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Everything posted by NavelColt

  1. More non-blood-related sibling relationships. This one is the other main one involving Dash that I really do support, the first obviously being Dashie and Scootaloo. Dashie & Fluttershy :3 The reason they come off as the most sisterly-like of any of the Mane 6 to me, is because: -Dash and Fluttershy were friends at flight camp longer than any of the other ponies knew each other, so they've known each other the longest. -Their personalities are opposites, with Dash being outgoing and confident, and FS being shy and skittish. To that end, there are several points in the show, like Hurricane Fluttershy for example, where Dash tries to tone down herself as to not upset Fluttershy (thinking of the 'Suck it UP Fluttershy!...I mean, confidence or no confidence, I need all the help I can get. Please?' comment in said episode). In short, Dash, like with Scootaloo, gives off faint 'big sister attitude' vibes.
  2. Nah bro, it's quite understandable, I can see where the confusion comes in. But now you know, and knowledge is power :3 If you watch some episode of MLP: FiM and enjoy it, be sure to let us know ^^
  3. There are four generations of MLP G4, the current one, is the only one worth watching. 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' is the proper name. Just 'My Little Pony' is too generic. Watch some episodes of it, tthen you may understand it's popularity Welcome to the board~
  4. I have a couple points to make, but before I do, I'll just say that 'I agree'. First of all, there are people who can be converted, and there are people who just never will be. The difference between them is some people dislike it based on false judgements alone; i.e believing it's a girls show. They think of the toys and other things, and believe it's going to be something horrendous like G3. But then they watch it, and suddenly, they're like: Then there are some people who just have closed minds that will never ever budge. They hate it because of a whole multitude of reasons other than just falsely judging it, and it's those people whom you should be leaving alone. My second point is, I believe there are right and wrong ways of trying to convert someone. When you straight up tell someone how awesome the show is, trying to get them to watch it, etc, it's really not the best course of action in my mind. Being subtle is often the better solution, because you kill off the risk of annoying the person. If the person get's annoyed, you're hurting your own cause. Instead of directly walking up to people and talking about it, trying to convince, or other straight-forward methods, I'd do things like wearing pony merchandise. Why not wear a pony shirt that breaks the ice about ponies for you in a non-invasive way? If they read it and ask you about it, then it changes the game. It's no longer you trying to convince, it's a casual conversation that they started from seeing said shirt or merchandise. In all I do agree, I don't see the point in trying to go out of your way to convert people. Religious groups and other organizations do it all they time and they too receive tons of hate for it alone. Bugging people gives them more of a reason to hate it, so I believe that: A: You shouldn't feel compelled to convert people to begin with, but only when opportunities rear themselves. B: When those opportunities do rear themselves, maybe try some subtle tactics, and avoid having any pushy, invasive, etc qualities to your methods. Jeez, long post is long.
  5. Not sure if funny, or just retardedly amusing.
  6. The glass vase smashed into the ground, and the crash that followed split the quiet, tranquil atmosphere like a gunshot. As the pieces of the sharp object scattered across the wooden floor, Applejack twitched awake within a few moments, and groggily peered around her. It only took her half a moment to realize Applebloom was no longer laying next to her, and only another moment to see the two of them by the door. A master of overcoming grogginess, she shook herself awake and stood up promptly, walking over to the pair of guilty looking fillies with a disapproving, cautious and skeptical look in her emerald eyes. "...And just what in tarnation are you two doing up this late?" She asked sternly, closing the door with a smack using her hoof, not removing her eyes from either filly. She scanned one face and then the other. "Well?" She added, her voice a bit louder. By this point, Rainbow had begun to stir. She rolled over from her place on the rug onto her back, hooves curled up in the air a very 'belly rub' reminiscent pose. Just as Applebloom opened her mouth, another chilling howl came creeping to their ears, faintly, but fully audible. AJ, like Rarity, had been watching after the CMC long enough to make a connection within seconds. "Oooh no, no, don't you dare tell me you were thinkin' of heading out towards the forest with Timber Wolves lurkin' about." She muttered, voice low and full of warning. On instinct, she moved behind her sister, placed her head down, and gently began to push her back towards the carpet. "I can tolerate most of yer' crusadin' ideas fine, but this is an absolute no. Scoot, come on, you too. While yer under this roof, and ahm' in charge, I kindly expect you to follow mah orders." "Nnnnn...what the hay is going on?" Came the sound of a groggy Dash, rolling over again and getting her colored mane in her face. She shook her head and yawned with half-closed eyes, watching Applejack corral her little sister back to the carpet, and laying down with her once more. This time, the orange pony hugged her sister to herself with her hoof, but for security just as much as affection. "Nothin' Rainbow. Scoot n' Applebloom were just-" "Getting some water..." Scootaloo interrupted. She put on another cute face, and trotted happily back over to Dash. Too tired and confused to say much, the pegasus shrugged and rolled over again, allowing Scoot to grab her wing and tuck herself under it again, as she had before. As Applebloom curled up by her sister nervously, AJ stared at Scootaloo firmly, who just smiled sheepishly. She knew that AJ knew she was the ring-leader. She always was.
