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El Duderino

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Everything posted by El Duderino

  1. I love the Sims. I've played every game in the main series, and a few of the offshoot games like Sims Bustin' Out. Sims 3 was my favorite, but I have to say I really like the Sims 4. I can't say I'm excited for the next DLC. Even though I really like the Sims 4, I have not loved any of the DLC's and the new one doesn't look really too much better than the last ones.
  2. Thanks guys Means a lot. I've been working on this style for a while. I think I've got it down pretty well, but I still want to find ways to improve them.
  3. Had to deal with a drunk homeless man tonight. I feel kind of bad because I've met him before and I don't think he is a bad person, but he was wasted and was being aggressive so we had to deal with him.

    1. Connie


      Did you kill him?

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      No, we had to call the cops on him.

  4. I've been making these stylized drawings of famous musicians lately. I draw them on paper first, and then trace over the photo on my computer and add color. I wanted to share them here, but I would also like some feedback. To the other artists here, an tips that would be helpful?
  5. This says I'm a left wing-libertarian I could have guessed that. I identify as an anarchist, so this isn't too far off.
  6. One word. Magic. Civilizations develop new technology out of the need for it. It they have magic (which can do stuff that even our technology can't do) they wouldn't develop new technology nearly as fast. It's the same reason the wizards in Harry Potter seem to have very little modern technology. They don't need most of it.
  7. I go through periods of almost no activity other than the occasional status update, and periods of time where I am posting all the time. I joined in September 2015. It took me about a year to get to the Changeling rank.
  8. I have the Chuwi Hi8. It's a cheap Chinese tablet. It's not very good, but it works for what I need it for and it was cheap.
  9. Well, whatever I would end up doing with it in the long run, I at least would immediately take it home, dry it off, feed it, etc... make sure it is healthy. I would probably end up caring for it because there would really be no other place I could take it. I wouldn't have the heart to leave it.
  10. I do not believe in heaven. I don't necessarily deny the idea of beliefs like that, but because of my bad experience with religion, I stay away from it and have slowly lost faith in any religious beliefs I once had.
  11. That's how I started. My younger sister (who is about 10 years younger than me) really loves the show. Before I moved away from home, I would watch it with her when I was bored. It slowly grew on me to the point that I would now call myself a brony.
  12. My OC's are all older than me. Mainly because I feel that the backstory I gave them would require them to be slightly older. They are all inspired by aspects of my own personality, but they are more just fictional characters I created rather than ponysonas meant to represent me, and therefor I don't try to make them the same age as me. I set their age based on their backstory I wrote for them. The only one that is kind of a ponysona is Treble (my avatar), and he is just a few years older than me. Most of them are not that older (just a few years older than me), but one of them is middle-aged.
  13. Could you draw Treble? Thanks. If it's not too hard, I've always wanted a drawing of him playing an acoustic guitar, but you can do any pose if that's too much. https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/treble-r8882
  14. My girlfriend has a concussion, but she is they type of person to refuse to admit she is hurt and needs help. This will be interesting.

    1. N.W.


      If she actually has a concussion, she really ought seek medical attention.

    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      I'm trying to get her to seek help, but she is stubborn

  15. OMG! Rockstar just announced Red Dead Redemption 2! Tailer is coming on thursday and the release date is for fall 2017

    1. Rarity Is Best Pony

      Rarity Is Best Pony

      The hype is real!! I can't believe we're getting another game in that series.

  16. My haircut was too clean looking, so I shaved the sides

  17. Stargazing with my girlfriend. Good times

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Nightfall Gloam

      Nightfall Gloam

      Very romantic, and cute! I kinda wish I had a girlfriend now :(

  18. Those are really good! Even though they are rough looking, you've really done a good job on the proportions and perspective. Both are things that are hard to pull off.
  19. I cut my hair today. Went from having shoulder-length hair to super short. It feels weird, but I think I'm more aerodynamic.

  20. So I decided to at least half-ass my homework. That way I can at least get some points

    1. Ethan Tran

      Ethan Tran

      if you working and have no/little time for hw, you can pay others to do it for u))

    2. Rarity Is Best Pony
  21. You ever have a homework assignment, but it's late so you just go "fuck it" and don't do it?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Yeah, it's probably not a good idea, but it's a small assignment AND I have a pretty good grade in that class so it won't hurt me much if I don't do it...

    3. Snow


      good luck anyway XD

    4. El Duderino
  22. Ugg... math homework

  23. I had a good night. Had a little bit to drink, but I got to hang out with a pretty girl...

  24. I like wearing sunglasses while I drive. Not at night (obviously).
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