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Everything posted by Mirage

  1. Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! Be good to your family and friends. I truly hope you all can find joy in this Holiday, even though it may be painful. I've lost a lot in my life, so it's always bittersweet for me. But I still try to be happy anyway. If my pain means anything, it is that my experiences have value. If my experiences have value, then so does my life. And so does yours.

    I'll be delivering gifts so...get ready! Nightmare Santa! MUHAHAHA!

    Related image

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Prospekt


      Happy Hearth's Warming Eve! I wish you nothing but the best this holiday season. :oneheckofahat:

    3. Mirage


      And the same to you @Prospekt! Thank you my friend. :twilighthat:

    4. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Happy Hearth's Warming @Mirage You have good life philosophy my friend - good luck!:flutterhat:

  2. Image result for queen galaxia crown mlp

    1. DivineMist1000


      @MirageThat’s such a beautiful picture! Is that supposed to be Celestia?

    2. Mirage


      @DivineGlow1000 That's galaxia, Celestia and Luna's mother.

      Image result for mlp galaxia

    3. DivineMist1000


      @Mirage She looks beautiful!

  3. @Tacodidra For being everypony's favorite taco... Also for 'aghast' avatars.
  4. The greatest hero for Equestria! (I signed all the presents I gave out this year as From: Twilight Sparkle :D )

    Image result for mlp twilight sparkle

    1. Sparklefan1234


      So, you're saying Twilight Sparkle is a @Mirage:orly:

    2. Mirage


      Nah, just that she's awesome!

    3. Sparklefan1234


      That is 100% true! :twismile:

  5. Here, but they left. Here, but they left. Here, but they left... -same-
  6. Mirage

    Snow Wars!

    *Throws a G64 amount of snowballs @Luna's Admirer ... & @Duality since I know he knows what that means*
  7. Mirage

    Snow Wars!

  8. The show's quality has remained pretty consistent - which is a HUGE accomplishment. I know some will say it's not as funny, etc, but for the most part, It's still very much the MLP FiM that we grew to love. The show has evolved for sure. There are so many characters it is staggering! But I just don't see what has improved that is worth mentioning, other than they continuously improve by delivering such great content.
  9. It's the boxy jaw and snoot, and wide neck. It's a great drawing though.
  10. TGIF! Have a safe and cozy weekend before the Holiday. Is your shopping done? :oneheckofahat:

    Image result for mlp christmas 

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Matraxial Artemi

      Matraxial Artemi

      What do you mean by that, Ms. Mirage? :wau:

    3. Mirage


      @Matraxial Artemi I was referring to Christmas shopping, but maybe you do not celebrate it?

    4. Twilight Luna

      Twilight Luna

      @Wannabrony Oh, I’m sure I can find one. We won’t do the gift exchange until after the holidays. So. I have plenty of time. I still have to wrap some things though.

      @Mirage Nothing like a relaxing weekend before Christmas. I will stay away from the malls like the plague.

  11. We need more KOS-MOS. The Princess of Tech.

    Related image

    Xenoblade 2 - KOS-MOSs quest: "Artificial Intelligence" (EN) GIF

    So is a Nintendo Switch worth buying? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mirage


      @Rising Dusk Really now! What about Xenoblade 2?

    3. Rising Dusk

      Rising Dusk

      @Mirage Yes, I really enjoyed Xenoblade 2. :mlp_yeehaa:  Took me about 60ish hours to beat.

    4. Mirage


      @Rising Dusk Cool!!! Hmmm...I just might try it. I gotta be with KOS-MOS again. :wub:

      And T-elos with glasses - that's hilarious!


  12. This is not the time for nit picking... flibbertigibbet!
  13. Happy Birthday! :D


    1. Jade Fire

      Jade Fire

      thank you ^-^

  14. Put your Holiday Cheer on! I know it's busy, but take some time to have fun too!!!

    Image result for mlp christmas

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mirage


      @Tacodidra I'm doing well, thank you! Ready for next week? :oneheckofahat:

    3. Tacodidra


      I guess so. Doesn't really feel like Christmas is coming, though... :mlp_blink:

    4. Mirage


      @Tacodidra I'll have to ramp up my game then!

      Image result for mlp hearth's warming

  15. I get annoyed by sheepish behavior. Like silly trends and stuff that matters so little, people forget about it completely in a week or so. But at the moment, omg greatest thing that ever happened...
  16. Yes, I do remember. I had so much to talk about. I made a rather long post but didn't get much of a response, although the members were very kind and welcoming anyway. I just wanted to meet others that were as excited as I was! I still think I'm the craziest fan of MLP FiM, I just don't show it for fear even the bronies will think I'm nuts.
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