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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Pacific Rim 2: not sure if I can make it boring. ****************** So there was a war between robots and aliens, but there is no more war because robots have won. There was this black guy and a teenager, but they are not that important to the story. However there was this Asian boss who tries to build remote control robots, but everyone was like hey no those machines are trying to take over our jobs. Remote control robots go whole Skynet thing and then destroy Asian boss factory, but actually there was this guy who got his brains brainwashed and he was a mole the whole time. Aliens comeback and wreck staff. Robots comeback and wreck aliens as well as wreck staff. The end.
  2. Probably, but if Luna can turn into Nightmare Moon there is always a chance that Celestia could do it as well.
  3. Princess Celestia is not that cold as you think she is, if you remember Daybreaker was a literal monster who would step on others to achieve her own goals.
  4. The 4th Indiana Jones movie was good.
  5. The multicolored bug-deer looks a bit silly to me. Changeling designs were perfect the way they were, perhaps they could have changed how they feed by introducing the idea of symbiosis and then make them more healthier looking.
  6. Socialism is just a system that current capitalistic system would not allow. For example the idea of universal health care is madness that people would not want.
  7. A citrus 5.9 inch in diameter. Define: Kilomonogalacopus
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