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El Duderino

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Everything posted by El Duderino

  1. Ill be on the mobile forums all week

  2. This is pretty awesome. I think animation could be the future of the Indiana Jones franchise, especially considering Harrison Fords age.

  3. That's a pretty nice little animation you made
  4. There are a lot of games you could say I have been addicted to. When I was younger, I was definitely addicted to Minecraft. I've lost interest, though. I was also addicted to Skyrim when it came out. Honestly, I've been sucked back in since the special edition came out.
  5. I've got nothing I have to do today

  6. It snowed last night... and then it melted.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Shame that it melted but the fact that you got snow of any kind already makes you lucky. :P I want snow all the time.

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Yeah, i didn't think it would snow, but I guess I was wrong XD

  7. I agree. I don't mind the idea of a villain being reformed, but doing it every time is just bad writing. You can't reform every villain, or have them be just misunderstood. Sometimes a villain needs to be just plain evil.
  8. I was born during the year of the Ox. I don't really know anything else about it.
  9. I've got a few new books to read

    1. Summer Breeze
    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      A collection of Robert Burns poems and another of Edgar Allan Poe poems.

      A friend of mine is also lending me a book about anarchism that looks really interesting.

    3. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      I don't know those people, probably because I don't really read poetry, but it sounds interesting! have fun reading them :)

  10. You are impossible. You say if they "they can't eat meat", so why can they eat eggs, mushrooms, and dairy... Because eggs, mushrooms, and dairy are not meat! My point is that they can eat whatever the creators of the show decide they can eat... because they are cartoon ponies and don't have to follow the rules of what real ponies eat.
  11. *sigh* So imagine you were making a show about talking ponies. You would want those talking ponies to be as similar to people as possible so the audience can relate. Because of this, you include things in their diet that people eat. However, it's still kind of hard to ignore the fact that horses are herbivores, so you don't include meat. And I also just looked this up. Real horses actually CAN eat mushrooms and eggs. They just don't do it naturally in the wild. The only reason they can't eat/drink dairy products is that most mammals loose the enzymes to digest dairy products when they are adults. Humans are kind of odd in the fact that we can drink milk as adults. But that ties in with my original point. You want the cartoon ponies to be similar to people, so even though horses can't drink milk, you make it so they (for example) drink milk with their cereal because the audience of kids drink milk with their cereal.
  12. MLP ponies are not the same as real ponies, and therefor probably don't have the same diet. The only general consensus I see is that MLP ponies don't eat meat. Eggs, dairy, and mushrooms are not meat. (I know people don't like the "it's a tv show" argument, but I have to pull it out here. forgive me) I think the creators of the show try to make the ponies as similar to people as possible. Ponies can't eat meat, but that's pretty much where the creators stop. Their diets are similar to people, but without meat... because they're ponies.
  13. Are you aware that mushrooms are not meat? They are a type of fungus. I see no problem with them eating mushrooms. In real life, horses don't necessarily eat mushrooms, but as long as they aren't poisonous mushrooms, they could eat them if they wanted to. And dairy... ponies in real life drink their mothers milk. Given that MLP ponies are not the same as real ponies, I don't think it's a huge stretch to say that they can eat or drink dairy products. Eggs... OK. That one doesn't make too much sense, but we can simply say that ponies don't eat meat. Eggs are not meat.
  14. I don't like America very much, but I do like that there are many opportunities for me as a musician.
    1. ChB



    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      I think he makes a good point. Trump won for 2 reasons. Because the liberal argument isn't "this is why we are correct" it's "if you have conservative views, you are a racist idiot", and Clinton offered no change. Trump did. Many people may not like his idea of change (including me), but the thought process is that something needs to change and at least he is offering that. I may not like it, but I can't blame people for voting for him.

  15. My roommate locked me out of our dorm while I was in the shower

    1. Prospekt


      That's why I'm so glad to not have community bathrooms in my residence hall.

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      That must be nice

  16. It's not my decision to sacrifice someone else. They have to make that choice themselves.
  17. This has been a depressing week. RIP Leonard Cohen

  18. Conservative typically refers to right-winged political ideology. It also isn't black and white in what makes you conservative. If someone says they are conservative, that doesn't mean they share ALL the same views as other conservatives. It simply means they generally tend to lean towards the conservative side on certain issues, but it doesn't mean they ALWAYS do. For example, my grandparents are very conservative, but they are actually supportive of medical marijuana (something that I've noticed "conservatives" are assumed to be against). Your interest in something like furries does not mean you can't have a conservative view on other things.
  19. Well, she's not just a fashion designer, but also a tailor. She seems to be the only tailor in ponyville too. I think tailors can be important.
  20. Skyrim is sucking my life away... again.

    1. Scarlet SoftPaws

      Scarlet SoftPaws

      I could never finish it. I get close but then I get stuck into the endless side quests

  21. Well that's great if you want to work on it on you own, just let me know if you want help
  22. Do you need help with anything like the script? I can kind of do voices if I need to, but I have experience writing scripts.
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