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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Marxyhooves

  1. Returnings of greetings to comerade of staff that is sectional @Randimaxis! (But... is not 'Special Section' da? Because... if were, would tell how much love Special Section of KGB heroes and beings not execute) Is in much very joyful anticipation that I am awaitings seconds of approval, and is looikings upward to spreading joys of proletariat controlings of mean of productions to honest workings ponys of Equestrian. Also would make you knowing that I is flattered by kindness of words from you comrade and that I do all for betterings of glorious people's revolution! Advices are also lound and clear received and will be being acted on towards section that is other four-withs. Loking great fun much smashing of decadent bourgious that is will be happening when meet very soon. All glory to workings class, long life revolutioning, Comrade Marxyhooves. P.S. *clears throat* Just to be clear: I am very grateful for the approval and am very glad that you think my OC is acceptable and can't wait to start interacting with other people with him on the forums. I will certainly be sure to add a few things to the Other section; I thought I had done so already, but I must not have saved them. On a related note, as absolutely hilarious I found your comment to be, I will try to keep Ivan somewhat serious, well 'serious' in a MLP:FiM sense anyway, and not just make him a running 'In Soviet Russia' gag. I don't want to take too many liberties... that would be bourgeois decadence.
  2. Thank you Icelandic-lava-kayaker @JonasDarkmane, fellow Derpy appreciator @Bogrick Grey Mane, and @DJ Onex the musical ninja! It has really been great having everyone say hello to me on here, I honestly only expected one or two people to stop by and say hello, and that you have all popped in here says great things about these forums. I can't wait to get more involved in the community on here! Regards, Marxy
  3. Probably the soundtrack from the Ace Combat games on Playstation... especially Ace Combat 4, I had some great times playing that game. https://youtu.be/OMiFQrAQ_Nc?list=PL23A635021128F21F
  4. Hello everyone, I've just submitted an OC application for the Equestrian Empire RP, and I was wondering if anybody could give me any feedback on it? https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/ivan-durakovich-ponihuiplet-r387 There is the link to character sheet as it stands at the moment, and, honestly, any feedback would be appreciated, as this is still very much a work in progress. Kind Regards, Marxy P.S. I should probably think of a better name and am entirely open to suggestions in that regard.
  5. https://buffy.mlpforums.com/ec7a2bf81dce46332ddc5deed218d480.png
  6. Thank you @crispy fries, @DwhitetheGamer and @Taialin I get the notion that I have actually put this thread in the wrong place, so I won't post any more and go to the threads mentioned by everyone. Thank you all again for the help! Kind Regards, Marxy
  7. Thank you @Dark Horse! I will certainly drop you a line if I have any questions, and thanks for the welcome! Regards, Marxy
  8. Hello, I am new to the site, and am very excited to be a part of it. I had some questions that have come up while I am writing my OC for submission and I was wondering if I could ask them here? I hope I'm not causing any trouble. Generally speaking, I wanted to ask about how much leeway can be given in regards to what 'is' and 'is not' cannon and can therefore be included in an OC back-story, as well as some other general questions. Thank you in advance, Kind Regards, Marxy P.S. If I should not have posted this here, I completely understand, and I'll get rid of it right away.
  9. Thank you Sam Gideon and iNatchos10! I try to keep my posts tidy, and to use proper grammar and things. And I am sure I will have a good time here. Thanks again for the welcome! Kind Regards, Marxy P.S. If anyone could explain how I tag other users in posts I would be very much obliged.
  10. I was writing a post on here because I only registered about an hour ago and I am still really excited about everything!
  11. It was a bit. And I'm glad they've gotten that part of the new films out of the way. I mean, there is so much new ground for them to cover, it really would make no sense for them to keep rehashing what's gone before. I mean, when I said the new Death Star incarnation was a gripe of mine, it was a pretty huge gripe. The reason I was overjoyed to hear that Disney had jettisoned the Expanded Universe was that I thought it might mean that they weren't going to do the whole, "It's the death star but bigger," thing... that they went ahead and did it anyway was probably the most disappointing thing about the film. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, but I really wish they had some other kind of plot device at the end. Marxy P.S. Although the bad guys have shown some development, where Grand Moff Tarkin was all about scoffing and not evacuating because it was "our moment of triumph!", with Starkiller Base even the mooks at the control panels could see where it was going to end once the Rebels showed up and started attacking the invincible super-weapon... I especially liked that one guy who looked out the window and was just like, "Nope, we're done, time to bail."
  12. Personally, I am of the opinion that Han Solo's death was entirely called for and completely necessary. I feel this way for two main reasons. First and foremost, he needed to die so as to give the other actors a chance and not just be outshone by Harrison Ford's massive Star Power. I mean, on my list of gripes about The Force Awakens (a short list, but I do have one) the death of Han Solo is very far down it. I can certainly agree with what has been said already in that the way it was filmed meant that the moment he walked onto that bridge everyone knew he was going to die. But compared to other decisions made in the film that I feel are questionable, e.g. Death Star Three Electric Boogaloo, it is fairly low on the list. The one thing I was most afraid of was that the new films would just turn into a nostalgia ride for fans of the originals, which would have been a huge waste of potential, and Han's death means that I can largely put this worry to bed. Secondly, I think that it was necessary for the story. Generally, I am of the opinion that the hero of every story should die in the end, otherwise the story is left unfinished. I absolutely abhor the cliché 'Till we meet again!' endings that you often see when a project reaches its end. At a conceptual level though, I think that in this case it was especially called for. The Star Wars series has been about, to a large extent, intergenerational conflict (not just intergalactic conflict... sorry that was a bad pun and I should feel bad). The main impetus for the first two films was Luke trying to avenge his father by fighting Darth Vader and in the final film it was Luke fighting to redeem his father. That the next section of the series should begin with the son killing the father just makes complete sense to me. The killing of Gods and Fathers is always necessary in my opinion, it is a device that goes back to the great Greek Tragedies. I mean, think about the Oresteia by Aeschylus or the Oedipus cycle by Sophocles... death is the cornerstone of human experience and existence. What is a human but an animal that is doomed with the knowlege of its own transiency... "Once upon a time, in some out of the way corner of that universe which is dispersed into numberless twinkling solar systems, there was a star upon which clever beasts invented knowing. That was the most arrogant and mendacious minute of "world history," but nevertheless, it was only a minute. After nature had drawn a few breaths, the star cooled and congealed, and the clever beasts had to die." The knowledge of death and its presence is what drives all meaningful human experience. Anyway, that's my two bits on the matter, and while I agree they could have done it better, I am glad they did it. Regards, Marxy P.S. Reading this again, I feel like I got distracted somewhere while I was writing my second reason...
  13. 379244 Words go here. And they go here as well.
  14. Personally, I'm a total closet Brony. Of my friends, the only one even aware of Bronies was fairly convinced that the sorts of comments you see in the "Pony Thread Simulator" videos on Youtube were all there was to the community and that Bronies should on no account be allowed within 100 feet of small children. Of the rest, well, most just don't think much about it, if at all, and the reason I stay pretty in the closet about it is that I don't want being a Brony to be the one big defining characteristic everyone associates with me. But that's all just speculation of course, because as of now I am so deep in the closet you'd have to pack at least a week's supply of food if you were to come looking for me in there... Regards, Marxy
  15. Thank you Kenshiro! And I will definitely not hesitate to say hello to people! That is a lovely drawing by the way... I can do stick figures... But not pony stick figures... Pony stick figures are too hard... Regards, Marxy
  16. Thanks Kyoshi! Everyone on here seems really friendly and I can't wait to get more involved in the community. Kind Regards, Marxy P.S. Your post is really shiny... I aspire to your level of shiny-post-ness...
  17. What do I write in this box?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Marxyhooves


