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Everything posted by Tropico

  1. I hate it! Im watching the whole show againbut i really couldnt finish this one. i watched half episode and then i watched it at x3 speed xD HORRIBLE. so annoying the first episode that i vote that i hate. and im sure its the worst imo and most hated (for me) of this season. I liked their glam rock looks tho also i think if they didnt work so hard on getting their cutie marks trought the seasons and looking diferent talents, they had gotten the cutie marks hinted at this episode instead. basically like the ones they have now but without the shield. thats a headcanon but i think that cutie marks are a bit modificable if you work hard enough to try to get another one diferent from that was meant for you. can escape your destiny xD but its hard for kids to do that anyways xD also a headcanon, actually I think their current cutie marks are so special because they show TWO talents instead one. for sweetie bell singing+ helping about the cutie mark. lmao what a mess xDDDD
  2. me at the very beggining: -oh cool a sweetie bell + rarity combo episode - wait no, a fluttershy episode cool -EW NO a CMC EPISODE plus they made them extra annoying for the jokes. i really dislike them before getting their cuttie marks and im gonna say it on every episode of theirs xD thanks god it has flutteryshy combo too. love her hard side too.
  3. I cant believe S7 is out in april (i guess late april) and we still dont have any teasers (is less than a trailer) or even POSTERS brb gotta cry
  4. woah according the results we have less homos than i though, specially when it combines gays+lesbians x D im gay btw
  5. OP answerered themself in their first post tho. and very well x D
  6. they appearing from nowhere and just saving the day its not a good plot. not only for MLP but for any show/movie/videogame/book. as jeric said, we need proper introduction and development like discort & starlight had to have before being them the mains of the big finale. even introduced quick would be bad (like they did with rainbow powers) i just can see them as a cameo for only one episode. then as for them as G5 main, i can see some shorts G4.5 specials, like 5 episodes or so. but not a whole G5 show. maybe if some were pegasus and unicorns for variety. and imo i dont like their names tbh Butterscotch sounds naaasty
  7. I liked this episode thanks to rarity. i laughed a lot when she gets full drag queen on stage xDDD also when everypony is adoring her and she enjoys it lmao QUEEN the sonic rainbow moment was so cool.
  8. this twilight is my favourite. the cientific, skeptic, sassy, easily gets annoyed and angry because SIENCE, the voice of reason. ah, i surely miss old twilight </3 her peak was at lesson zero S2 xD I liked the episode, had good humour, plus as i said on another S1 episodes: they resolved the (hydra) problem without magic so we got a pretty intense scene instead of just "POOF *magic* problem solved". about the pinkie senses, i would like an explanation and some cameo about them in other episodes (dont remember if this happens) the lesson "have faith in what you dont see" yeah i can see why its seen as "have faith in religion". I would change the ending of the episode with twlight still believing their things (that theres gotta be a reason for that) but accepting pinkies believes. so the lesson would be "i have my own believes but i accept yours" that would be a sooo much better lesson for kids
