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Status Updates posted by Littlecandylulu903

  1. Gettin' an awful lot of page visits from (retired) staff.

  2. Shitpost.


    1. DubWolf



    2. SCS


      edgy post dude

    3. Nerdy Luigi

      Nerdy Luigi

      Top 5 shitposts-

      "Number... all of them... that."

  3. I am Rainbow Eclipse.

    Yes, it really is true. That guy who got permabanned at the end of 2014 for some stupid shit he did. Some of you already knew, but now anyone who sees this will know, and that includes the moderators. So they can just come and get me and then I'll be gone for real.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Sovereign Leader Rarity

      Oh, right. But oh well, you may as well make the most of what time you have left.

    3. Littlecandylulu903


      @Rarity the SupremeHeck, I might not get banned at all if the mods are too dumb to come and ban me.

    4. SCS
  4. I just took a giant shit. Then I realized I'd created a perfect replica of this website.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lunar Echo
    3. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane



    4. jackspedicy


      You could make a lot money selling that stuff

  5. Enjoy this shithole of a website, everyone. The moderators here are some of the most incompetent I've ever seen, giving out warnings and bans like it's a kiddie playground. Put a bunch of chimps in front of their computers and they'd do a better job. 

    1. K.Rool Addict

      K.Rool Addict

      Well, I cannot argue there xD

    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs
    3. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      I'm sorry you feel that way, but giving a more constructive criticism of what you personally don't like might go a bit further than simply throwing out insults. I'm always happy to talk.

      In any case, no one is forcing you to stay.

  6. Going. And none of the people I met through this site will be able to see me or contact me again.

    1. Snow


      sad to read but i bid you a farewell and hope life treats you well, best of luck for whatever happens next :)

    2. Connie
    3. Emerald Shine
  7. You brohoofed that post... does that mean you'd like to join? :)

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      What's it about?

    2. Littlecandylulu903


      Your OC has the ability to travel between Earth and Equestria.

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Cool, not sure if I'm ready for a rp yet though haha.

  8. What is it like to have no internal pain? I keep looking at people around me and wish I could be them because I have a lot weighing me down, and I just want a different life... anyone here who hasn't got any emotional pains or worries at the moment and feels free?

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Certainly not me, I'm always usually upset about something about me. How effective it can be depends from day to day.

    2. Widdershins


      Well, every new body, mind or world you could change to be still comes with its own downsides.I like to think our pain is what makes us stronger, more unique.The trials I've been through have made me into the personality & being I am today & that I wouldn't trade!...though maybe some thicker scales & maybe firebreath and...

  9. I have to say, I didn't expect people to still be visiting this page.

    1. SparklingSwirls


      Hey, welcome back! :)

    2. Missklang


      I visited the page... This phrase was so 4th wall breaking... It got me by surprise xD

  10. Well, bye for me. Sorry to anybody I've hurt/inconvenienced during my stay...

    1. Chara


      What happened?

    2. The Pixelated Pony

      The Pixelated Pony

      I... I'm truly... Truly sorry... I could have tried to do something... Really... I wish I could have helped... But no... I didn't... I wanted to put this lightly but... I just can't... If I could have done something. If we collectively could have done something... Let us know... I know the chances of you ever seeing this are a one in a million... But if you ever do... Please know I'm sorry for anything I or anyone else have done... To make you leave... S.J.S wishing things to...

  11. Well, I guess I've failed at being a member of the community.

    1. Fiery Shadow

      Fiery Shadow

      aww don't leave ;(

    2. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu


  12. Seven brohoofs. In a row. From the same person.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Littlecandylulu903


      And then another five.

    3. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu

      Isn't that me, eh? xD

    4. Kawaii Besu

      Kawaii Besu

      And all that's from the same post. :comeatus:

  13. Who wants to hear the story of a day where there was all this blood?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. SynBassilicious Pony
    3. Littlecandylulu903


      The scariest part is that the man was YOU!!!!! (or he was a lady if you are a lady) and you forgot thaat this happened.

    4. SynBassilicious Pony
  14. My mod app got turned down. No surprise, because I only filled out the wrong one and decided not to apply before I could ever complete the right one.

  15. I should keep track of all the times I say "Why didn't I do/say that..."

  16. This is ridiculous.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buzz


      How come?

    3. Littlecandylulu903


      We'll have to talk over PM.

    4. Buzz


      Im always up for a convosation, if you want to. Just PM me whenever you want to :)

  17. Why do I manage to screw up everything? Sometimes I honestly think I'd be better off to just curl up and die...

    1. Love Doctor Blaze
    2. BastementSparkle
    3. mars


      Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. :c Please feel better.

  18. Reading Chrono Trigger: Inside Chrono's mind. Would love to read on with this comedy but I need to get further in the game first... XD

    1. Randimaxis


      (Frog for the win!)

  19. Sorry for not being on much (if you actually care). The internet is very limited here.

    1. Randimaxis


      *hugs* It'll get better soon; keep hope alive, my friend. {:>

  20. The campsite offers 30 mins of free wifi a day per device. My trick to get extra did not work.

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