      Right, got it! And at the time I was unsure what to write in the box. And every time I look at it, I generally think the same thing, so this status works well for now!


    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Glad you got it figured out. ^_^ I use that feature a lot. XD Happy to have you aboard. :)

    4. Marxyhooves


      Thanks! Happy to be here!

  18. No. Honestly, I make sure to limit binge-watching the show, but the nice thing about it is that every episode is really only about twenty minutes long, which is no time at all, so I can always watch one quickly whenever I'm bored, or waiting for something else, or could use cheering up. So I usually end up watching an episode every other week or so, not all the time, but often enough. Personally, I enjoy finding all of the little details in episodes I missed the first time around, and now there are so many episodes, it really does seem hard to get bored with all of them at once... That's my two bits anyway, Regards, Marxy
  19. Hey Steelhoof. This is truly a vitally important question. I found an interesting diagram that uses the information we are provided in the show and extrapolates it to conclude that the average pony is about 3'5" tall, a big pony, e.g. Big Mac, is about 4'5" tall, and Celestia is about 4'10" tall. I have not reached the point where I am allowed to attach the image in this post but I have a link to it right here... http://postimg.org/image/n35621939/ Regards, Marxy
  20. Thank you! Your alacrity and very enthusiastic welcome certainly gives me a good feeling about this forum!
  21. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Twilight Sparkle How did you find MLP Forums?: The same way I find everything on the internet... I Googled it. How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I was listening to "Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!" on NPR and they had Bill Clinton as a guest. As a joke, they asked him a series of questions on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and then he proceeded to get all of them right. I thought it was funny, and so I looked up the show on a lark. I have been watching it ever since. Hello! I am very excited to meet all of you, and am very glad to have found a forum that seems to be so full of activity. I have watched the show since the first season but am still a complete closet Brony. I read and contribute somewhat to various fancfiction surrounding the show, and have been thinking of giving the RP section a whirl just to see if I can get out of a rut I've been in lately as far as writing is concerned. Either way, if anyone wants any help at all with something they're working on, please don't hesitate to shoot me a PM on here or on FIMFiction.net, where I have the same username. Look forward to getting to know you all better, Kind Regards, Marxyhooves
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