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Everything posted by @lpha

  1. Lonely and out of entertainment ._.

  2. *strokes a cat and tents hands at the same time* "excellent, I've grown a third arm, all according to plan" [l I f e c r a s h , r e b o o t I n g...] Putting all this in a status update because boredom, that's reason enough, I'd say. Yes.

  3. Me being a hardcore gamer, I've fallen asleep while gaming on many occasions My most recent occasion was passing out while turning gravel into flint in minecraft Another time I fell asleep while farming money in fable 3's multiplayer
  4. "Now with more updates!"

  5. With all the evidence against the font bros I've seen just by reading the posts in this topic I'd say there's no need to worry. It's just a bunch of needless drama that Hasbro will wave off because 1: Hasbro used the font for years before font bros said anything 2: the font bros acknowledged their font's use in the mlp logo in 2012 on their website (I think, at least, from what I've read here, I'm too lazy to go to the links) Obvious cash grab that'll wind up biting font bros in the *** (Yay my first text wall)
  6. "Now With Pointless Quotation!"

    1. The Mint Pone

      The Mint Pone

      Status Update version 2.0

    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      "I dig that." -Shovel

  8. Night well spent. I'm gonna go be a vampire now ._.(sleeping in the day)

  9. I'm scared of yawning because if I yawn to hard I get a jaw cramp or somethin' I dunno. Yeah, that's a good status update. [Here. have .some. free .full .stops.........]

    1. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Eat more bananas.

  10. One of three things, because I can't make up my mind Comfort & Console Tell them to "get over it"/ do something similar to what fluttershy did in "tanks for the memories" Or Seeing as my favorite is pinkie, a quick derp or joke would probably even things out ^v^
  11. My guess would be that it's just normal hair/fur that's just been magically influenced due to the amount of power she has, so it would probably feel either the same as, or softer, than a normal one
  12. "Colorful anthropomorphic horses with a religious following? Well color me impressed!"

  13. The worst I've found was a huge spider web in the bathroom window complete with spider Also in the few times I've gone to the bathroom at school I've noticed large amounts of chewing tobacco spat onto the floors, sinks, stalls, and somehow the ceiling
  14. What are u, casul? Git gud deku skrub

  15. O-o how did I get here WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE?!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. @lpha


      That's more believable, so is this like Ireland or something? :D

    3. Malinter


      Possibly. The most likely scenario however is that Equestria is actually a pocket dimension that exists inside a box of the Lucky Charms cereal.

    4. @lpha


      Well that's not healthy for its inhabitants then O_O


      Rip to all and to all a good rip

  16. Pegasus because flight. Unicorn's cool too but I like pegasus the best. Need a quick nap? Plenty of clouds to pick from
  17. How do I do the do that need be done dood? And by that I mean I have no idea how to use pictures in signatures as well as how to color code :3

  18. I have no clue how color codes work for mobile devices :D

  19. The only moment that comes close to being awkward that I haven't dodged like a boss was when a girl in class asked me if I was a brony (while I was still a confused anti) I said I haven't even heard of it I'm pretty sure I couldn't hide my blushing. It was bad that I denied knowing about it, that made the bluff more obvious. Nevertheless she accepted the excuse and now there's one person out there who knows me and suspects me of being a brony The incidence that I dodged like a boss was a few occasions in which I blurted out a pony's name I found interesting (Chrysalis the changeling queen) Luckily chrysalis is a real word so no one knew :3
  20. Great Scott! Scott is great! Grape Scott! Scotch with grape! Scotch tape!

  21. This profile pic's getting old, needs changed.

  22. It was either a plug n' play of galaga or super Mario bros 2 for Le nes Either that or the original sonic for Le Sega genesis
  23. Boredom is a thing

  24. Hopefully the end is far away and will keep going until everyone's tired of it 'Twill truly be a sad day when it finally comes though. Thinking about something like this is kinda like looking at your mom and saying "you're going to die some day" Really depressing to think about to say the least After the end I'll try to forget about it after being depressed for a while ._.
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