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El Duderino

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Everything posted by El Duderino

  1. ^^ this ^^ The best way to learn writing styles is to read. You learn a lot from just reading a good book. You learn not just techniques, but also grammer and spelling. Then you just need to practice a lot. Look up online random things to write about and write something every day for practice. Just a paragraph or maybe a page if you are feeling like it. Write as often as you can. You will get more comfortable and develop you own styles.
  2. Because everyone likes music! They would probably like it if you gave them some new music to listen to. They probably don't have spotify or itunes in Equestria, so they need to actually have a record to listen to one. Believe it or not, before streaming services existed, a record was an awesome gift. I still think it is.
  3. That's good to know. Thanks for sharing that. Just shows how you really need to take every precaution before you use any prop gun. Guns of any type (real or fake) in public is a very serious matter. Always better safe than sorry.
  4. I would get rid of the part about the ponies. Just kidding I think I would want a few more strong male roles. I'm not saying get rid of the female characters, or give a male character a lead role, but a few more developed male characters would be nice. We don't have many of those. Shining, Spike, and Discord are really the only well developed male characters I can think of off the top of my head. I guess they actually gave Cheese Sandwich a surprising amount of character development for just one episode. They've started giving Big Mac some character development, which I like. They don't even need to add new male characters, but flesh out the ones that are already there. There is potential there for some good stories.
  5. I got a free copy of "Rust" on steam from a friend. I've never given the game too much thought, but I'm eager to try it out and see what I think of it :)

  6. Using a vocabulary that someone doesn't understand can be a turn off to them. I think you can never sound too smart. It's something that should impress employers. I have, however, met people who sound smart but end up giving off the "I'm to smart for you" vibe. That's not good.
  7. Sort of, but sort of not. She has enough flaws that she isn't a mary sue, but if someone made an OC like just Twilight, people would call it a mary sue. It's also kind of hard to call a main character a mary sue because we use the main characters as standards of what is mary sue. Alicorns are mary sue because there are only a few of them in the show, but if they were really common in the show we wouldn't consider them mary sue. If your OC is more powerful than Twilight, then it is in danger of being mary sue (in DANGER of being mary sue, not automatically mary sue. I'm not trying to pick on anyone's OC). Does that make any sense? The characters in the show have more leeway because they set the standards for what is mary sue in the fandom.
  8. I've started packing all my stuff today. Moving day is getting closer.

    1. Rarity Is Best Pony

      Rarity Is Best Pony

      Where are you moving to?

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      I'm moving from California to Colorado

  9. I don't play those games very often, but I'll join My profile in case any of you guys want to add me and play sometime: http://steamcommunity.com/id/thedudecrawford
  10. I have two cats and a Jack Russel mix. I'm not too attached to my cats because I'm more of a dog person, but they're nice to have around. I used to have a Saint Bernard. He was my absolute best friend. He died about a year ago from bloat. If you don't know what bloat is, it's basically where the dogs stomach flips and, well... becomes bloated. Large dogs are prone to it and it is normally fatal. There are s few treatments, but they are normally either just temporary solutions or don't work at all. It's not an easy way to go for a dog, so often the only thing to do is to put the dog down so they don't suffer. Sorry for being a downer. Here's a cute picture of him to lighten the mood
  11. I don't like the idea of a Metal Gear game without Kojima. His wicked sense of humor and weird imagination is what gave those games their charm.
  12. League of Legends, or any MOBA game actually. even though I don't like them at all, I can understand why it would be fun, but I can't understand why people love those games as much as they do. I've personally witnessed League of Legends consume someones life. So, yeah. I think that MOBA's are overrated.
  13. I don't normally remember my dreams. I really need to start writing them down when I wake up. That's supposed to help train you brain to remember your dreams more often.
  14. I'm playing No Man's Sky right now
  15. The answer is very simple. They have better things to do than boring guard duty. They have do stuff like build rocket packs, and go to the moon, and become florists... Unless you want the boring answer that the animators just needed some default guards to make their jobs easier and they made them male. thumbs up if you got the reference.
  16. Jimmy Hendrix songs have such powerful riffs I can't help but get sucked in and rock out when I play them.

