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Everything posted by Mirage

  1. 467674 @Dawnchaser Because I am a beast!
  2. 467667 Aww man, @Dawnchaser got my number.
  3. It would be impossible to survive in many parts of the world, specifically the colder regions, without eating meat. Meat eating is absolutely essential to our diverse use of resources so that people don't over-do things like over-farm or exterminate animals either directly or indirectly over land and vegetation. For example, hunting deer keeps the herd healthy, especially over winter. Over populated deer herds die a slow horrible death over winter when their food supply is scarce. They will spread disease far more easily and could even poison other animals. Deer survive because they are harvested, and always have been harvested, by predators. Over farming and the use of chemical fertilizers is another huge, often neglected problem for the vegan pushers. Having live stock keeps farming fields fertile and healthy. Without cattle herds, many farms would totally fail as their soil turned to dust. Especially in poor areas of the world, live stock literally keeps people alive over harsh climactic periods, not to mention over droughts or other times when harvests fail or yield poorly. It is evident that meat is both good and bad for our health, and like so many things in life, it's important to stay balanced. Over-processed anything is really bad for you - simple carbs like pasta and pastries are way and by the absolute worst things you can eat. Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, meats and fish is the way to go - and I think that's pretty obvious to everyone. A diverse diet is a good diet. The crowd that shames others for eating meat is just another cult of people who want to matter. It's very enticing for of us to be a part of 'a cause' where it's easy to differentiate your 'tribe' against other 'inferior tribes'. Now that, human nature.
  4. Well that was very kind of you! It's good to know you've had so many positive experiences here. And I'm always ready for a dance party.
  5. Do whatever you feel is right. Sometimes, that's exactly what gets you in trouble.
  6. When people insist all opinions are equal, and that that idea is superlative to all other beliefs, theories or even facts. It implies that knowledge and experience have no real value, and that communication cannot achieve any better result other than to make noise.
  7. Gotta late start today, but I'm still going to kill it the best I can. I've got so much work to do!

    I can relate dear Princess...


    I hope everypony has a great day! :D


    1. Lucky Bolt

      Lucky Bolt

      Pineapple Princess! *bows*

    2. Tacodidra


      Good luck, my friend! :kindness:

      Thanks, I hope your day is good in spite of all the work too! :rarity:

    3. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      I hope you make it through this day :fluttershy:

  8. What a shame. I always thought she was a cute person, but, I was deceived. (I don't Twitter so I'm out of the loop).
  9. Not feeling so good today. What a drag. But I stumbled across this pic and it made me feel better. :D



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Loyal Defender

      Loyal Defender



      faints from too much heartwarming adorability

    3. Tacodidra


      This is so cute! ^_^ Adorable ponies always help! :kindness:

    4. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      That's so adorable! :-D 

  10. Welcome back to the ramifications! Princess Luna is best pony.
  11. @VG_Addict It's indeed very sad, but MLP is not going away, just this G4 project. I'm sure even the community here will be just fine for years to come. It's too big to just 'disappear'.
  12. Look, the subjective argument doesn't lend anything to discussion. If you really believe it is purely subjective, then you can't disagree with our point of view either. At this point you're just disagreeing. The fact is, music is technical, it does have rules, and if some performers risk breaking them, it's their thing...but it is not equal, just because it is different. Us audio engineers and electrical engineers are well aware of that. It's called psychoacoustics. It's not a silly question at all. It happens to explain a lot about what sounds we find pleasing and what we do not. It's also well known that the human ear has a non-linear frequency response, which musicians compensate for naturally, and engineers compensate for with equalization and mixing. Great post. Thank you. However, I would say that the experience between a quality component stereo system, and a little cassette tape boom box, is a very different experience indeed!
  13. You will learn very quickly it is not purely subjective. Music has order. It does have a concrete form. It has rules. Melody and harmony and timing all take tremendous skill to master.
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