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Mesme Rize

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Everything posted by Mesme Rize

  1. Anybody else going to movie night in an hour? We watch the new Dragon Ball movie with Broly.


    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      No, not me. But you guy have fun

  2. When i laid in bed last night, i was thinking hard about my ancestory.

    Since my ancestors are from poland (which i know for a long time know) i wonder how much jewish blood i also have in me, considering jews have a long history in Poland.

    I really need to make a DNA test one day. It just fascinates me so much.

    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      my ancestors were from Italy if you go far back enough, but tbh, i don't feel it affects anything, no matter where we come from, it's how we're raised that makes us who we are, and our own choices as we act on the things that come up

  3. I have no intention (like every year) to watch the hollywood circlejerk known as the oscars.

    These awards are not for movie lovers. They are for the elite of hollywood to market themselves, be it politics, merchandise, or whatever. But it's not about crowning the best movies.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      My reaction to Hollywood's recent award shows:


    3. PoisonClaw


      Same here. Often times they only pick the movies they have heard of rather than if it's good or not anyway. 

    4. Misty Shadow

      Misty Shadow

      Couldn't have said it better myself. They used to not be that bad back when they were relatively good at pretending it was about the people and not them, but now they are just a loud and proud trainwreck. 

  4. 1036825__safe_artist-colon-kaalover_oc_o

    Obey @Mesme Rize

    Destroy @PathfinderCS

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ashen Pathfinder

      Ashen Pathfinder


    3. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      but then one day a fight broke out, and hateful words were said
      flaming tempers were enflamed, distruction quickly spread

    4. Sparklefan1234


      *Places @PathfinderCS inside a protective bubble*


      full.gif I'm sure he's fine. :muffins:

  5. It's truly amazing. I've been on this forum for over 4 years now and i have seen quite alot here, from the good to the bad times. I remember when i came here at the beginning of 2015 and i was kind of in a bad place in my life, being depressed and having not alot of energy for anything in my life. I know for some it might be a surprise, but i never wanted to bother anyone at that time with my constant struggles. But alot of you still helped me in another way and some of you still remind me that there is good in this world. And i want to use this opportunity to give a big shoutout to a bunch of people. @Creamy Arty You where the first guy i really tried to know here when i came here. My memory of our conversations back then are a bit foggy, but i always respected your presence and i also am glad that you came back after your absence. @Jeric In the last 4 years i can't think of anyone being more suited for this admin job then you did. Your creative ideas to get this Forum active where always welcome to me and where always very fun. You are really one of the nicest people, i ever met on this site. @PathfinderCS Even if we don't see eye to eye on the Snake vs. Deer argument, you are also a very chill guy to talk too, even if we don't had that many opportunities. You will always be best deer. @LZRD WZRD I know, he hasn't been here for 3 years and he probably forgot about me. But he was a guy i really loved and i mean REALLY loved. While our paths have gone apart, i don't really hold a grudge against him and i truly enjoyed that one year we where together. @Dark Horse My little bro. Maybe not in blood, but certainly in spirit. I remember when i met you first. You helped me up after my break up with WZRD. Ever since then, we always had a very special connection these past 3 years, even to the point that we meet in person here in Germany. There is no one, in the history of this forum, that i am more thankful for and i hope i'll be more thankful in the future to come. @Sparklefan1234 You don't need to boop me everyday, You are probably king of the dorks, when it comes to forum activity, because there is simply no time i don't find you here. But i am glad to always find you here, doing your funny shenanigans. @Will Guide You are probably my favorite guy, when it comes to talking about Disney, something that i loved since i was very little. I know you sometimes take my statements a bit too seriously, but i also take that as a compliment. You should always take your friends seriously when they have problems. @JonasDarkmane My favorite viking in the world. You are the only guy i trust with, when it comes to have a civil political debate with. You also teached me to look a bit more deeper into the gray area that this world more and more forgets about. Thank you so much for that. @Dark Qiviut I know what it is about you, but it seems like wherever i go in this fandom, you are always following me. I don't mean that as a bad thing though, since i admire your intelligence and your witiness. And while we where never that close with one another, i think you're a cool guy. (Stop calling me Kaa though. ) @Lord Valtasar I don't know you as long as other guys here, but i always enjoy your company during our discord get togethers. You are a very cool dude for me. I am sorry if i missed some people, but i don't have time for all of you. I just wanted to shed my heart and give out my thanks for the last four years and i hope you also feel the same about me. I will always be your favorite hypnotic doctor snekpone. :3 Big Lamiahuggles for all of you
  6. Just received the sad news that Stanley Donen, the director of Singin in the rain (which many consider the greatest movie musical of all time), Died today at age 94.