  9. They're starting! this march they start a Tangled tv-show (premiered by a movie) set after the original movie but before the 3D short. and this fall a Big Hero6 Tv-show! the 90s/00s spin-offs were pretty basic with bad animation and drawing, but nowdays they take care of it so much more so i have faith
  10. i love the song so much. one of my faves. how bad friends were mane5 ooohmygooood. i understand without the "bad friends" episodes we woulnt have the first seasons and build the characters, but then dont go since episode 1 saying yall best friends lmao the dresses were perfect and they didnt like them? unbelieable. its more belieable that the sun is moved by a pony than that I laughed so much with rarity. also i noticed her mane here is shorter so actually she uses fake extensions? OOOH MY GOD
  11. never a fan of CMC episodes. its like seing the same episode with the same plot again and again. even i find the first one annoying (because of apple bloom) thanks god they got their cutie marks and we finally are moving on. funny how apple bloom has that friend that acepts her before knowing CMC members but then after this episode they barely talk. ruude
  12. a very well done episode, i really like it.tells lots of things, feels pretty full (not an empty episode with just one plot/concept), twilight's relatable, the song is perfect with that videoclip/broadway feeling...everything's great. it really worries me (and amazes me) how fragile is this world tho. the sun and the moon only move with some alicorns powers, the seasons (we seen fall too) only change with ponies work, the weather only with pegasis. im like wtf??? imagine if ponies didnt exist. equestria would be like mars. all desert, all animals and plants die, night (or day) forever. what an horrible world is equestria! also if they move the sun they affect other worlds too omg
  13. it was a nice episode. I liked so much when twilight goes to zecora and she tells them that theyre doomed xD I would like to know more about what happened to themafter the episode tho. they go to everfree forest but they still TONS of them and do not eat food but objects and wood. bthey should be multiplied and have infinite of them by now. all equestria should be eaten _o:
  14. ugh i didnt like this episode. imo boring and basic. unsurprising that rainbow cheated more than twice. then she was the first to start attacking applejack. why she has the element of loyalty again? ugh :diamondtiara: also both mocking twilight and at the end literally beating themselves lmao what good friends. i would put this episode before winter wrap up (ep 11) tho. feels weird it passed that much time in just one episode between.
  15. I know they just rebooted Sailor Moon, but its so messy, bad drawn, and static with power-point frames that i really want a new reboot already (a good one xD) at least i heard they re-designed the characters for season 3, so its kinda like a soft-reboot xD i wonder if the story, pacing etc are improved too. also i would like a reboot of adventure time this time without fillers or pseudo-deep-weird episodes. only focusing on the origins of the world and the current main game-changing episodes, but without that super weirdo feel that makes you dont understand a thing. just writen and told pretty classic. still with crazy humour but a bit more serious and mature. also with a better animation.
  16. Yesterday I watched Vaiana aka Moana for the first time and I love it so so much. Very well thought and paced, beautiful landscapes, great Moana's personality. also this tropical stuff is my thing. tropico says! wanna watch it again♥♥