  17. There is absolutely nothing in the show or canon material that even hints at that. People just have headcanons. There's nothing wrong with that, but keep in mind that it's nothing more than wishful thinking and fan fiction.
  18. $10,000 is a lot of money. That would almost pay my tuition for a whole year. I would be willing to do a lot more than that for $10,000. Hell, I would do that for $100. I don't care what strangers at a mall think of me.
  19. I actually think the reformed personality is really appropriate for the character. Let me tell you why. They show that she really is caring, but she feels that showing any sign of that is weak and lame. The way I see it is she doesn't actually have that ruff/"too cool for you" personality at all, but she only acts that way because she feels showing her true soft personality is lame and she fears that she will be made fun of or outcast. They back this up even more in the show when they show that Griffin culture doesn't seem very accepting of personalities they deem too soft. She clearly grew up in a culture where showing kindness resulting in being outcast was a very real fear. Once she learned that her kind personality isn't something to be ashamed of and actually does good for others, she learned to accept that. She is one of my favorite non-pony characters because she represents a very real life struggle where people have trouble being themselves because of the fear of what society would think of them. The chains of society hold you back and ultimately lead to depression and doubt. She probably was miserable deep down because she knows that she is denying her real feelings, but she is fearful of the backlash if she accepts them. It leads to an infinite struggle of self doubt and fear, and when you finally break free you feel like you've reached enlightenment. I can relate to that from my own life. It would make sense that she would sometimes still revert back to her old habits, especially because she is really stubborn, but I think if she truly accepted herself, she wouldn't very often.
  20. I don't think of cartoon ponies as attractive (let alone stallions because well, I'm a straight guy) but I guess if I were a pony, I would be the most attractive stallion
  21. I wouldn't say it was a bad game because a lot of people (including me) actually enjoyed it, but Watch Dogs should have been way better than it was. It just had so much potential to be amazing, but fell short on a lot of things. I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it wasn't necessarily good. It was OK but it could have been great. Hopefully Watch Dogs 2 does a better job living up to the potential.
  22. If they were real, than Twilight couldn't cast any spell because magic doesn't exist. You have to recognize that the MLP universe doesn't work the same way as ours and we can't compare it to our universe, otherwise it kind of ruins the fun of a fictional universe. The only way to see how it does work is to look to what the show and canon material tell us. I feel like you are just stuck on the fact that I mentioned it's a TV show. You are one of those fans who hates when people use the "it's a kids show" excuse to answer a question, am I right? I'm not trying doing that. Sorry if it came off that way. I'm trying to establish if there are things within the MLP universe that would be impossible with magic. The thing is that because there really aren't many canon explanations of that, I have to think about what the creators would possibly make canon, and like it or not, the fact that it's a TV show has an effect on that. True, just because they won't show something on the show doesn't mean it can't be canon. Like I said before, when we see unicorns shoot those magic beams, those beams would probably have the power to seriously injure someone or even kill them. They won't show that or make it canon, but that's probably what would happen. But because of the nature of the brand, they have to make sure everything they make canon is appropriate. Therefore, what is canon vs what is non-canon is affected by the fact that it is meant to be a kids brand. Because of all that, I think that it is reasonable to think that if the creators (the people who decide what is canon) were asked if there is a spell for killing in MLP, they would possibly say you can't kill with magic, or at least a spell like that doesn't exist.
  23. "Come back baby, Rock and Roll never forgets"

  24. Those sort of cartoon rules are valid because if the creators of the show ever actually come up with a set of things ponies can't do with magic, thing like what is acceptable to have in a cartoon would influence their decisions. Because of this, I have a headcannon that in the MLP universe, it could be impossible cast a spell that directly kills someone. Not like a magic blast that could result in a death (because lets be honest, those magic blasts we see in the show would have the force to kill someone). That is not the spell itself that kills, but the force of impact or something else that actually kills them. I'm talking about a killing spell. Like in Harry Potter with "avada kadevra", which stops your heart and instantly kills you.
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