  7. I use nothing but Firefox.
  8. Eh, people who don't understand MLP go for the generic memes, that's the only reason. I honestly don't care about places.
  9. I'd love to have an episode focusing on Dash developing a more sisterly-like relationship with Scoot ^^ Maybe even helping her try to learn how to fly. I wouldn't mind it for an episode or two, evenly spaced throughout the season, but I wouldn't want it to be a big thing all of the sudden. Background ponies are background ponies to me, and the majority of the time should be spent accordingly to the main and side characters, imo.
  10. Ello newbie, welcome to the board :3 Enjoy yourself.
  11. Pein/Pain, UNS2. So intense, great music, and well-done fight. I especially loved the Six-Tailed Naruto section. It was almost better than the actual anime, which was a joke battle due to all the hilarious faces Pein made. Skip to about 7:52 for the more intense part.
  12. Same here, sadly. I don't have, or at the very least don't remember 80 to 90% of the time. Very sad, actually xD;
  13. "Free" by Chris Madin, for 'Sonic Free Riders' for Rainbow Dash This song reeks of freedom, adrenaline and the feeling of unstoppable speed. Sonic and Rainbow share this love in a few similar ways in general, but this song in-particular I feel works very well for Dash. What would it feel like to be speeding light And move the night and day Watch as it passes by you, the masses try you But they just can’t keep up Into the free, into the me Into the ever knowing Felt so refrained, felt so constrained But now I’m breaking out and I’m falling free in the wind, in the wind Free to be me in the wind, in the wind [media=]http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRHiFJblTX0[/media]
  14. A late welcome, but hallo <3
  15. Welcome to your imminent demise the board, enjoy your stay and please do come out of lurkdom at some point :3 We don't bite, we promise.
  16. Once again, no exact age distinction is ever specified however. Unlike MLP where there is the 'filly' vs 'pony' distinction.
  17. Human Intelligence: -20% cooler Seriously, that's quite humorous. Poor guy, but, seriously.
  18. Just so I don't come in here and lol to see that someone stumbled upon this hoax article I'm about to link to and believes it or is at least unsure about, I'll post it, and it's debunktion article now: Hoax article that says 'it's a virus that causes human flesh cravings'. 'lol that's bullshit' debunk article So yes. Cocaine Psychosis. The moral of this story is 'stay off drugs everypony', not 'bwoshit, hide yoself, yoshit, the zombies iz comin'. /topic
  19. After my class's senior hike up Mt. Fucking Impossible. .3. Soooo tired and hot afterwards, but the view was incredible. I'd try and find a picture but I can't even begin to guess which classmates took pictures of the view.
  20. A very late welcome, but a welcome nonetheless. Hello, enjoy yourself, have fun <3
  21. I really wish I wouldn't, but one cannot simply stop making Sonic the Hedgehog references. The Chaos Emeralds and the Elements of Harmony could possibly work in a vaguely similar fashion, in my opinion; together, emeralds lead to chaos control and super form, while alone, simply acting as a nearly indefinite power source. Similarly, I can see the logic behind the elements solely possessing the ability to enact magic on their own, when used by the owner that represents that element. In short, it makes total sense to me. So does the notion that they need more experience using the elements than what they currently know about them, in order to preform such feats. If they could, it would open up quite a bit more possibilities for the show. It would also kill off the cliche of turning to the Elements' 'Rainbow Beam Cannon of Doom' as the be all end all of last resorts, and allow the Mane 6 to defeat lesser enemies more frequently, with their individual element, instead of only being able to Rainbow-Blast large villains every once and a while.
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