    1. Messy Mane

      Messy Mane

      i haven't seen the movie but, lots of people seem to say the same for it :)

  17. i dont even met a brony irl :-o here in spain the fandom is pretty dead. same with the furry fandom wich is a shame.
  18. not celestia cause i dont wanna wake up like at 6:00AM everyday to rise the sun lmao luna would be interesting to see everyponies dreams. but doing this everynight would be tiring too ay i wonder how they can do it all their live. worse celestia who had to do both for 1000 years without a day free omg poor. cadence would be cool to be married with shinning but i dont wanna be a mother of a baby and take care of her all day and night. also i dont wanna be stuck in the crystal empire surrounded by snow. flurry heart no cause i dont wanna be a baby xD twilight has less responsabilities so i could explore equestria, the word, its species..so yeah i choose twilight to explore equestria and see tons of things.
  19. i think it would beep forever xD and in the end somepony would go. that would be a super interesting episode! imagine fluttershy having to deal with things meant for rainbowdash. actually the episode would be kinda like the episode where their cutiemarks got changed, a mess xD
  20. I just watched it and I love it too xD I felt so bad for zecora knowing that she's good. Amazing how all ponyville fear her for no reason. More amazing that they don't know what a zebra is lmao wow nopony in this village read a book it seems. Poor zecora when they destroy her house. Loved to hear her talking in her native language. I would love so so much an episode where mane6+zecora travel to the African version of equestria and visit her village. Also funny how AJ implies that zecora talks weird because talks with rhymes. Would be funny that only zebra to talk like this were zecora and not the other ones. Also loved the flower transformations. And how twilight almost all episode was giving zecora a chance and telling their friends that treating her like this with no reason was stupid. Loved the friendship lesson so much: don't judge a book by its cover. (and don't be racist xD) Sometimes when you judge a book by its cover you're right tho. But that's an advanced lesson xD first the kids gotta learn the first one xD noticed that too! funny how now she doesnt gets traumatized by remembering the past xD
  21. I just watched and I love it so much too! Best episode of the season (I never count in the premiere) so far. Episode 8 and we see that actually AJ and rarity aren't good friends lmao. Love the rivality between these two. Glad we got more AJ X Rarity combo episodes but also glad lately we got diferent combos (rarity x pinkie / AJ x fluttershy) so we get more variety and don't get bored of this perfect original combo. I laughed in this episode so so much. My favorite scene was when they were in the bed and rarity kicks out AJ do make the bed again and then says they gotta enter so carefully from the top to not undone the bed. I laughed a lot because I do that too xD Love also how nerd and cute was twilight doing this slumber party following the book and mostly didn't realized what was going on. In this episode they're rivals for sure (rarity was SAVAGE with some replies to AJ lmao) but I love how at the end they realized all and both say sorry Not a rushed apology. First with the tree and later scene apologing for the whole night. also from now on in the show they kinda have some rival moments but its a friendly rivality and they're friends. The friendship lesson was OK. But I don't see myself doing it. If I don't have a thing in common with someone I don't wanna spend time with them so I hardly will become friends xD
  22. I just watched it and Woah I loved this episode so much. First episode from the season (without counting the premiere) that I love that much. Love its an adventure with some tense moments and action. Why people say that MLP can't have that asides the premieres/finales? If episode 7 of the show had it. So it not like this show fillers only are slice of life after all! And some people forget it. I love too that they resolved the whole episode without doing magic. When there was a rock avalanche they run and was some action. If there was an avalanche in newer seasons twilight would just stop the rocks with magic. Also some complain that new seasons fluttershy has that angry side and doesn't like it. Seems they don't remember this episode either! Love its focused on fluttershy but it has the whole mane6. Lately they have doing those only 2 mane per episode and I miss those full mane6. They should bring spike tho. He's a dragon too so one would think he would be useful. Also rainbow being rude as always but I realized how Apple jack is really caring, nice and motherly. She really treats fluttershy so comprehensive and doesn't judge for her fears and encourage her with kind words to make flutter braver. I really love that and made me like apple jack so much more. Also props to her cause since episode 1 she always stops rainbow dash from doing a stupid thing, and warns her when rd says something rude. The friendship lesson was kinda a filler (never lose faith in your friends) but it's ok. tru tru tru those are the quotes of truth
  23. im so awkard and weird (im not a teen cliché- im not even a teen xD) so i vote for internet friends. also this way i dont need to see them lmao i guet super uncomfortable and i dont know what to say. im a lone wolf. enjoying being alone
  24. would be interesting. like an episode made of diferent shorts of non-talking animals. would love to see an ursa (the galaxy bear) short to see its daily live.
  25. so true for spike and so true for rainbow xD i still dont know why they hate trixie for bragging and they dont hate rainbow dash. thats a squad toxicity xD i just watched and i liked it tho. loved ursa design so much. and this time i aprreciated trixie so much more than the first time (basically cause with S6 we see her as the caring friend from starlight) aside from twilight and starlight I didnt remember that unicorn's magic goes dictated by its cutiemark too like they say in this episode. i've always wanted to be an unicorn for its magic but if i get a shitty cuitie mark then ill get shitty magic use too sob. I wanted twilight level magic xD at least i would have enough magic to use it as hands xD i love the background pony carrot top (golden harvest) and here she appears green at first but later with their usual colours lmao also i've seen derpy before she was derp xD so happy for that error that made her derp and nows canon the friendship lesson "dont be ashamed to show off your talents" is ok cause its who you are sbut then if you show it too much they gonna hate you like trixie so be careful ??? mess :ninja: im glad more people see it like me xD POST SO TRUE I GOTTA QUOTE IT FULL:
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