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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by OmbreInks

  1. Give me an extended list of puns related to toenail clippings. Don't ask why.
  2. We've been friends since we were little foals, nothing more. We currently share an apartment in Manehattan.
  3. Hello everypony! Splattered Inks here! Me and my bud Ombré here are willing to awnser any questions our fans- Not like we have any... - might ask! *Gives Ombré a severe look of disapproval* What? Curious to know our secrets?! Give it a whirl, you'll get a reply in a jiffy! *throws confetti* I, for one, will have no problem being bombarded by your demands! Ask away! *girlish giggling* Please don't. But I'll do it if I must. Actually, don't bother, we've given up on these stupid 'ask' threads anyway.
  4. Ah, discord, my favorite All-Powerful lord of Chaos! How are you, doing well? I have a few questions for you to ask, What's your favorite Video-game? An odd question to ask, I'm sure, but as you're capable of interdimensonal travel at such a high level, your likely to have come across a lot in your time. Your deepest, darkest, fear! Of course, it has to be true. Else my lie detecting kittens will bombarde you in hugs until I get the truth out of you. As for me, you'll find my main fears are, heights, slides and butterflies. Your most embarrassing moment? For one that has lived as long as you have, it must be a tough choice! But these eager ears of mine are just waiting for answers! Thank you for listening! I wish you and your comrades well!
  5. W-who are these people! *she'd shake her head* this is a bad dream... ponies don't just randomly kiss other ponies.... *she'd pinch herself * .... oh. *the pinch hurt, so I kissed my own arm* ( XD ) Don't touch me, creeps! I am
  6. @Duality... why did you just do that *she would stare, in an unsettling way*
  7. Done! This is Ombré, (one of the OCs fused in my name) she's basically a half of me. She's the Alternative Rock, Pop Culture, gloomy weirdo I can sometimes be. She's smart and witty in some ways and is hardly affected by any negative comment on her personality, looks, likes, etc. She's a gamer, but deeply into reading aswell. Her cutie mark is some brown drumsticks, crossed over to form an X. Ombré can be misunderstood, you could interpret her as crazy, mean, or a right downer but get to know her and you won't regret making friends. She can drum, it's one of her main passions ( represented by her cutie mark ) and she shares her apartment in manehattan with a Overly-dramatic Pegasus named Splattered Inks ( the other half of me ). I might ask for inks another time. *anime gasp* you read all of that! I congratulate you, fine sir for listening to one of my pointless explanations! Now for the image, of course, I'd like you to freestyle with her tail. Her mane is similar to FG because they're sisters ( yay! ) so, no questions on that.
  8. @Kyoshi Sometimes, there's a boss battle I've been stuck on recently in LoZ Skyward Sword. About the seventh boss in the game?? It's the second fight with the overly-dramatic, creepy, mercy-lacking demon lord girahim ( his heart is full of rainbows ) . The first stage of the battle is quite simply annoying, he's decided to slowly follow you around holding up a few daggers with magic, the look on his face majorly unsettling. You have to somehow hit the daggers he throws back at him and take the chance to slash ( them idiotic motion controls... ) rapidly while he stalls for a brief second, there are other openings of course where you can attack, such as when he throws a dagger you can attack him while he once again stalls, yet 60% of the time you do this he grabs your sword with his right hand, and you have to wiggle like a madman to break free from his grasp. The next part *shudders* is disturbing, he brings out two katana swords and is lightning quick, he dodges, teleports and simply is a ghost-ninja. Then if you look at him closely he often decides to lick his sword. '...' At this point I was rage-slashing, swinging my wii remote and highly capable of injuring someone. As far as I know you have to wait for him to teleport, then jump down from the ceiling above you, where you have to quickly dodge before he lands that killer blow and attack him while his swords are imbedded (not for long) in the ground. *gasps for breath* he has counter attacks, where if you've decided to run in circles, dodging, he'll get his 'magic' daggers back out and they'll form a circle or an arch around you. You'll have to do a spin slice in the direction the daggers and you'll survive a little longer for more dagger throws. i was: (And yes, that is him... ) P.s you read all that?!?
