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Dulset Tarn

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Everything posted by Dulset Tarn

  1. Those were sapphires according to Mrs. Cake.
  2. Funny thing, diamonds have never once been shown to exist in Equestria. Lots of other gemstones have, and we can infer that diamonds do exist there, but we've never actually seen one. Unless you think those tiny little circles on Diamond Tiara's tiara are diamonds.
  3. More curiously, what in the world does Celestia do to sent the return letters into Spike's gut?
  4. It's just the passive aggressive way of referring to anyone who likes seasons 1 and 2 and not the others when you want to act superior to anyone with a different opinion.
  5. Oh, and though it's not an episode, I'm fully aware that Raise This Barn is not a good song by any means, but damn am I a sucker for a nice rhythm!
  6. I just love MMMMystery even though it's almost entirely Pinkie being really stupid. And I could go on for hours about how A Canterlot Wedding makes no sense, but damn was it entertaining. Heck, even Pinkie Pride, which actually makes me angry to think about, was entertaining enough to be one of my favorites of the season.
  7. Man I tell ya, if you try hard to appease me of all people, you'll wind up with like 10 episodes at most between the two seasons... I hope you get some opinions from other people ^^;
  8. I like Crystal Empire too. It gets some silly flak. But really? You're leaving Flight to the Finish in too? I never made the connection before, but Games Ponies Play, Flight to the Finish, Rainbow Falls, and Equestria Games were all really stupid and unnecessary and the series would probably be better without them. Harshwhinny just can't save the arc from being really really dumb.
  9. I thought you were leaving Games Ponies Play out. It really is nonsense when you think about it.
  10. It's too bad really, Castle Mane-ia was the only one from season 4 I'd say is truly season 1-ish. And also too bad about Rarity Takes Manehattan, if minor edits are allowed that would be great if you just get rid of the trinket.
  11. You know, the article even helped me realize something. I was actually really skeptical when it mentioned the whole "sex sells" sentiment in regards to Equestria Girls, like really? But it actually makes a good point. Flash Sentry, no matter how small a role he plays, is only there to check off the "love interest" checkbox on the corporate shill checklist. The story and development wouldn't be the least bit different without him, but they needed to shoehorn "romance" in there somewhere, no matter how foreign to the entire series it is. If the "sex sells" sentiment were truly absent from the development, there would undoubtedly be no Flash Sentry at all.
  12. I should have mentioned, this isn't totally off topic. I brought it up becausethat was exactly the same disappointment I felt when instead of Twilight using spells and cleverness (from Boast Busters to Magic Duel and pretty much everything in between) we instead got completely stupid laser fights. Turning spells into lasers has got the be the most obvious sign of undeniable laziness I've seen as the series progressed.
  13. That's the more tactful way of saying it. My point was that there are always really obvious predictions that anyone could make about a series right from the start, but that doesn't always mean it's inevitable. A smart writer will tend to avoid those obvious routes to make something more interesting. But there's a big difference between something being guessable from the start, then actually coming true, and something being actually obvious from the start, which people erroneously claim about Twilight.
  14. It was superior by far, definitely. And requiring a rewrite well, that's kind of the deal. You're a little bit crazy trying to do all this withut a rewrite, you have to know that! That's a very good question! Now ask yourself the exact same thing about Twilight alone becoming a princess in the first place!
  15. Arguably, Twilight Time and Trade Ya can still work just as well if you just replace "princess" with "hero"
  16. I'm not sure what you mean but I can't wait! The irony of the situation above though is that Magic Duel was one of my two favorite episodes of season 3 I completely agree And man, Just for Sidekicks was a pretty damn good one. It actually had some clever writing with everything going full circle. Also hey, another person who says "AliTwi", nice! And thanks for that list, showing just how completely worthless Twilight's ascension was to the entire season XD
  17. Were you as disappointed as I was when all the cool spellcasting between the Death Eaters and the Order in the books was replaced with pew pew lasers and flying around in the movies?
  18. You know, while there's no way you could have made a good season in my opinion, you actually did a pretty impressive job. I'd get rid of Three's a Crowd and most of season 4's arc if I were you though.
  19. In episode 2, Pinkie mentions her "Grammy Pie" who taught her to laugh her fears away, and in Too Many Pinkie Pies she mentions a "Nanna Pinkie" who told her stories about (probably among other things) the mirror pool. But from what we see of Pinkie's family, none of them are likely to do those things. If we assume these are the same pony, it becomes apparent that her nanna's name was in fact Pinkie Pie! Sometime in the future, Pinkie goes back in time and finds her young filly self, still learning about who she is, and she becomes a surrogate grandmother in order to teach her young self about laughter, and stories, and friendship, and her Pinkie Sense, none of which she was getting from her family.
  20. Also note what else happens whenever violence is an option. They tried fighting the manticore, but that was the wrong way to go about it. Dash kicked the dragon in the face, but only Fluttershy's assertiveness placated it. Twilight presumably could have shot lasers at the hydra, but they decided to simply flee. I can literally name a dozen more instances of fighting being possible but not the route taken, so it's times like this and the laser fight with the giant worm that show me how far the series has drifted from its original path.
  21. There's every reason for it. His entire claim is that the author hasn't seen the films, which he's certain of because the facts cited by the author don't line up with his opinions about Equestria Girls. He's literally just saying "This guy disagrees with me, therefore he's unethical". It needs to be called out.
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