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Mesme Rize

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Everything posted by Mesme Rize

  1. Been playing Kingdom Hearts 3 on and off for the last few days.

    Without spoiling anything, this game is really alot of fun and was worth the long wait. It looks pretty, has a great soundtrack, gameplay is very smooth and exciting and the worlds are bigger then they have ever been.

    I am glad to have spend my money on it.

    1. Sparklefan1234


      KH3 was definitely worth the wait! :-D

    2. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender

      You're just taunting me now. :(

      I don't own the game...and I can't possibly play it until my birthday.

  2. Why are you so rood to me?
  3. Hello there Darky. When will you come back into my foressssssst? Having you in my coilssssss was really nice.
  4. Only a few hours left till the Kingdom Hearts 3 release. As a fan since day 1, who almost played every game in the series, my hype knows no boundaries. After all these years, the final chapter has finally been reached.

    Pre-ordered it about 2 months ago. I just look at the time ticking down on my PS4. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Rikifive I enjoy Kingdom Hearts for the Disney element & tune out for everything else. :muffins:

    3. Rikifive


      @Sparklefan1234 And that's why I said it had a potential - the concept of visiting these words is itself really interesting -- but sadly some letsmakeeverythingunnecessarilycomplex guys came out of nowhere and I started getting bored. :mlp_icwudt: Literally, I just started the second game and I completely had no idea what was going on-- then quickly stopped caring. The wall of dialogues, all the random characters.. I'll be honest, Square Enix isn't the best when it comes to plot. They're doing really decent gameplay, but usually the plot in their games are like someone came up with these while being drunk. :mlp_icwudt:

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Rikifive Yeah, the plots for Kingdom Hearts games are pretty difficult to follow.

  5. I swear, they better use this for the pirates world in KH3

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      It's okay. I am hyped eitherway for this game. :)

      BTW, did the video i send you about the timeline help a bit?

    3. Sparklefan1234



      BTW, did the video i send you about the timeline help a bit?

      Thanks again for the video, btw. I really appreciate it. :rarity:

      I was with them until they said "This is a simplified timeline.". ^_^

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Mesme Rize Without giving anything away KH3 has been really fun so far. 

  6. I would advice you to watch this vid, as it explains the whole Kingdom Hearts timeline in a simple and short way.


    1. Sparklefan1234


      Thank You, My Friend! :-D

  7. Sometimes, does a pic say more then 1000 words. :3


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide


      They don't even have money in the 100 Acre Wood. And there was a whole episode of the New Adventures that shows Pooh isn't selfish and actually went to great lengths to get some honey for Rabbit for once!

    3. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      @Will Guide that show was so underrated. The animation was a bit better, since it came out in the 90s, but it still had the same charm like the old pooh shorts.

    4. Sparklefan1234


      @Will Guide I know. I was just making a joke. :maud:

  8. I see we have another challenger for my title. Seriously though, glad to see you on the team. We know each other for awhile, so i am sure we get along swell.
  9. oh cool, what a nice thing from hollywood to throw us a bone by nominating black panther as best movie, eventhough it won't win and is only there as a desperate attempt to gain ratings.


    >hollywood spends the past year whinging about #meToo

    >Nominates a freaking Bryan Singer movie for best picture


    Never change hollywood. If there was an award for greatest hypocrites, you would win it.



  10. rhanksssssss for following me

    1. Prometheus
    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      NU D:


  11. I am thinkng about writing a story, featuring Mesme Rize and Sandbar.

    I have a few ideas, but it still needs some polishing. I mean, it shouldn't just be "hypnofic LOL" :P

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    2. Sparklefan1234


      I think Sandbar would be easy to hypnotize. :o

  12. I feel your pain. Just last year, my dog, who i had for 13 years, died because of a stomach Tumor last year. My deepest sympathies.
  13. The best way for Twilights fear of Snakes to go away, is through immersion. :3


    1. CastletonSnob


      Aversion therapy?

