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Everything posted by Whtttheflip

  1. Fite me https://lichess.org/oSnndJe8 Edit: someone played against me but i dont know who was it. Was it you? If it was you then you really need to work on your logic engine because that was an extreme ass kicking. Edit 2: Oh, so it was you.
  2. So... can you beat or draw stockfish 8 at chess?
  3. I once was in one but it was weird (I´m not gay btw). Some day some skype friend told me he is a girl and I decided to pretend I didn´t know he is a guy and he asked me if I could be his boyfriend. I said yes and then he asked for pictures of my face, so I sent the avatar I have right now, he obviously didn´t believe me and I said it was over because he couldn´t trust me. Does that count?
  4. I would sometimes make extremely weird things real and watch people be confused just like discord does all the time... if i had his powers which is impossible, so that´s a maybe? Wait what? Does that make you as good at things as computers? Does that make you ultra intelligent?
  5. Change the spanish national anthem that i dont even know to this. With visuals and all.
  6. To me, this year will always be the year when Club Penguin died. There went a good chunk of my childhood.
  7. because nobody could stop me... not even myself
  8. Minesweeper is the best game ubisoft has ever made.
  9. wanna make a collab that will probably be a decent level but will most probably become an uncontrolled mess harder than bloodlust that nobody will ever even try to verify?
  10. What did you think when you saw yata?
  11. I remember when cc was an impossible demon nobody even dared to beat. Now you can find 69-100 in mlp forums just like that lol. gl
  12. Yeah. Do you like to use the bathroom before or after shower and which way do you wipe?
  13. Hey Luna. Why are you looking at me like that and licking me?
  14. The end of the world would be great. Let's be honest. 2017 Is crap. That white meme dog has died and club penguin is closing forever.
  15. The fact that I have to stay 6 hours quietly and still, listening to a teacher spitting information I don't care about gives me chills when I wake up at 6:30 in the morning after sleeping only for 6 hours because of all the homework I had to do. If I do the homework, I will lose 1 or 2 hours of sleep, which means I will be really sleepy in class and the teacher will embarass me saying in front of everyone else how bad it is not to sleep and that I'm not listening, but if I don't do it, the teacher will ask why and embarass me saying in front of the class how doing homework and getting good grades is the way to get a good, stable job. I would agree with that if they taught things like how to get a job, how to work on your talents, how to not waste money... but we all know that isn't the case. Instead, they teach random things that only a few people are going to use, thinking that we all think the same way and should follow the same path to get a mediocre job, work your ass off, get your money and go back home, without living your life to the fullest. When I tell a teacher or my parents that I want to study math all the way up to calculus 3 (or more if there are more advanced levels) and then study other subjects, I always get an answer like "I know you like math, but..." "...life is not only about math" Like if I never said I wanted to study more subjects after I finish with math. "...you are only 15. You have to study things you don't like before studying the things you like" Like if that made any sense. Curiosity is something you just have and you need to feed before it's too late. You are only killing it by making me learn things I don't care about. If you made me curious about your subject, I would gladly even search information about it by myself. "..studying by yourself won't give you a title" I know it won't, but I don't really see the need to have a paper saying I can do something, when I can just go ahead and do it, giving more proof that I can do it than a piece of paper. "...You can't get out of the system. You have to adapt to it." Well... a system where the student has to adapt to it, isn't really useful since the point of education should be to adapt to the student and prepare them for the future. "...what you are taught in school is useful for real life" I'm still waiting for a reason why it is useful. Also, if it's so useful, how is it possible that you don't know everything you've been taught in school, but you are still alive? "...you can't always get the job you want" Yes,I know that, but I would rather be in my death bed thinking of how at least I tried for my whole life but failed every time than wishing I tried to do it instead of doing something I don't like. Their way of teaching things by memorization and then write everything in a test is terrible. It kills creativity and curiosity, two traits geniuses like albert einstein or stephen hawking have. The teachers' way of motivating you to do things is by fear of what happens when you don't do them instead of by the joy of learning something new. I can't believe something so important is so broken. ... ... Sorry, I needed to write my feelings somewhere. Now I need to write an essay about an old book for school and I'm going to try to use the least effort possible just to finish it quickly. So, what do you think about school?
  16. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Vg3Xrkgrm6IFBfOUdovxMdTuff7Hb1Dy1DLq5XN3-rc/mobilebasic Click the link and write that word.
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