  9. I remember this! Great choice. Played this the other day, squee! These sort of songs I can 'sing' along to, I know them so well I can recite every beat off by heart. It still gives me shudders of joy. I can hum this off by heart, it gives me GROOSEbumps! (Get the reference, please) Anyone remember this? I fought many battles with that Delphox of mine to this theme, gosh, thousands, and I still love it, one of the battle themes in Pokémon that don't get on my nerves. A newer addition to my list yet still, very, memorable, the lego worlds theme, the game might seem a little kiddy but it's still great, similar to minecraft in some aspects. But more advanced, and a lot harder to control.
  10. I'll be posting rather a lot of zelda songs but these, for me, are glorious. @StrawCherry I just had to post this emotional piece, i can't believe I forgot it! @cmarston1 Whoa, I haven't even played it, yet, it rings a bell... it's the sort of song that, at the end of a game, could almost move you to tears.
  11. No! I've listened to the music of many games before I've played them , Midna's Lament was so touching, I just wanted to rush to hyrule castle as fast as my little paws would let me! Nintendo, for me makes the most astounding scene-fitting music, I agree this was a beautiful piece.
  12. Yes, this is very weird, but the yo-Kai watch original theme. I know every word. Every Word. And I only watched two episodes.
  13. I've recently completed a game and the music is just... breathtaking! Certain moments were accompanied by the most memorable of songs, and certain songs were paired up with just the right moment. People think gaming is useless, a waste of time, but those statements aren't true, you don't waste your life playing video games, you play them so you can live many. Sometimes you just have to listen.
  14. Do you have time to do another oc of mine?! I'd like it very very very much if you have time on your hooves! I'd be happy to doodle someone of your picking if you wish!
  15. Listening to some music from a zelda game I completed a while back, heck, it was always just perfect. Even the scary songs make me sniffle, but one, just the one actually brought me a tear. You can ask me what it was, but it was severely complicated, and the look on link's face was so gosh-darned adorable.
  16. I have something I call, The my little villains series! Of course I have more merch but I can't be bothered to take pictures, so here are all my little chaos makers!
  17. Beep, beep! Expensive alert! I want this but I can't find it anywhere, it's also not apple-cheap, it's quite a load for a lump of plastic.
  18. Definitely lalaloopsy, the creepiest toy on the shelf.
  19. Eek! I have EXACTLY that derpy! But, this is my worst merch,honestly it annoyed the bananas out of me, How is this seaswirl?! It's just a whacked-up rarity!
  20. And what a fluffy mare she is! Thank you! I love the extras! I'm working on some new OCs so I might doodle some of yours, and we can trade again sometime? My fluffy mare is now on paper!
  21. Back! My dear friend! A pony ate all my croissants so I had no breakfast. Hoping to see the new doodle from you!
  22. Oh my! I can't wait to see it! Don't bother getting it done by tomorrow since I won't be there to see it, I'll likely be eating toasted marshmallows in the rain when you're done. No problem, I had a lot of spare time on my hooves and I was willing to help somepony out, this is my first art trade and so far, so good.
  23. I've added some little tweaks, if there's anything wrong with it just ask and it will be fixed as soon as possible. You sound busy, so don't worry about it for a while since, as I said, I'll be off for a few days. I know how busy families can get, I'm a lil' British kid and I still get tons to do. If you knew how old I was you probably wouldn't believe me, I like to think I'm quite eloquent for my age. I have a tip for digital art: Use a tablet! It helps! Especially if you have a stylus to go with it, unfortunately I don't so I stick with my good ol' finger. Luckily I'm on holiday so I have time to work on my art. I am not great at full bodies and/or poses so, yeah, this is it.
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