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Everything posted by RDDash

  1. Something that really far away, and something that we didn't find it yet.
  2. For the most part I do think that many examples of the effect are just a human error. I do find some rather interesting, and some others I do outright reject them.
  3. RDDash

    mega thread Last Poster Wins

    Moment of cuteness?
  4. The solution to the problem was way too simple, was there really was lava on that ship? I thought it was just glass panels. 

    1. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      humming "i got this, you got this, we got this together" that put a smile on my face

  5. The rock of stormy weather, (I just don't remember what it's called), can concentrate their magical powers making their job quite unnecessary. But that not really the point, in the show we never really saw Luna fight, it was always Celestia or Nightmare Moon, (Mooney didn't really hurt anyone when she returned from the moon, she primarily just defended herself from the main 6)
  6. If Neighsayer has his way Equestria would shut off their borders and would be closed off from the rest of the world.
  7. This is kind of silly question because of course they do, unless they were created in the toy factory
  8. The episode was okay, but we quickly went from Raritydash episode to the Starlight episode and then I felt like they fell for an extremely obvious scavenger hunt that Twilight quickly set up under the false pretense that the important artifact is lost. I can understand that clothes shopping can be extremely boring for people like Rainbow Dash, but its not like they suddenly flip and stop being friends with each other. On another hoof I really felt like Twilight forced an entire friendship lecture on them even though they probably had different plans entirely. Probably even if they pretended to be nice with each other Twilight wouldn't freak out because her lecture wouldn't go as smooth as she wanted it.
  9. My personal favorite is Dr. Pepper, I just love it drinking it.
  10. Just a random video that I found on internet


    And for horse you can say BASASHI, that joke alemost killed me.

    also, and for cherry you can say: SAKURANBU 

    1. The_Gobo


      I can understand visiting japan like that, but why would you want to stay there like that D:


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