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Status Replies posted by Lucid_Nightlight

  1. You were gone for a while, everything alright?

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Yep, doing great!

  2. Japan, please make more furry animes. Thanks.

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      BNA is pretty decent and I want another season! Beastars is overrated. The art style choice just isn't my type.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. My boss bitched at me for calling off but I can’t help it if I don’t feel physically well enough to come in.

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      They really should be understanding about not feeling well, especially with covid going around.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. The dude I snitched on my sophomore or junior year is my manager. What do?

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      We talked about it before, he's not mad about it at all. Me and him are cool about it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Ducks :muffins:





    In other news, I'm experiencing the side effects of ending a prescription medicine thing, thus I'm dizzy af :scoots:


    edit- I also won 10 euros from 3 euro scratchcard, so yay that :mlp_yay:

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Ducks? Not cats? What did you do with the real Cerberus?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm watching the bronies react for the S8 finale,and something hit me, how do the days pass if the princesses has no unicorn magic? :ooh: (I'm close to the start and don't remember the episode fully, so if it is explained somehow I haven't noticed it yet)

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Well obviously because... idk

  7. sorry about mentioning chris chan again but its too crazy

    the dude is going on another rampage and I probably can't show the tweet cause its too inappropriate but yeah. also he replied to me lol 

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Whatever is going on there, I just hope the forums is not dragged into it.

      I've seen a video on the guy and people trolling him going too far. I personally don't want any part of it.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. @Arid_Blitz @Fluttershy Friend @Alexshy @Tacodidra @Unicorncob @SolarFlare13 @Dynamo Pad @Blitz Boom @Moonlit @Snow le Canard @Soren Peregrine @CypherHoof @Lucid_Nightlight and anyone else I don't remember to mention but cares about my activity for any reason here at forums, I have a heads up for you.

    In the coming days (about the month or so) my activity may lessen for some days, either by me being less online, or me just not being on the mood to post anything, reasons being...
    1. I'm living a time of change at the moment, I'm gonna move to new city in the next month, so there's lot of going on relating to that, and I actively searching for a job/school and hobbies to get myself off the computer. (I also am trying to fix my sleeping schedule, so I tend to log off earlier than some of you may have gotten used to)

    2. I'm starting antidepressant-medication, which as those familiar with them knows, may have effects on my mood (especially RPs can be affected by this). 


    Now, it is possible that there won't be any noticeable differences to my usual activity, that will be seen, but I just wanted you all to know so if there ends up being a longer break in my activity, you will know why it is. 

  9. I will never understand the "Money can't buy happiness" saying.

    If I had money, it'd solve all the problems.

    Like, for instance the main accussation, artificial friends. Sure, if you don't know how to be reasonable about spending it. But what I'd do, I'd buy myself good climbing equipment, get a climbing course, then find climbing forums and make friends with people who share same passion and afterwards venture with them across the world to climb various places.

    Oh, did money just buy me friends indirectly? Man, such shame!

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Money could buy me a truck, and a truck brings happiness.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. We had a city town wide power outage, and watching the dark neighborhood I yet again realized that the four houses surrounding us, none of them would light up like ours does when power returns, because they all are empty of people.


    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Cat + Dark = fear.

      Cats are sneaky little things.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Oh heck, found it's ur birthday! Happy birthday my dude!

    *gives birthday boop*

  12. I have finished :mlp_yay: and I love this reaction:

  13. Happy Early Halloween, my friend! May I please have some candy? :) 

  14. A storm broke my Xbox

    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Warranty is long gone, we'll probably get it fixed, but I do PC gaming now anyway.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. I sure hope Article 13 down in the EU doesn't hurt these forums.

    1. Lucid_Nightlight



      Eh, I'm from the U.S. so I don't know much aside from what I've heard.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Welp......................article 13 -edit-first stage-edit- passed.



    just welp..


  17. Welp......................article 13 -edit-first stage-edit- passed.



    just welp..


  18. Ah, September! Truly the month to start having the best weather of the year.


  19. We need an episode about the royal guards and it should be just like "The Office"

    Anyone else think so? No? Just me?

  20. Well, midnight have passed so today it's August 31. Guess I'm 30 now then. :)

    Honestly, not feeling any difference. Though I do have a strange urge to go tell some kids to get off my lawn.


    1. Lucid_Nightlight


      Body of a pony, power of a draconequus! First of the species buddy!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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