, and even still the bond was only sealed when she heard them coming to help her. Meanwhile, the fact that the humans and Twilight are able to make the rainbow of light (even ignoring the fact that they didn't have the elements) is a straightforward implication that Twilight shares the same strong bond with these students as she does with her real friends. But clearly something is being devalued here, either the bond itself or the humane 5. Twilight spent one uneventful day with these people, and never spent a moment trying to get to know them better or see their virtues, she simply assumes that they're the same as her real friends, no personal revelations or tough choices necessary. So either the bond itself, the one that allows the use of the Elements, is so flimsy that a pale facsimile with people you don't even know will properly simulate it, or the humane 5 themselves are such soulless replicas that they can fill the spots of the real bearers of the elements without it being necessary to even get to know them.
  11. And again, why? First you say you want a male main character, so I point out Spike. Then you say he doesn't count because he'll never be romantically involved with a pony, so I ask you if romance s your only concern. Then you say it's not about romance, it's about depth. But again, Spike is right there. Now you're saying it has to be a pony, and I don't have a clue why.
  12. @@Foliha So you're looking for more depth than the mane six? Just what are you asking for?
  13. @@Foliha Oh, so when you ask about recurring male characters, you only care about romance.
  14. Why are you ignoring Spike? So he's not a pony... and?
  15. There's Pinkie and Gummy's birthday in Party of One, and A Friend in Deed takes place on Cheerilee's birthday, the day after Zecora's birthday, and 132 days before Matilda's birthday. Baby Cakes shows the cake twins' (zeroth) birthday. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils shows Sweetie's fifth birthday but that hardly counts because it didn't have anything to do with the present. I think that's it. But yeah, there's no reason at all to think Celestia's birthday is the SSC, unless Luna picked that day to go crazy 1000 years ago. And it's been at least one year since the first episode, as of Princess Twilight Sparkle.
  16. I can't really say Twilight or Rarity, as their accomplishments are mostly informed and otherwise fantastical, not really anything to inspire a person. Pinkie is the one I'd say is most inspirational in my opinion. She's superhumanly good, but all in ways that a person can really try for. She doesn't resent, she doesn't get jealous, she doesn't hold anything against anyone. Well, in the first seasons anyway.
  17. I believe they do say that this is the case, but you can't really make any particular day the anniversary, that's just the day it happened on. Is it just me or is it messed up for her to create a national holiday centered around the saddest moment of her life?
  18. I always like Cookie Cutter for super generic ponies. By the way, I have a thread in the Requests Guild for helping with OC names, but no one's posted there yet...
  19. What do you think ponies do on this momentous day?
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