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Everything posted by TheRockARooster

  1. Rarity x Spike Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry Rainbow Dash x Applejack Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy Bon Bon x Lyra Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle
  2. I actually think Peter Jackson’s King Kong was so overrated. We all have our opinions and I respect yours, my friend.
  3. I have a feeling that I'm gonna need some ice cream after my meal tonight. :devious:

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Not really, Bairro. :ButtercupLaugh:

    3. Bairro M Vagrant

      Bairro M Vagrant

      ohhhh, he just didn't eat much in the dinner!

      But I'm keeping a regular full diet these days,and barely eat snacks, because I love my cooks!:winking-izzy:

      I'm gonna cook for Princess Friendship someday!:pinkiehappy:

    4. TheRockARooster


      I usually wait a while after dinner before I eat ice cream, hehe.


      And good luck on the cooking, my friend.

  4. When things won't go right for me.
  5. @Dreambiscuit @Tropical Melody @ZiggWheelsManning I had a Big Carl and a Famous Star With Cheese with fries and drink from Carl’s Jr., yum yum.
  6. I love the King Kong of 1976 and the sequel as well. It was my childhood.
  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ATIBRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  8. The last movie I watched was King Kong.
  9. I have many favourite romantic ships that I love and here they are. Rarity x Spike Twilight Sparkle x Flash Sentry Rainbow Dash x Applejack Pinkie Pie x Fluttershy Bon Bon x Lyra Sunset Shimmer x Adagio Dazzle I have lately loved this romantic ship, Rarity x Coco Pommel and it’s a favourite. And for my favourite friendship ship that I love is my friendship with @Dreambiscuit. I love all of my friends and hope all of them had a lovely Valentine’s Day. 💜💜
  10. Hi Spark. :twilightsmile:

    How are you, my friend?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Awwwwwwwww thanks Spark, you’re awesome. :ticking:

      Anything fun happening with you?

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Not really, how about you? 

    4. TheRockARooster


      Yup, chatting with friends and streaming stuff.


      Thank you for everything, my friend.

  11. The last movie I watched was Godzilla.
  12. @Dreambiscuit @Tropical Melody @ZiggWheelsManning I had a pizza called Butcher’s Block with stuffed crust from Pizza Hut, yum yum.
  13. I'm feeling good, Interstellar. Hope the same for you, I'm glad to see you again. Whatever happened has happened and we're here with the now, we all are happy you're here on the forums again.
  14. INTERSTELLAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome home to the forums, my friend. It’s lovely to see you again.
  15. I see, Dreamy. :D

    Lovely to see you once again.

    Download Rarity (My Little Pony) TV Show My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Gif

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      You're hilarious, Kates. :D

      I'm so glad you're here.

    3. Dreambiscuit


      I'm glad I'm 'here' too. It's far more preferable to 'where' 'there' or 'of' which can be confusing. :derpyderp1:

    4. TheRockARooster




  16. @Dreambiscuit @Tropical Melody @ZiggWheelsManning I had Jack Daniel’s Barbecue Sauce covered smoked brats with cheese & onions and a hot dog with ketchup, mustard, cheese & onions on it, yum yum.
  17. I think Carl’s Jr. is my favourite fast food restaurant. :rarity:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheRockARooster



      I think the Big Carl is my favourite. :D

      @Samurai Equine

      You never had Carl’s Jr, Samoni? :coco:

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine


      If I have, it was only once. There is no Carls Jr. nor a Hardees near me. :please:

    4. TheRockARooster


      Awwwwwwww, sorry to hear that.

      They’re yummy and I can’t wait until Wendy’s comes to my state.

  18. Good morning and goodnight. :devious::ButtercupLaugh:

    I'll see you later, take care all.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, RockABro! :raritystarry:
      ...BroARockster? :ooh: What sounds more natural?

    2. TheRockARooster


      RockABro sounds perfect. :please:

  19. @Dreambiscuit @Tropical Melody @ZiggWheelsManning I had Hot Dogs with hot sauce, mustard, cheese and onions, yum yum.
  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fluttershy


      Happy Birthday!

    3. TheRockARooster
    4. TheRockARooster



      Hi Fluttershy, it's lovely to see you. :kindness:

      I hope you're well, lovely.



  22. New name. :please:
    Good morning and goodnight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRockARooster



      A little tweak, Snowbro.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      New avatar, new you!
      Looks good, RockABro. :raritywink: Just don't streamline too much. It starts off as RockARockster, then it simply becomes Rockster, then just Rock. :applejackconfused:

    4. TheRockARooster


      Thanks Samoni. :kindness:

  23. I love Pokemon, I love so many of them and there's so many of them to choose from. I'm gonna go with this Pokemon.
  24. Good afternoon, lovelies. :please:
    How are you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Rarity the fabulous fashionista of generosity. :rarity:
      I love the eyes too.

    3. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hi there, RockABro! :raritystarry:
      Taurophobia is the fear of bulls.

    4. TheRockARooster


      Hi Samoni. :kindness:
      I have thalassophobia, submechanaphobia, claustrophobia and acrophobia.

      I haven't got taurophobia.

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