    Truly, another legend in the golden age of cinema has passed away today. May he rest in piece. :(



  7. I am still the better hypnotist, ain't I? :ticking:

    1. CypherHoof


      Even you could be Pinkied though :)

  8. Can someone share some pity for a sick and sniffling snek? :scoots:

  9. just to make sure, i don't really hold a grudge. I am just being silly. :P

    1. PoisonClaw


      Oh, I know. Just making sure! :ticking:

  10. Poyo?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mesme Rize
    3. Libra


      Bit of a long story mesme =w=

    4. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Well, you don't need to say anything if you don't want to.

  11. Okay, once and for all. Who is the best hypnotist?
  12. 1968271__safe_artist-colon-artiks_starli

    Look at this smug Starlight, thinking she is cock of the walk. But let me tell you, Starlight is an absolute nobody, compared to me. ::okiedokieloki:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      @Libra no praising the lesser hypnotist. :T

    3. Sparklefan1234


      A new foe has appeared! :mlp_wat:....:okiedokieloki:

    4. Libra


      @Mesme Rize Any pony worth their bits will tell you that you are clewrly superior. This was just a one off thing starlight glimmer did, and she isnt even certified!

      You have nothing to worry about, my friend!

  13. tell me about it? I don't have a fear of snakes, like the average person does. But i get the creeps everytime i hear buzzing bugs around me. It dosen't even need to be a bee, just a normal fly is enough. Phobias are in it's nature nonsensical. Even the bravest person in the world probably has a silly phobia.
  14. I think getting angry about a 3 minute short is kinda pointless, since they are only there for the animators and writers to have fun. Alot of people already know about the ladybug continuity error and they don't mind it, because they just see the shorts as just silly fun. No offense, but i think you need to chill.
  15. Ny old hypnotic avatar is back.

    Now you can look deep into my eyessssss again and fall...deeeep into my trance...deeeeeper...and trussssssssst in me...

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      I'm hope I'm not too late to fall into your trance...

    2. Libra



      Yes, i will.

  16. Hello there Sparky. *Lamiahuggles*

    You okay? :3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MangoFoalix


      Same here, I always hop between communities but this one is surely the friendliness I've been in and I really do appreciate that.

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I am with you right there.  ;)

      Remember, if you need someone to talk to, or some huggles or some hypnosis i am here for you. :)

    4. MangoFoalix


      Thanks for that. Really, I do enjoy your presence.

  17. I just realized that it's been over 15 years now, since The Return of the King came to Cinemas, which is still one of my all time favorite movies. I think we have to owe alot to this movie, since i take that alot of us here are fans of Fantasy and Peter Jackson took the Lord of the Rings and pretty much revolutionized the fantasy genre, turning it into a serious genre in the process. Before that, Fantasy was just for "crazy nerds" who where in their basements, playing DnD with their friends. These days, we have big budget fantasy movies, TV Shows and Video Games, like Game of Thrones, The Witcher and The Elder Scrolls.

    And i admit it, i still get a bit teary eyed whenever i see the scene where Frodo tells Sam that he sails to the undying lands with Gandalf.


    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      a great movie for a great novel. i'm glad it was done right, and while Elder scrolls was there even before the movie, it's popularity was certainly affected, i'm still that nerd that plays DnD and MTG with my friends instead of going out to drink ourselves to death, but it being mainstream means we get some high budget stuff too, which i greatly appreciate

    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      Well, Elder Scrolls first started to get real attention with Oblivion in 2006 when it was really pushed beyond PC Gaming and also onto Consoles. Morrowind also had an Xbox port, but not alot of people liked it.

      More power to you and your friends though. Be glad you are not getting demonized like the DnD players in the 80s, when they where compared to a satanic cult. :P

  18. It's never too late to join. Welcome to the forums. If you need a snakepone to huggle, i am the one to call.
  19. I think this song represents the ending of the show perfectly.
  20. Abonden everything and shuffle anew, that's how i always envisioned it with the next show. It makes it way easier for a new generation to watch this show, without going back to watch 9 seasons of development.
  21. Well that didn't take long.


    I just wait to inevitable Lamiapony version of the episode. :P

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      Christmas is never over if you keep the spirit in your heart. :raritypleadhat:

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      I know what you mean. But a doctor with a christmas hat just looks silly.

    4. Sparklefan1234


      You're a "zany" doctor. :mlp_pinkie:

  22. Little video i found that pretty much deals with most of the problems i have with Captain Marvel and also the problem in general with current Hollywood blockbusters. Take from it what you want.
  23. Just remember guys. I am still the one and true hypnotist. Starlight can't even come close to me. :okiedokieloki:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mesme Rize
    3. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Mesme Rize

      I'm more concerned that Twilight has a fear of Ladybugs since fillyhood yet she had no problems with one back in S4's It ain't easy being Breezies 


      Might be a new writer who knew nothing of this episode.

      Go figure.

    4. TheRockARooster


      Hello there, @Mesme Rize.

      How are you?

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