    2. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      @Mesme Rize

      In character, you did helped Unicorn Will Guide get over his fear of snakes, using Changeling Will Guide as an intermediate between snake doctor and snake-fearing patient.

    3. TheRockARooster
  14. If Mesme was in the school of friendship, what would his job be?

    I had that thought just now, but i have no idea how he could help there.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      School Counselor's number one assistant! :yeahno: 

    3. CypherHoof


      Schools are always in need of competent custodians? :)

    4. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      You'd put Starlight out of a job. :yeahno:


    Last call for my reading. I start in about 20 minutes.

  16. I know, i usually don't talk politics in my Status. But i heard about Tulsi Gabbard wanting to run for President of the US and i wondered who that women is.

    Gotta say, for a politician, she speaks too much sense. She really is a shiny beacon in the toxic democratic party. She has military experience, is very smart and she also dosen't trust CNN, NBC, FOX and all the other Mainstream media outlets.

    Eventhough i am centrist who goes a bit to the right, if i was a US Citizen, i would vote her. She is what a women president should look like and not one of those women like Warren, who only talk about her gender and her false native backstory. Leaders should be voted by what personality they have and not what they look like.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck


      Well, for starters, she's a Democrat (definite red flag for me, but IDK about you).

    3. J.T.


      Yeah she seems to be to the right of a lot of dems but she's still for more government handouts and more gun control.

    4. Phosphor


      With the national democrat party moving heavily towards gun control, I doubt I'll vote for another Democrat for the rest of my life. Someone like Joe Manchin or Heidi Heitkamp would be exceptions.

  17. I'll be reading later today, so don't forget.

  18. Does a buggo need a huggo? :3

  19. (This is a repost of a post i made back in October. It's a song parody based on the song "The Phoney King of England" from the Disney Movie Robin Hood, with lyrics changed to make it into a tribute song for @Jeric. I put a video down below here. Have fun) Oh, the internet has a human yet Skulking behind his Screen A someone who likes Rarity and Is never ever mean With other bronies on his side MLPForums grew With Darky, Pathy, Randi, Arty And many more in the crew Jeric was this brony's name Our lives would never be the same He's known as the Pony King on the E-Net! All hail to the Pony King on the E-Net! He sits alone on a giant throne Reading emails all day He posts up news and Rarity pics And keeps the spam away And he throws an angry tantrum If Rarity's not on site So it's a pointless post With Rarity as the host All this, despite the server's plight Despite this, he still gets the scoops Before the spoilers leak out. Whoops! All hail to the Pony King of the E-Net! As Pathy is making deerpony posts Right behind old Jeric's head As Jeric swaps banner backdrops From green to pink to red All this despite a gross mishap Which was a pain, you see He got locked in with buttons mom He was shipped a time or three But it's already nighttime, wow! His kids should be in bed by now! The pony and homey king on the E-net! The mailin' wailin', Postin' hostin', Blabberin' jabberin', Typin' hypin', clickin' flickin', Wheelin' dealin' Jeric, the Pony King on the E-net! Yeah!
  20. I sometimes have sleep problems.

    Do you have some too?

    I can help with that.


    Trussssst in me...

    1. Passion


      Wolves don't sleep you 'foo! Wolves always keep vigil.

    2. Mesme Rize

      Mesme Rize

      You Khajiits are no fun. *Angry hiss*

  21. I sometimes have sleep problems.

    Do you have some too?

    I can help with that.


    Trussssst in me...

  22. >looks at race poll
    >snake pony is last place

    No love for snekpone. :(

    1. Catpone Cerberus

      Catpone Cerberus

      Here's a kind snake for you :P
      Kuvahaun tulos haulle snake pony cat

    2. Rikifive


      *cough* *cough* You can always hypnotize ponies to change their mind. :mlp_toldya:

  23. until
    Back to my reading schedule again. Since the rose and the serpent is currently on hiatus, i decided to read the authors parody take of his own story. Hope to see you there.
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